International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women/ Gender-based violence
November 25 has been declared the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" by the United Nations. TU Dresden also wants to use the day to draw attention to gender-specific violence.
Programm 2022
WenDo - self-assertion and self-defense
Training for action against misogyny and antifeminism
November 11 |10 a.m. to 5 p.m. | online
Digital Lunchtalk "Sexualized Discrimination and Violence at Science Institutions. Prevalence, forms and impact of a global phenomenon"
November 17 |12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. | online
Workshop "Finally confronting everyday sexism as a cis man in solidarity"
November 18 and 24| 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. | online
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Film screening "Framing Agnes" (Eng)
November 20 | 7 p.m. | Zentralkino
Workshop for counseling services: Dealing with victims in stalking cases
November 22 |9 a.m. to 1 p.m. | online
Online reading "Akten.Einsicht. Geschichten von Frauen und Gewalt"
November 22 |7 p.m.| online
Lecture "Sexism, Misogyny & Anti-Feminism in the Context of Higher Education"
November 24 |12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. | online
Lecture "Women's Spaces as Safe Spaces? How identity politics discourses in feminism precarize the protection of transgender people from violence and discrimination"
November 24 | 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. | online
Introduction course WenDo - self-assertion and self-defense
November 25 |10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Film screening "Picture a Scientist" (ENG)
November 25 |8 p.m. | Zentralkino
Bringing in the Bystander" Workshop
Althrough the year
All events are free of charge to participants.
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Freestate of Saxony under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder
If you have support needs due to language or other barriers, don't be afraid to feedback them to us. Contact us for questions, tips, or to register at:

