Nov 30, 2017
New Funds for Internationalisation
With immediate effect, funds for the implementation of internationalisation activities until October 2019 can be applied for in three new funding formats (the following links are only accessible to members of TU Dresden):
The aim of the Flexible Fund for Internationalisation is to establish and expand international research collaborations and projects, while the Strategic Fund for Internationalisation is intended for joint projects with the international universities King's College London and TU Delft, as well as the scientific regions of Wroclaw and Prague.
The Special Programme Shiraz University provides mobility funding for researchers and professors.
Applications can be submitted at any time. Decisions are made monthly on applications submitted for the Flexible and the Strategic Funds.
Applications for the first selection round can still be submitted until 17 December 2017.
Please contact Andrea Büschel for matters relating to applications.