Areas of Activity for Vocational Didactics: Martin Karstädt (#MK1)
Brief Description
In this seminar, students in the 5th semester of their studies in Teacher Training for Health and Nursing Care in vocational schools explore a range of topics that are significant in curriculum development for health and nursing care training. These topics are intrinsic to their later professional life within the context of the didactic lesson planning.
- Curriculum development
- Places of learning
- Methodological strategies
Podcast Pflege im Fokus
What makes this gem special?
To work with curricula in their future careers, trainee teachers will have to confront the area of activity that is curriculum development sooner or later. When learning about this topic, students also come into contact with various aspects and perspectives of related areas of activity.
Students were tasked with developing a podcast or video tutorial for an in-depth analysis of these key focus areas. This served both to promote the students’ media skills and to raise their awareness of the creative presentation of ideas for educational purposes following the approach of didactic reduction. Students will be able to use their finished podcasts or video tutorials in their future teaching careers. During this process, the lecturers and two tutors were on hand to provide active support to the prospective teachers, ensuring that the small groups in which the podcasts and video tutorials were created received close supervision and advice.
The projects were technically supported by the internal OPAL course and on the students' own initiative. Students and lecturers mainly used digital means of communication, meaning the students could develop their products off campus, independently of the usual seminar times. Students could request equipment such as audio recorders, video cameras or editing programs as needed.
After they had completed their products, the students had the opportunity to present their podcasts and video tutorials together in the seminar and receive feedback on their work based on their classmates’ and lecturers’ reflections.
Organizational unit
Faculty of Education, Institute of Vocational Didactics, Chair of Health and Nursing / Vocational Didactics
Course size
31 to 100 students
Voting ID