After you have been accepted
This is how it will go after you have been accepted
You made it - your ERASMUS representative or ERASMUS coordinator has confirmed your desired place. The next steps are as follows:
- Your name will be communicated to the partner university by your ERASMUS coordinator (nomination).
- You register at the partner university. The ERASMUS Office or International Office of the host university will help you with all formalities. The websites of the host university are also an important source of information.
- By the end of April, your coordinator will inform the IO so that you can also receive the ERASMUS funding for your stay.
- You create the Digital Learning Agreement via Mobility Online. After your digital signature of the DLA, the signatures of the ERASMUS coordinators of both the home and the partner university are automatically requested. The fully signed DLA must be available in the mobility portal at the host university before the start of your studies at the latest.
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How to secure ERASMUS funding:
After selection and nomination by your ERASMUS coordinator, you will receive all necessary information about ERASMUS funding from the International Office via the mobility portal.
- Create the Digital Learning Agreement via your workflow in Mobility Online. A guide will help you to create the DLA.
- By the beginning of July you will find the ERASMUS Grant Agreement in your mailbox (semester address) - please sign and return it! You will find the amount of your grant in this agreement.
- If you want to change the duration of your stay and thus the amount of ERASMUS funding or if you want to apply for special funding, please send the respective forms to the International Office.
- Upload your TUD enrollment certificate for the winter semester to the mobility portal (if you want to receive ERASMUS funding for a stay abroad, you must still be enrolled at TUD, regardless of whether you are on leave or in a semester of study).
After the above-mentioned requirements have been completed, you will receive 70% of the total planned ERASMUS funding (1st installment) at the beginning of your stay abroad.
- You have a certificate of arrival issued by the host university and upload it to the mobility portal. You will find a template in your workflow.
- If you make changes to your course selection, create the amended Digital Learning Agreement (DLA Changes) in your workflow within the first few weeks of starting your studies and have it digitally signed, see Guide to creating DLA Changes Part 4.
- If you particularly like your stay abroad and would like to extend it, contact both your host university and the ERASMUS coordinator of your faculty at TUD in good time and complete the changes in the mobility portal at least 30 days before the end of your previously planned stay:
a) Upload the application for continued funding, stating the new desired period of stay and
b) Create and sign the amended digital Learning Agreement(Guidelines for creating the DLA Changes Part 4) for the 2nd semester - If you have to shorten your planned stay, inform the host university and the IO of TUD in good time before departure and follow the instructions regarding the proof of the ERASMUS stay
It is a pity that your time abroad is already over, but you would like to receive at least the 2nd installment of the ERASMUS grant. To do so, submit the EUSurvey online survey (you will receive an invitation by email) and upload the following documents to the mobility portal no later than 30 days after the planned end of your stay:
- a certificate of residence from the host university: "Confirmation of Attendance"
- the certificate of enrollment of the TU Dresden for the period of the stay abroad
- a report about your studies at the host university
- Copy of the academic achievements ("Transcript of Records" - Learning Agreement template Transcript of Records), can also be submitted after the 30-day deadline
- Proof of recognition (Learning Agreement template Recognition: Recogition outcomes), can be submitted after the 30-day deadline.
The 2nd installment of the ERASMUS grant will be transferred immediately after the end of the stay abroad, if you have uploaded the above-mentioned documents to the mobility portal without being asked to do so. Please note that you will only receive funding for the period of stay certified in the Confirmation of Attendance and contractually agreed upon in the funding agreement. In case of a shortened period, the grant amount will be reduced and the 2nd installment will be adjusted accordingly. Excessive funding must be repaid upon request.
Attention: Be sure to meet the deadlines!