Table of contents
Project Management
Head of Project

Mr Prof. Dr. Axel Gehrmann
Managing Director, Board of Directors ZLSB
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 01b Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Project Coordination BQL

Research associate
NameMs Dr. Peggy Germer
Project manager BQL
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung Sekretariat
01062 Dresden
Visiting address:
E03 Gebäude für Forschung u. Lehre, Room E04 Ludwig-Ermold-Str. 3
01217 Dresden

Ms Veselina Friedewald
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 18a Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden

Ms Rolaine Gatmaitan
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 18a Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Exam Management
Mr Karl Pfaffner
BQL examination matters
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung Sekretariat
01062 Dresden
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room E05 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Coordination of digital services in lateral entry BQL.Digital

Research associate
NameMs Dipl.-Medieninf. Dagmar Oertel
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
E03 Gebäude für Forschung u. Lehre, Room 201 Ludwig-Ermold-Str. 3
01217 Dresden

Research associate
NameMs Dr. Christin Nenner
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 201 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Scientific support BQL

Research associate
NameMs Dipl.-Soz. Anna Noémie Verheggen
Accompanying research on lateral entry
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung Sekretariat
01062 Dresden
Visiting address:
E03 Gebäude für Forschung u. Lehre, Room 206 Ludwig-Ermold-Straße 3
01217 Dresden
Coordination Office Inclusion BQL

Research associate
NameMs Tina Czaja
Inclusion coordination office
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 21 Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden
Subject Coordination
Mathematics & Physics

Research associate
NameMs Dr. Kerstin Koch
Subject coordinator lateral entry mathematics and physics
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
E03 Gebäude für Forschung u. Lehre, Room E05 Ludwig-Ermold-Str. 3
01217 Dresden
Visiting address:
WIL Willers-Bau, Room C235 Zellescher Weg 12–14
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by appointment
Primary School

Research associate
NameMr Alexander Klippstein
Subject coordinator primary school
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, Schul- und Berufsbildungsforschung Sekretariat
01062 Dresden
Visiting address:
E03 Gebäude für Forschung u. Lehre, Room E04 Ludwig-Ermold-Str. 3
01217 Dresden

Research Assistant
NameMs Stephanie Richter
Subject Coordinator Lateral Entry German
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Visiting address:
W48, Room 2.07 Wiener Str. 48
01069 Dresden
Office hours:
by arrangement in advance via email
Computer Science

Research associate
NameMs Anne Hamann M.Sc.
Subject coordinator lateral entry computer science
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Visiting address:
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Raum 2099 Nöthnitzer Str. 46
01187 Dresden
Office hours:
- Tuesday:
- 08:00 - 16:00
- Wednesday:
- 08:00 - 16:00
Dies sind die Anwesenheitszeiten, nicht die Sprechzeiten
Economics, Technology, Household/Social Affairs (German abbreviation: WTH/S)

Research associate
NameMs Kerstin Döllmann M.A., MBA
WTH/S subject coordinator lateral entry
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Visiting address:
WEB Weberplatz, Room 61 Weberplatz 5
01217 Dresden
Coordination certificate course technology/ computer
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameMs Lorenza Wand
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Visiting address:
WEB, Raum 160 Weberplatz 5
01217 Dresden
Bereiche Technik und Didaktik
Public Relations
PR Employee
NameMr Ante Beslic
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Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research (German abbreviation: ZLSB)
Visiting address:
Seminargebäude II, Room 23a Zellescher Weg 20
01217 Dresden