Smart Rail Cargo
Compact retrofitted telematicsystem for intelligent freight wagons
The use of telematic in rail traffic based on modern microelectronics, battery-, radio telecommunication- and sensor technology enables opportunities for disposition and wagon management. Basis for this is telematic for tracking and communication (satellite, inertial and mobile communication) and the entry of cost efficient sensory to aquire driving & operating status. This includes the observation of loading condition (empty/half/full/overload), detection of flat spots, shunting impacts and derailment.
Working Package ITVS
TU Dresdens part is the research of vibration analyses (acceleration sensors), loading condition with distance sensors (ultrasonic, radar, lidar), algorithms to classify signals in real object movement scenarios as well as the validation. Following working packages are subject to research:
- analysis of appropriate location for the sensors on the wagon
- analysis of vibration
- analysis of distance sensors
- data acquisition, data cleaning, data visualisation
- model based development of classification algorithms
- embedded c-code generation
Paul Balzer
Project Duration
01.04.2015 – 30.09.2017
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie - Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)