Oct 13, 2016
“Summer of Excellence” comes to successful conclusion; Call for Proposals for 2017 is still open till October 30, 2016
In 2016, junior researchers from all over the world once again met on the TUD campus for the International Summer Schools “Summer of Excellence”.
The highlight was a joint “Night of Excellence” on October 5, 2016, where TU Dresden welcomed its guests to a networking meeting which included an experimental chemistry show and a beer tasting session based on sound scientific principles.
In total, more than 120 researchers from all five continents took part in the 2016 International Summer Schools. There were even participants from as far afield as Australia.
Thomas Doert, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, and organiser of the Summer School “Symmetries and Phase Transitions - From Crystals and Superconductors to the Higgs Particle and the Cosmos”, assessed the event in a very positive light: “Participants, speakers and the organisers, too, were all equally delighted at the success of this intensive week of work, and left the conference location enriched by many new insights, impressions and personal contacts.”
More information on the 2016 International Summer Schools and a picture gallery with impressions from the “Night of Excellence” can be accessed on the Summer School website.
The call for proposals for next year’s International Summer Schools is still open until October 30, 2016.
For more information and to download the application documents, please go to http://tu-dresden.de/zuk/sommerschulen.