Anja Wiede
Contact person in cases of harassment, discrimination, violence
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
WenDo - self-assertion and self-defens
Female socialized persons are often confronted with assaultive situations and sexualized discrimination and violence in everyday life. The WenDo course helps to strengthen confidence in one's own needs and boundaries and to develop options for action together in order to cope well with these situations. Perception exercises, the use of the voice and the development of an inner attitude are as much a part of the course as learning liberation and striking techniques.
Training for action against misogyny and antifeminism
November 11 |10 a.m. to 5 p.m. | online
The attacks on social emancipation efforts do not stop at universities. Misogynistic and anti-feminist attacks and argumentations can also be found here in many different forms. What are the possibilities for action in such situations? How can we react appropriately and express our own position?
With a mixture of professional inputs and interactive methods, the action training offers the opportunity to practically try out one's own options for action and strategies and works closely with case studies brought in by participants.
Peps Gutsche (M.A. Gender, Media, Culture, M.A. Media and Education) is a long-standing trainer in political education on the (extreme) right, gender relations and (anti-)feminism and works as a lecturer for anti-discrimination at the Alice-Salomon-Hochschule-Berlin.
Laura Sasse (M.A. European Studies) is active in political education, especially on topics such as hate speech, racism prevention, gender relations and feminism. She is currently working on the project "Countering Antifeminism - Strengthening Democracy" of Dissens e.V..
Registration required.
Digital Lunchtalk "Sexualized Discrimination and Violence at Science Institutions. Prevalence, forms and impact of a global phenomenon"
November 17 |12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. | online
With its own participation in the Unisafe research project, TU Dresden is confronting the phenomenon of sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence at universities. The lunchtalk offers insights into previous findings, including global ones.
Dr. Heike Pantelmann, managing director and women's representative of the Margherita von Brentano Center (MvBZ) will give a short insight into the transnational research project "Sexualized Harassment, Discrimination and Violence in Higher Education Contexts". It investigates prevalence, forms and effects of sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence in the university context as well as structural implications. To this end, the Margherita von Brentano Center of Freie Universität Berlin is cooperating with partner universities from Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Japan, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and South Korea.
Afterwards, the room will be open for exchange.
Registration required.
„Workshop "Finally confronting everyday sexism as a cis man in solidarity"
November 18 and 24| 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. | online
When cis men (men who identify with their gender assigned by birth) deal with their own role and responsibility in the context of everyday sexism, there is a danger that feelings of guilt and shame associated with their own privileged position in the social sphere will prevent steps towards an equal practice. The workshop aims to lay the foundation for concrete action in everyday life that determines a solidarity-based approach to those affected by sexism.
In the first part, participants will use self-reflection and biographical work to find out which behavioral patterns and feelings prevent them from intervening in
sexist situations in everyday life. This also includes sharpening their own perception of different forms of sexism. The second part will focus on concrete strategies and "tools".
The workshop will be conducted by the educational collective educat and is aimed exclusively at cis men.
Registration required.
Filmscreening "Framing Agnes"
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR)
November 20 | 7 p.m. | Zentralkino
In 1958, Agnes, a young trans woman, participated in a study of gender disorders' at UCLA with the goal of gender reassignment treatment. Her story was long considered extraordinary until 2017 when never-before-seen files of other patient:s were found. Framing Agnes uses methods of re-enactment and cross-genre storytelling to breathe new life into previously unknown people who redefined gender in the mid-20th century, and presents a selection of conversations from these case studies in a re-enactment of contemporary trans activists*. Framing Agnes thus enters into a multi-voiced discussion about definitions and projections of sexuality and gender not only in the 1950s.
Watch the trailer.
Entrance is free. No registration required.
Workshop for counseling services: Dealing with victims in stalking cases
November 22 |9 a.m. to 1 p.m. | online
The workshop aims to enable advisors of the TU Dresden and interested persons to conduct initial counseling sessions with victims and to refer them to network partners according to their needs. You will learn to recognize the dynamics and different types of stalking and to distinguish them from other forms of interpersonal violence.
Using examples from counseling practice, we will talk about different intervention options and protective measures (by the police and judiciary, privately, etc.) as well as their effects.
The workshop will be conducted by D.I.K.
Registration required.
Online Reading „Akten.Einsicht. Stories of Women and Violence“ with Author Christina Clemm
November 22 |7 p.m.| online
Christina Clemm reads from her book "AktenEinsicht", published by Antje Kunstmann. In the preface to her book, Christina Clemm, lawyer, defence attorney and representative of victims of sexualised and racist violence, explains: "In essence, I am not concerned with the specific individual case. For me, it's about highlighting structural problems in this society based on stories that happen in a similar way all the time."
Violence against women is an everyday phenomenon, even if it is rarely öffentlich werden. "AktenEinsicht" tells the stories of women who have been exposed to physical and sexualised violence and provides surprising, sometimes frightening insights into the work of the judiciary and the police.
Registration required.
Lecture "Sexism, Misogyny & Anti-Feminism in the Context of Higher Education"
November 24 |12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. | online
Attacks on equality policy achievements, the questioning of critical science or the devaluation of gender and sexual diversity - social emancipation efforts and the creation of equal opportunities are negotiated and threatened in many ways. The lecture explains the difference between sexism, misogyny & antifeminism and shows selected examples of where antifeminist influences and actors can also be found in the university context. This will be followed by a joint discussion on possibilities for action and intervention.
Speaker: Peps Gutsche (M.A. Gender, Media, Culture, M.A. Media and Education) is a long-standing trainer in political education on the (extreme) right, gender relations and (anti-)feminism and works as a lecturer for anti-discrimination at the Alice-Salomon-Hochschule-Berlin.
Registration required.
Lecture "Women's Spaces as Safe Spaces? How identity politics discourses in feminism precarize the protection of transgender people from violence and discrimination"
November 24 | 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. | online
While society as a whole is unanimous about the need to protect women from violence, the question of who is considered a woman and who is guaranteed access to shelters by means of this predicate is receiving special attention in current debates.In the wake of the forthcoming Self-Determination Act, by means of which people will be able to self-determine their gender in their marital status without major hurdles, a broad media debate has flared up about the effects of this new law on the protection of women from (sexualized) violence and discrimination. In particular, transgenderness is treated in this discourse less as a social phenomenon than as a social problem, with fear narratives conveying an increase in sexual assault against women and the discrimination of women in social life. This presentation will introduce the identity politics struggle between cis- and queerfeminist positions along the discourse around the Self-Determination Act, which strives not only to interpret the concept of gender but also to determine which lives are worthy of protection and, in the process, constructs transgenderness as an enemy image. The latter can be found under the increased recourse to "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria", a scientifically highly controversial theory, which constructs transgenderness as a social contagion and is strategically used as a threat scenario in the feminist magazine EMMA or the Welt, in order to legitimize a protection of the gender-conservative way of life, thereby primarily supporting patriarchal structures. The lecture will also refer to current socio-political events, such as the cancellation of a lecture at the Humboldt University Berlin on bisexuality and a related criticism of public broadcasting and the publication of a position paper of the Frauenhaus-Koordinierung e.V.
Registration is required.
Introduction Course WenDo
November 25 |10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Frequently, socialized females are confronted with assaultive situations and sexualized discrimination and violence in everyday life. The WenDo course helps to strengthen confidence in one's own needs and boundaries and to jointly develop options for action in order to cope well with these situations. Perception exercises, the use of the voice and the development of an inner attitude are as much a part of the course as learning liberation and striking techniques.
Registration required.
Filmscreening „Picture a Scientist“ (ENG)

Das Plakat zum Film.
November 25 |8 p.m. | Zentralkino
Who actually does science? And why is a scientist usually a male in our imagination? In PICTURE A SCIENTIST, a biologist, a chemist and a geologist take on these questions and lead the audience on a journey through the experiences of their academic careers – as women of science.
In their careers, they face discrimination from the very beginning. Female scientists have to fight a constant battle for recognition, respect and equality.
The documentary gives hope because it tells the story of strength and solidarity, of courageous female scientists who stand up against injustice and get a worldwide discourse of change and equality rolling. In futuristic laboratories and spectacular fieldwork settings, it clearly shows the inestimable work of female researchers and how science can be moved for the better through systematic and structural upheaval – for a world where girls can realize their dreams of research, for a world full of female biologists, astronauts, chemists and mathematicians.
Watch the trailer.
Entry is free. No registration required.
Workshop "Bringing in the Bystander"
The workshop "Bringing in the Bystander" is also offered throughout the year. The methodical approach aims at getting to know the different forms of sexualized violence as such and to reflect on prevention and intervention strategies by dealing with concepts such as "victim blaming", "rape culture" and "consensus". The focus is primarily on violence in close social relationships.
Programm 2021

Das Rektorat leuchtet in orange
2021, the TU Dresden participated in the campaign "Orange the world" and had the rectorate and the Gerberbau illuminated on November 25, 2021. In doing so, it set an example for a non-violent future for all. Further information on the framework program at the time.