Based on the conviction that innovative teacher training requires international exchange, the ZLSB is in contact with numerous international network partners and pursues various internationalization measures in line with TU Dresden's internationalization strategy:
Table of contents
Promotion of student mobility abroad
The Academic Affairs Office for Teacher Education at the ZLSB supports student teachers in planning and organizing stays abroad and provides information and advice on the many opportunities available to sharpen their professional profile through international experience and intercultural learning. Student teachers can find detailed information and a wide range of suggestions on the page Stays abroad.
- Experience reports from student teachers in the podcast
- International school network for the implementation of school internships abroad
The ZLSB also supports international incoming students on study and research visits and arranges language courses and internships at Saxon schools.
Internationalization of teaching
As part of Internationalization@home, the ZLSB supports cooperative teaching and learning opportunities with an intercultural dimension and regularly offers intercultural awareness workshops in the area of supplementary studies.
International teacher training research
In order to strengthen international research cooperation, the ZLSB regularly participates in (teacher) education research conferences abroad and organizes international conferences, workshops and training courses itself:
The international workshop "Design of Learning and Teacher Education in Germany and Japan" took place from 5. - 6. September 2018 at Kobe University.
The international workshop "Teacher Education in (Trans)Formation: Global Trends, National Processes and Local Factors" took place from 12 - 16. November 2018 at the TU Dresden.
The international kick-off meeting from 16 to 20 December 2019 brought together international partners, students as well as teachers and headmasters to lay the foundations for cooperation in the IMPRESS project on the internationalisation of teacher education.
Website des Projekts "IMPRESS"
Bericht zum internationalen Kick-Off Meeting
The "1st Dresden Conference on Lateral Entry and Second Career Teachers" will take place online from November 24th-25th, 2020.
The conference aims to compare different national developments, strategies and frameworks, develop future research cooperations and discuss current research on the topic of lateral entry to the teacher profession.
Der internationale Austausch zu Bildungsfragen ist während der Pandemie wichtiger denn je geworden. Daher organisierte das ZLSB zwischen Oktober 2020 und Januar 2021 eine Fortbildung, die Lehrkräfte, Schulleiter:innen und Erziehungswissenschaftler:innen des IMPRESS-Netzwerks aus vier Kontinenten und zwölf Zeitzonen zusammenbrachte. Gemeinsam reflektierten sie über Themen und Probleme, die Schulen weltweit betreffen, und für die dringend neue Antworten und Lösungsansätze benötigt werden. Die Themen der Fortbildung wurden von den Teilnehmer:innen selbst gewählt: "Civic and Intercultural Education", "Digitalization", "Environmental Education" sowie "School Management and Leadership".
Begleitet und moderiert wurde die englischsprachige Fortbildung von Kathi Ahl, Autorin des 2020 erschienenen Buchs "Schule verändern - jetzt!". Als Referent:innen agierten die Teilnehmer:innen selbst sowie ZLSB-Mitarbeiterinnen und weitere deutsche Expert:innen.
Hier finden Sie nähere Informationen und Materialien zur Fortbildung.
Die diesjährige Summer School des Netzwerks Lehrerbildung-Nachwuchskollegs NeLe der Universitäten in Dresden, Erfurt, Halle, Jena und Potsdam findet am 09. und 10. September 2021 erstmals mit Beteiligung internationaler Doktorand:innen statt, um die Perspektive über den nationalen Diskurs hinaus zu erweitern und empirische Forschung mit Lehramtsbezug global zu vernetzen. Thema der Summer School ist "Empirical research for high quality teaching and teacher education".
In einer Mischung aus bewährten und neuen Formaten bietet die NeLe Summer School sowohl fortgeschrittenen Promovierenden als auch Forschenden am Anfang ihrer Qualifikationsphase Gelegenheit zu kollegialem Austausch, kritisch-konstruktiver Diskussion und forschungsmethodischer Weiterbildung. Der erste Tag der Summer School wird in deutscher, der zweite Tag mit internationalen Gästen in englischer Sprache durchgeführt.
Hier geht es zur Anmeldung und zum Programm der Summer School.
In the winter semester 2021/22, the IMPRESS project organised an international and virtual workshop series called THE NEW NORMAL: CHALLENGES AND CHANCES FOR SCHOOLS, TEACHERS AND STUDENTS.
The workshops focused on discussing topics and problems on the 'new normal' caused by the pandemic situation which led to challenges and opportunities not only in everyday life but especially in schools and universities. Sharing new approaches to solutions that are relevant for work in the classroom and in teaching, the participants discussed in thematic workshops which are summarized here.
Networking and partnership work
The ZLSB is in constant contact with numerous international network partners. These include universities and schools worldwide. The collaborations focus on regional networking with universities in Dresden's "local area" with universities in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia on the one hand, and global, topic-related networking with research partners from four continents on the other. They serve to find effective answers to the global challenges facing schools and teacher training in the future.
Country | University |
Finland | Tampere University |
Hong Kong | |
Indonesia | Atmajaya Jakarta University |
Ireland | University College Dublin |
Israel |
Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and the Arts |
Japan | Kobe University Shizuoka University Tokyo Gakugei University |
Jordan | Isra University |
Kazakhstan | Margulan University Pavlodar |
Poland | |
Portugal | Politécnico de Coimbra |
Slovakia | University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava |
Czech Republic | Charles University Prague Jan Evangelista Purkyně University Ústi nad Labem |
Russia | Kazan Federal University Novgorod State University Tomsk State University State Pedagogical University of the Altai Region Tyumen University |
South Africa | Stellenbosch University |
Hungary | |
Map view of the ZLSB's university and school partners (external link to Google Maps)