Personnel Development at TU Dresden
Personnel Development at TU Dresden is pursuing the goal of enabling all employees in teaching, research, administration and management to perform their daily professional tasks with confidence and to prepare them for future developments and required skills in the academic and working world. We want to create a pleasant and motivating work atmosphere where you can develop as best as possible both professionally and personally. The various stakeholders involved in personnel development work together to offer an extensive portfolio of measures and services aimed at specific target groups and strive to expand this on an ongoing basis. The personnel development plan is a framework document designed to help coordinate the activities in this area.
Table of contents
Stakeholders in Personnel Development
At TU Dresden, there are various stakeholders who work together to tailor the personnel development services to the specific needs of the university’s employees.
The Unit Personnel Development is responsible for the advancement and implementation of processes and tools for personnel development. Moreover, the unit ensures increased collaboration among the individual services and also provides networking and joint strategic orientation for the activities of everyone involved in personnel development at TU Dresden. This creates structures and processes for the targeted and ongoing promotion and development of all employees.
The Center for Continuing Education (ZfW) is a central TU Dresden service unit and your first point of contact for all matters relating to continuing education. The ZfW offers qualification courses, advice and networking opportunities that will enable you and your employees to enhance your professional skills and to advance in your career.
The Graduate Academy is a central contact and service point for all questions relating to the doctorate and post-doctoral phase. It also supports the creation of optimal, cross-university conditions during the doctoral and postdoctoral phases. Its members benefit from an extensive range of training and networking opportunities as well as individual guidance and support programs.
The Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching supports you in professionalizing your teaching. To help you plan and hold courses and conduct follow-up work, the Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching offers various services.
Occupational Health Services are at your side with their expertise in occupational medicine and psychology – for you personally, in an advisory capacity for supervisors, and for all employees. Occupational Health Services offer individual advice on all issues related to health at work with the aim of preventing work-related health problems and occupational illnesses as well as promoting personal health and healthy teamwork.
As a coordination and networking point at TU Dresden, the Unit Diversity Management offers an extensive range of services relating to equal opportunities, especially on topics such as diversity, gender equality, family friendliness and the inclusion of people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
To offer active support to all those involved in the appointment process, the Appointment Team is always available as a point of contact and offers a wide range of information, suggestions and support services.
The SprInt-Program is a language and intercultural competence qualification program for science support and scientific staff at TUD Dresden University of Technology. At SprInt, you will find a wide range of language learning opportunities and qualification in intercultural competences.
Directorate Personnel is responsible for personnel administration for the whole university and offers advice and support in all personnel matters.
The DRESDEN-concept Welcome Center supports international researchers and their families in planning and carrying out their research stay both during the three months before and after their arrival in Dresden, to help them to settle in. It offers advice and information on residency law, insurance and other formalities, helps with the search for housing, assists in finding an opening at a kindergarten or school, and provides information and access to international networks in Dresden.
Projects and Tools
Leadership Culture Project
The leadership culture project, which is anchored in the Spirit field of action of the Excellence Program, aims to develop and establish a common, value-based understanding of leadership at TU Dresden and to enable managerial staff for various leadership tasks and situations.
Initial training period
A successful initial training period requires good planning. To support you as best as possible during this phase, we have compiled various information, tips and tools for you.
Welcome channel for new employees On the welcome channel for new employees, we continually compile information and tips for facilitating the beginning stages in a new position within the organization.
Annual performance review
As a structured and confidential one-on-one meeting with your direct supervisor, the annual performance review is intended to provide an opportunity outside of your daily work routine to discuss opportunities for development, strengthen your professional relationship and to actively shape your work as a team together.
Employee survey
Feedback from all employees at TU Dresden is of the utmost importance for refining the personnel development plan, surveying personnel development needs and also evaluating our activities. An employee survey is therefore to be conducted at regular intervals to obtain as broad an overview as possible.
Detailed information and tools are available in the internal area (login protected) of the TU Dresden website.
Personnel Development Plan
The personnel development plan is primarily a tool for staff who work in personnel development. It explains TU Dresden’s general conditions, lists all available services and outlines planned measures. The personnel development plan is oriented around the phases our employees go through in their working lives. In addition to the core tasks of training, supporting and advancing employees, this also includes the preceding phases of personnel recruitment and onboarding as well as the subsequent phase of leaving a position. The individual services on offer in advising, advanced training and continuing education, coaching, mentoring, networking and team development are categorized into these phases. In this way, we ensure that the needs of our various target groups are met.
The Unit Personnel Development is available to respond to any and all suggestions and feedback regarding the overall approach to personnel development. Should you have any questions, please do not to hesitate contact us.

Unit 2.5 Personnel Development
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