Organizing in Times of Crisis: The Case of War and Armed Conflict: Prof. Blagoy Blagoev (#BB1)
Brief Description
This hybrid Master’s degree course was organized as a reaction to the war in Ukraine by various universities in the German-speaking world. It has a collaborative, open teaching format with both online and on-site elements. Based on online videos, reading material and press releases, the seminar discussed the impact on and the role of different forms of organization(s).
- Collaborative
- Current
- Participative

Organizing in Times of Crisis: The Case of War and Armed Conflict: Prof. Blagoy Blagoev (#BB1)
What makes this gem special?
The Master’s degree course “Organizing in Times of Crisis: The Case of War and Armed Conflict” addresses the current crisis surrounding the war in Ukraine from the perspective of organizational and management theory.
It is a collaboration of organization professors and researchers from different universities in Austria, the Netherlands and Germany, who are experts in various aspects of management and organization that are relevant in times of war and armed conflict.
A website was created specially for the course, providing lecture recordings as well as a series of core and supplementary reading material and links to current press releases.
The topics are worked out in the seminar and then students have the opportunity to reflect on and discuss them on site.
The digital strategy of the course is most notably characterized by three points.
The website, which provides a link to the international participants, enables the decentralized assembly of educational content. This collective expertise enables everyone to respond more quickly to current events, ensuring excellent academic quality and the topical relevance of the course. Thus, the course could already be offered in the 2022 summer semester in quick reaction to the crisis.
The hybrid layout of the course takes advantage of the best aspects of both digital and on-site teaching. Linking synchronous and asynchronous components enables students to study when it best suits them while allowing time to discuss sensitive topics in depth.
The asynchronous course content is available without special login credentials via the website in keeping with the maxims of open science of making research and teaching accessible beyond the limits of the university. The course thus contributes to the dissemination and elucidation of university knowledge.
Related links
Organizational unit
Faculty of Business and Economics, Chair of Business Administration, esp. Organization
Course size
Up to 30 students
Voting ID