Professional Impact
Table of contents
The Office of the Decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer
Important information on the Office of the Equal Opportunities Officer and her deputies in the departments, faculties and Central Units at TU Dresden:
- Legal basis and framework conditions
- Structures and levels of responsibility within TU Dresden
- The office in profile
- Tasks
The office of the decentralized Equal Opportunities Officer (PDF file)
Checklist for taking office
We are delighted that you would like to play an active role in shaping equal opportunities work at our university and contribute your commitment and experience to a common cause. Come to us with your questions.
We have compiled some important information below to make it easier for you to get started.
Introduce yourself to your area of responsibility (Dean's Office and Faculty Board / Departmental Administration / Central Units).
Familiarization and documents
Find out who has held this office before you.
Arrange a meeting and ask for current documents on current processes and access to the function e-mail address.
You can find equality-related texts and downloads.
Public relations
Arrange for the information on the Equal Opportunities Officers in your department, faculty or Central Academic Unit to be updated on your organizational unit's website.
All Equal Opportunities Officers and their deputies are entitled to be relieved of official duties. The situation is currently dynamic - we will keep you up to date.
Work organization
Familiarize yourself with the equality policy measures already initiated in your department / faculty / ZWE. Be aware of the current equality-related tasks in your organizational unit and take these into account when planning your work (office hours, availability, time and space for discussions, etc.).
Appointment procedure
Clarify whether further appointment procedures are pending and coordinate participation with your representative if necessary.
Look for allies and like-minded people. Take advantage of the exchange of information and experience with other colleagues, e.g. the "Café Equality" offered by the Central Equal Opportunities Officer. Here you have the opportunity to discuss cases with colleagues in a small group (digitally).
Further training
The Equal Opportunities Office provides information on opportunities for further education and training.
In the "PIA - Professionell im Amt" series, basic training courses are offered on request.

Dr. phil. Jutta Luise Eckhardt
Gleichstellungsbeauftragte der TU Dresden
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
barrierefreier Eingang über Reichenbachstrasse
Rampe, Aufzug, Raum 234
Weberplatz 5
01217 Dresden
Office hours:
- Thursday:
- 11:00 - 14:00
- oder nach Vereinbarung
Equal Opportunities Officers in the departments, faculties and Central Academic Units
Further contacts
Unit Diversity Management
Gender equality is anchored as a management task in the Extended University Executive Board of TU Dresden in the Prorectorate for University Culture. This is where the central management and strategic responsibility for the topic lies as part of the overall strategy for diversity and inclusion. The Unit Diversity Management is located in the associated Directorate University Culture. The colleagues in the Unit Diversity Management are contact persons for coordination, networking and content-related and administrative support for a variety of topics (including gender-sensitive student recruitment, family-friendly university, inclusive university, empowerment, networking and visibility of female academics as well as initiatives and projects that address the core dimensions of diversity).
/ Sylvi Bianchin
Complaints office for harassment, discrimination and violence
The TU Dresden Complaints Office is open to employees and students in the event of incidents of harassment, discrimination and violence. It was set up on the basis of the 2018 Policy on Dealing with Harassment, Discrimination and Violence and is integrated into TU Dresden's Compliance Management System.
/ Anja Wiede
Queer peer counseling
Living and experiencingqueer realities as a natural part of our university community in studies, work, partnership and care is still a major challenge. The Queer Peer Counseling Service offers an opportunity for discussion.
/ Fay Uhlmann
Appointment team at TU Dresden
The colleagues in the appointment team are always available as contact persons for all those involved in the procedures and offer active support in all phases of the appointment.
/ Kathrin Dietzmann
Standing Committee of the Senate Equal Opportunities and Diversity Management
The central body in academic self-administration is the Standing Committee of the Senate on Gender Equality and Diversity Management. Here, under the leadership of the Vice-Rector University Culture, measures are monitored, topics are initiated and discussed and prepared for the Senate and the Extended University Executive Board.
In order to support colleagues in their task and promote exchange, the Equal Opportunities Office advises, for example, on the implementation of appropriate working conditions (equipment/relief) and has continuously offered the following formats for several years:
Equal Opportunities Officer Working Group
The quarterly meetings of the Equal Opportunities Officer Working Group serve as an opportunity to meet in person and exchange a wide range of information from the work in the various organizational units. Needs and developments are discussed in the context of the joint implementation of the gender equality mandate. The feasibility of new ideas and projects is discussed.
Café Equality
Where possible, the café invites participants every four weeks to work together on solutions to current problems in a collegial case consultation format.
Worth knowing - "News for equal opportunities officers"
Current information from our networks that may be of interest to equal opportunities officers
Further training for equal opportunities officers
PIA is an in-house continuing education series for equal opportunities officers to impart theoretical and practical basic knowledge after taking office and to deepen certain issues, for which external experts are also invited.
PIA takes place in coordination with the Continuing Education Steering Committee at TU Dresden and is documented in the annual continuing education report of the Center for Continuing Education (ZfW).
The following topics are part of the regular canon:
- Gender equality aspects in appointment procedures
Among other things, the training provides information on legal principles, the phenomenon of "unconcious bias", the formal course of a procedure, the participation rights and obligations of equal opportunities officers and the design of the final vote.
Guide to gender-sensitive appointment procedures
- Standards of advice
The training provides information on the website for advisory services, among other things,
minimum standards, legal and ethical standards,
discussion situations,
Referral counseling and methodology of collegial case counseling
- Gender competence in the university context
- Questions and answers on the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act (in cooperation with the TU Dresden Human Resources Department)
- Data protection in question and answer (in cooperation with the Data Protection Officer of TU Dresden)
- Development and application of qualitative indicators
Equality Officers are involved in the updating and implementation of TU Dresden's Equality Concept. They are involved in the implementation of measures in the areas of activity of equality in the target agreements and work strategically and conceptually in the departments and faculties as well as across departments and faculties on the development and implementation of measures and projects, also in the context of acquiring third-party funding. Continuing education supports the formulation of realistic objectives and their implementation with realistic measures for predominantly qualitative concerns.