07.02.2023; Dialogveranstaltung
Women@DDc Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023Tuesday Expert Talk #1 - Outreach
The first Tuesday Expert Talk focuses on the field of science management: Outreach/PR.
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
Location: COSMO Science Forum at Kulturpalast Dresden
We are pleased to have been able to engage the following experts for our first talk:
- Katrin Boes, Public Relations Office, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)
- Magdalena Gonciarz, Ph.D., PR Officer, Technische Universität Dresden, Center for Molecular and Cellular Bioengineering (CMCB)
- Katja Lesser, Public Relations Advisor, Technische Universität Dresden, Würzburg-Dresden Cluster ct.qmat
- Dr. Anna-Maria Schielicke, Head of Knowledge Transfer, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)
Following introductions of the speakers, there will be a moderated Q&A session. As always, we invite the participants to seize the opportunity to network.
Note on language: English.
The number of participants is limited to about 25 persons.
For better planning, please register by Jan. 31, 2023 preferably via LinkedIn event registration or by email ().
On the Tuesday Expert Talk Series: This event series is co-organized with the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB). On a monthly basis starting in February, we are inviting female science managers from different fields of work to talk about their work and career. The event series addresses both female scientists as well as science managers who would like to get an overview on the various tasks in the field of science and would like to engage in a dialogue.

Referentin Diversity Management | stv. Sachgebietsleitung
NameKatrin Saure
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