Expedition Campus – entering university with confidence
When you finish school, you are confronted with many questions: “What should I study? Should I study at all? How would I finance my studies?” These are just a few examples.
The goal of Expedition Campus – entering university with confidence is to facilitate your transition to student life, to clear up questions you may have, and to connect you with other students.
The university group Arbeiterkind and the Expedition Campus team offer a broad range of services to help you get oriented and settled at the university. Moreover, there are many other programs at TU Dresden which offer support to students. You can find a selection of these on this page.
2023 program: Entering university with confidence
This program comprises a monthly meet-up, a series of workshops hosted by Arbeiterkind.de and regular campus tours with students to help newcomers find their way.
No registration is needed to take part in the meet-up or the Arbeiterkind.de workshops. To participate in the workshops offered by the Central Student Information and Counseling Service and the campus tours, you may need to register in advance.
Campus tours
Before you even begin studying, you can come explore our campus together with other students-to-be and the team of current students working with Expedition Campus.
You will need to register in advance.
Directly afterwards, you will have the option to join up with the Arbeiterkind meet-up.
- July 5, 2023, 6:00 pm: Meeting place: By the book-sharing box in front of the Auditorium Center
- August 2, 2023, 6:00 pm: Meeting place: By the book-sharing box in front of the Auditorium Center
Once a month, you have the opportunity to ask us your burning questions. The team from Arbeiterkind.de knows what it’s like to be new and knows how much harder it is if you’re the first in your family to go to university. Whether you have a specific issue or you just want to chill with some nice people, come say hello!
Dates: Every first Wednesday of the month, 8:00 pm
Location: online; the link is available on the Arbeiterkind website.
In the summer, the meet-up takes place in person on campus.
Arbeiterkind.de invites you to take part in the following workshops (in German):
- Exam stress & time management (November)
- Basic knowledge about financing
- How do I write a term paper? (December/January)
More information coming soon.
The Central Student Information and Counseling Service also offers many helpful workshops to make your transition to university smoother. Follow the link to find out how to register.
July 18, 2023 Switching degree programs and deciding what to study.
September 18, 2023 Getting started – an interactive presentation for first semester students on study orientation
September 20, 2023 Getting started – an interactive presentation for first semester students on study orientation Online
September 21, 2023 Getting started – an interactive presentation for first semester students on study orientation Online
September 26, 2023 New students – where to find the information you need Online
Tips and tricks:
- TU Dresden’s early warning system Passt?! helps students keep track of the course of their studies. If things aren’t going as they should, PASST?! will send you an email with recommendations for advising or support. Participation in the recommended services is voluntary and free.
- During the ESE-Woche orientation week, you will receive many helpful tips and make contacts with other students new and old. The Faculty Student Bodies can provide a lot of information about how your studies are organized. This week is one that shouldn’t be missed.
- Academic Advisors are your contacts for all topics related to your degree program, be they about the content or the organization. They are happy to help you even before you get started here.
Important contacts at TU Dresden
- The first point of contact for all questions regarding studying at TU Dresden is the ServiceCenterStudies.
- In addition to offering workshops and information, the Central Student Information and Counseling Service is your contact for personal advising.
- With the SLUB writing consultations, you will receive support with anything to do with academic writing.
- Student Union – Studentenwerk: The staff is happy to help when it comes to housing, financing and social life. For example, the residence halls are all operated by the Studentenwerk. Your BAföG funding application must also be sent to the Studentenwerk (Financial Aid Office).
- Uni from A to Z: You will be encountered with a whole new set of vocabulary at our university. Uni from A to Z will explain most of them to you.
Unfortunately, it’s not guaranteed that everyone makes it to university. Youth from families without an academic background often decide not to study. The reasons for this are manifold. Frequently, they don’t have role models or family who support it, or they don’t have the adequate information and resources. The network Arbeiterkind.de has therefore made it its mission to inspire, inform and support pupils from families without an academic background to take the leap and be the first to go to university.
Many of the over 6,000 volunteers involved are first-generation students or academics who can offer up their own experiences to encourage others like them.
There is also an Arbeiterkind.de university group at TU Dresden.
The project Expedition Campus – entering university with confidence is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments.
For inquiries, please feel free to contact:

Mitarbeiterin Schulkontaktstelle
NameAnnemarie Marx Dipl. Berufspädagogin
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Technische Universität Dresden Dezernat 8
Mommsenstr. 6, E67
01069 Dresden