Jun 21, 2024
Around 4.5 million euros in federal funding for communicating quantum technologies to the general public
QUARKS joint project launched at TU Dresden
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing over 4.47 million euros in funding for the joint project "QUAntenkommunikation netzweRke Kompetenz für die gesellSchaft" (QUARKS) coordinated by Prof. Frank Fitzek - holder of the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks and spokesperson for the Cluster of Excellence "Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop" (CeTI) - at the TUD Dresden University of Technology (TUD). Leading pioneers of quantum computing gathered at the TUD for the kick-off meeting on June 20, 2024. In addition to Prof. Fitzek, Prof. Holger Boche (Chair of Theoretical Information Technology, TU Munich), Prof. Riccardo Bassoli (Junior Professorship for Quantum Communication Networks, TUD) and Dr. Gopi Balasubramanian took part in the event. His start-up XeedQ is the leading practical partner in the project and aims to pave the way for fault-tolerant quantum computers for the mass market with the XQ1 mobile quantum processor.
Bringing quantum communication to life
The QUARKS project is dedicated to quantum communication and makes the application potential of this high technology for business and society tangible. It includes experiments on qubits, programming exercises on quantum superposition and aspects of quantum communication that are impossible with conventional communication networks. It is aimed in particular at skilled workers from industry and society as well as school pupils from year 10 upwards.
"The scientists at TUD are aware of their responsibility to society in these turbulent times," says TUD Rector Prof. Ursula Staudinger. "Qualified people and digital sovereignty are a valuable asset for competitiveness and economic development in Germany. QUARKS promises insightful research results in the course of the project."
The QUARKS project proposal impressed with a concept that goes beyond traditional forms of communication: "No other project focuses so strongly on mutually communicating quantum concepts for the design of future communication networks to diverse groups in society," explains Prof. Frank Fitzek from the TUD. "Quantum resources and their technological implementations are central to future communication, social progress and economic growth. They will improve security in general, reduce technical delay - for example when interacting with robots - and drastically reduce energy consumption for future services such as interactions in the metaverse."
Quantum communication for all
QUARKS involves innovation days in industrial companies, hybrid school models, technology demonstrators and participatory events in public institutions. In addition to an understandable approach for the public, QUARKS also includes modules for skilled workers and school students in Dresden and Munich as science locations for quantum communication networks. This is intended to counteract the shortage of skilled workers in the field of quantum communication.
Quantum activ - outreach concepts and open innovation for quantum technologies:
With the funding measure "Quantum active - outreach concepts and open innovation for quantum technologies", the BMBF is pursuing the goal of bringing quantum technologies closer to as many people as possible, making them understandable and breaking down inhibitions. The aim is also to enable active participation in the innovation process in highly topical research topics. This requires creative approaches that prepare research on quantum technologies for broad and diverse target groups. https://www.quantentechnologien.de/forschung/foerderung/quantum-aktiv-outreach-konzepte-und-open-innovation-fuer-quantentechnologien.html
CeTI Cluster of Excellence at TU Dresden:
Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop Interaction is a Cluster of Excellence at TU Dresden. In future, people should be able to interact in real time with robots or machines in the real or virtual world. The aim of the research is to democratize access to skills and expertise in order to promote equal opportunities for people of different genders, ages, cultural backgrounds or physical limitations. Scientists from the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, mechanical engineering, psychology, medicine and neuroscience are working together on an interdisciplinary basis to create the foundations for new applications in medicine, industry and the Internet of Skills. https://ceti.one/de/
The TUD Dresden University of Technology (TUD):
As a University of Excellence, the TUD is one of Germany's top-performing research institutions. With around 8,300 employees and around 29,000 students in 17 faculties, it is one of the largest technically-oriented universities. Founded in 1828, today it is a globally oriented, regionally anchored top university that aims to make innovative contributions to solving global challenges. In research and teaching, it combines engineering and natural sciences with the humanities, social sciences and medicine. This nationally outstanding diversity of subjects enables the university to promote interdisciplinarity and bring science into society.
Further information:
Lisa Marie Küssel
Phone +49 351 463-40402
Mobile +49 151 20042637
E-mail lisa_marie.kuessel@tu-dresden.de