Table of contents
The aim of the ZLSB project IMPRESS – short for “Internationality via Mobility Projects, Research and Education Synergies” – is to strengthen internationalization in teacher education at the TUD: Internationality via Mobility Projects, Research and Education Synergies.
The focus is to improve the intercultural competence of students as well as to increase their international mobility. In order to achieve this, an international school network will be established, the counselling and support structures at the ZLSB will be consolidated, and internationally oriented teaching and learning formats will be tested, which will also allow a “kerosene-free” variant of internationalisation. In addition, the cross-border academic exchange of the ZLSB will be further promoted. The project is funded by the DAAD programme Lehramt.International until the end of 2024.
Together with partner universities in 15 countries and international partner schools, the ZLSB forms a network rich in resources, which offers students and educational scholars numerous options for a stay abroad. Accompanying intercultural trainings serve as preparation and subsequent reflection of the experiences abroad. Students are supported by a range of advisory services. This is intended to promote the international mobility of students and make it a visible part of teacher training.
In addition, the existing research activities network will be further expanded. The cooperation focuses on regional networking with universities in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia on the one hand, and global, topic-related networking with educational researchers from four continents on the other. They are designed to find effective answers to the global challenges facing schools and teacher education in the future.
Project goals of IMPRESS
- Visualise options for international mobility in curricula and course schedules of teacher training courses and, if necessary, incorporate them
- Present attractive mobility models in teacher training and emphasize the benefits concerning professional and personal development
- Facilitate the organization of stays abroad by offering a wide range of advisory and support services for students
- Establish a network of international partner schools to support the practical training of students abroad
- Enable future teachers to work with cultural diversity and heterogeneity in the classroom through intercultural awareness raising
- Develop innovative, computer-based intercultural training courses especially for student teachers
- Improve access to credited courses for teacher training students
- Introduce and pilot internationally accessible teaching and learning formats in teacher training (e.g. mixed study groups, summer and winter schools, teaching tandems, short-term lectureships of international partners), allowing the engagement with different perspectives and educational systems, and thus "internationalisation at home"
- Expand the international partner network of the ZLSB: strengthen existing contacts with foreign universities and gain new partners
- Provide a permanent academic exchange by organising and supporting regular network meetings, international conferences, conference visits abroad and research stays of young researchers
- Support cooperative publications and teaching/learning formats
- Establish a computer-based, sustainable knowledge management on topics of international teacher education research
- Transfer the internationalization strategy of the TU Dresden to the area of teacher education
- Advising and training of study (subject) advisors and other multipliers on the topic of student mobility
- Management and exchange structures for the internationalisation agenda
Information for students
Take the opportunity to meet the principals and teachers of the ZLSB's international school network in person and receive information about the schools abroad. Upcoming events will be announced under Dates .

Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Rοοm 23a Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research (ZLSB)
01069 Dresden
Project Management: Prof. Dr. Axel Gehrmann
Project Coordination: Maria Richter-Babekoff, M.A.
Coordination of Student Mobility: Dr. Yi Li
Public Relations: Ante Beslic, M.A.
Upcoming events will be announced in the news section on the ZLSB page
Past events
Datum | Veranstaltung |
21.09.-26.09.2024 | First international Late Summer School SPARKLES FOR SCHOOLS |
13 February & 16 May 2024 | Welcome Aborad Café information event for student teachers |
28 November 2023 | Large contact forum for students to get in touch with international partner institutions - as part of the "Education for Sustainable Futures" symposium |
08 June 2023 | Contribution to the second TEACHERMANIA, the teaching festival of the TU Dresden: public forum for interested students on the topic of internship and studying abroad in combination wtih the International Networking Days (Networking event with workshops on inclusion, digitization and lateral entry into the teaching profession) |
02 November 2022 | "Study, Teach & Travel" - Information event on scholarships and funding oppotunities for teacher training students Presentations (available in German only) |
14 July 2022 | Presentation at the MTC’s project series “What the Stex?” ('Nach dem Staatsexamen ins Ausland', presentations available in German only) |
09 June 2022 | Contribution to the hybrid final conference of the project ‘Grenzüberschreitendes Lernen und Lehren mit Virtual Exchang’: presentation of the IMPRESS project (presentation in English) |
02 June 2022 | Contribution to ‘TEACHERMANIA’ (the first teacher training festival at TU Dresden): Information on “Studying teacher training internationally – opportunities and options for experiences abroad at the TU Dresden” |
20 May 2022 | "Study, Teach & Travel" – Information event on scholarships and funding opportunities for teacher training students Presentations (available in German only) |
27.11.2021–21.01.2022 | International Workshop Series: The new normal: challenges and chances for schools, teachers and students |
08 October 2021 | "Study, Teach & Travel" – Information event on scholarships and funding opportunities for teacher training students (Presentations, available in German only) |
15 July 2021 | Presentation at the MTC’s project series “What the Stex?” ('Nach dem Staatsexamen ins Ausland') |
06 May 2021 | “Schulpraktika im Ausland – Förderprogramme für Lehramtsstudierende” – Information event at the virtual International Day (presentation, available in German only) |
27 January 2021 | Mobility Party at the School of Science |
08 October 2020 | "Study, Teach & Travel" – Information event on scholarships and funding opportunities for teacher training students (Presentations, available in German only) |
25 June 2020 | Virtual Get-Together with the partner schools of the IMPRESS network |
16 May 2020 | Virtual Get-Together with the partner universities of the IMPRESS network |
15 January 2020 | Mobility Party at the School of Science |
16–20 December 2019 |
International Kick-Off Meeting, TU Dresden |
18 December 2019 | International contact forum with representatives of the international school network, 18 December |
28 November 2019 | “Study, Teach & Travel” – Information event |
The project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.