Feb 05, 2016
IDEENSTUDIO on Innovative Cell Culture
TU Dresden’s Project Scouts has been holding an IDEENSTUDIO on the subject of financing possibilities for models in cell culture. The event took place from 1 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. on 25 February 2016, at the Center for Regenerative Therapies (CRTD), Fetscherstrasse 105. Dr. Rudi Loesel (Project Management Jülich), provided participants with information about the Federal Ministry of Education and Research’s (BMBF) funding programme “Alternativen zum Tierversuch” (Alternatives to Animal Experiments). Together with other experts, he was available to answer questions and give feedback on the ideas presented. In addition, the methodological exchange between the different research groups in the area of Life Sciences in Dresden was to be promoted. read more about the IDEENSTUDIO