Preparatory language courses / Online language support
Preparatory language courses: In the beginning was the word
Are your language skills sufficient to follow the courses in your host country? To assess this, you should first check what the main working language is at your chosen university. In many major European cities, the language of instruction is now English.
To improve your language level, we recommend that you attend language courses in good time. You can find courses at all language schools and also at TU Dresden or your host university.
Language training at TU Dresden: Every TU Dresden student can take 10 semester hours per week (= 150 lessons) of foreign language training free of charge.
TUDIAS: The Institute of Advanced Studies at TU Dresden offers further language courses for a fee.
Language courses at the host university: Many of the preparatory or study-related courses are free of charge for exchange students.
Would you like to improve your language skills in an individual exchange with a native speaker? The Cultural Office of the International Office will be happy to help you.
You can also find partners for a language tandem on the ERASMUS Initiative Dresden website.
Online language support: Fit for the distance!
Learn 24 languages within 3 years;) The ERASMUS Online Language Support (OLS) supports you in acquiring or perfecting your foreign language skills for your stay abroad.
Not only do you have the opportunity to improve your knowledge of the language in which you are studying abroad, but OLS also provides you with a platform for 3 years through which you can attend free online language courses in 24 languages at different learning levels and acquire and improve your language skills.
Access to the language learning offer and the language communities on the OLS platform is via an EU login, which you use to create an account. When you register on the EU Academy platform for the first time, you are required to give your consent to data protection. This hyperlink will then take you directly to the core area of OLS.
The use of OLS is a voluntary offer of online language support within the framework of Erasmus, financed by EU funds. You can find more information in the quick guide for independent use of OLS.
In case of technical difficulties, please contact the Help Center of the European Commission. Further information can be found on the DAAD website
Have fun learning languages and discovering the platform.
Special features for ERASMUS worldwide
Online language support (OLS) is also possible for an exchange within the framework of ERASMUS worldwide. In addition to the languages mentioned above, Arabic, Chinese and others are also available.