19.09.2023; Workshop
Rhetorical Self-Defense
Who hasn’t experienced this? Hours after the situation, you realize what you should have said!
Good communication feeds on a toolbox. The workshop “Rhetorical Self-Defense” strengthens your verbal repartee, makes you confident in body language. Unconscious signals sent out at the moment of confrontation reveal more than all words. Strong words only work if the body plays along. In the best case, with a quick-witted sentence and humor.
The workshop offers practical exercises on interventions and successful, also non-verbal communication based on your concrete cases and questions. It arms you against power games, manipulations and unfair psychological tricks.
The goal of the workshop is to achieve a self-confident appearance that goes hand in hand with your values. Continue to act in an appreciative manner without becoming defensive. Pay attention to the interplay of self-confident inner and outer attitude, because a self-confident and strong appearance grows from this.
Note on language: English
This workshop offer is free and open to members from the Women@DDc Network. Places are limited to 12. Please register preferably via LinkedIn registration or by email to by Sept. 7, 2023. Once the workshop is full, we will open a waitlist.
Referentin Diversity Management | stv. Sachgebietsleitung
NameKatrin Saure
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