Mar 18, 2024
Support our factbook "Diversity@TUD" at the Impact of Diversity Award!
We are thrilled to have successfully submitted the "Diversity@TUD" factbook to the Impact of Diversity Award. We are listed in the "University Award" category. This category recognizes colleges and universities that are particularly committed to underrepresented groups through their diversity activities.
The "Diversity@TUD" factbook presents a wide range of data on the topic of diversity at TU Dresden in a clear and descriptive form. Knowing and transparently presenting the diversity of your own institution and its potential is an important means of creating target group-specific offers.
Now we need your help! Please take a moment to vote for our project, because every vote counts!
Simply click on the following link and vote for us:
Vote for our submission here
Let's show together how important the promotion of diversity and inclusion is to us.
Thank you for your support!