Service Catalogue
The Service Catalogue is an overview of the IT services of the TU Dresden and the Sächsischen Landes-, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB). It is maintained jointly by all institutions. For technical questions, please contact the Service Desk of the Centre for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH). The responsibility for the content of the individual services lies with the IT officers of the respective institutions. The instructions on maintaining the service catalogue contents are available for all service providers.
Directory services (Active Directory/LDAP)
User administration based on centrally maintained identities
Service for encrypted communication with external communication partners (third parties).
Newsletter Tool
Based on the software service of the professional e-mail marketing provider "Clever Elements", the Web and Video department provides a central newsletter tool for the TU Dresden. With this tool, you can send CD-compliant and data protection-compliant newsletters to your subscribers via specially certified e-mail servers ("CSA Whitelisting").
SLUB Homepage
The SLUB Homepage is the primary website of SLUB Dresden. Here, users are offered user-friendly and web-friendly, target-group-specific information on central SLUB services as well as numerous communication options. is the portal of the specialist information service for Art, Photography and Design. The digital platform for art history and art studies offers digital tools, research tools and digital source material on art, photography, design.