Service Catalogue

46 Search results


Tags: Reseach Tool, Web

Saxorum (SXRM) is a digital knowledge resource on everyday life, culture and history in Saxony.

Location: > > SLUB

Certificate management

Tags: ACME, B2B, B2C, E-Mail, SECTIGO, Virtual Server (VM)

Apply for user certificates and server certificates

Homepage MaterialHub

Tags: B2B, B2C, Reseach Tool, Software, Web

The Material Hub is an open, cross-domain material research platform for research and application provided by the SLUB.

Location: > > SLUB

ZIH login

Tags: Authentication, B2B, B2C, Login

User account

Software retrieval

Tags: B2B, B2C, Licences, Software

Software via framework, volume license, campus and country contracts available in ZIH software list

HPC intermediate archive

Tags: Archive, B2B, B2C, Backup, High Performance computing (HPC), Storage

Archive data from HPC projects


Tags: B2B, B2C, E-Mail, Collaboration

Communicating with e-mails

Mailing lists

Tags: B2B, B2C, E-Mail

Mailing lists or distribution groups for TU internal and external mail addresses


Tags: B2B, B2C, Collaboration

Web-based platform for group collaboration and support of typical workflows


Tags: B2B, B2C, Access Campusnet

Wireless access to the Internet via eduroam or guest WLAN

Remote support

Tags: B2B, B2C, Help/Support, Collaboration

Remote access for support and maintenance

Enterprise cloud

Tags: B2B, B2C, Virtual Server (VM)

High-availability virtual machines with the ability to be accessed via the Internet