Awards for diversity-sensitive teaching 2023
Table of contents
TU Dresden will again award the prize for diversity-sensitive teaching in 2023. The aim of the teaching award is to honor teachers and / or teaching concepts that deal with diversity or one or more diversity dimensions in the sense of TU Dresden's Diversity Strategy 2030. In this way, the courses and teaching staff contribute to sensitizing students to diversity. At the same time, the teaching award is intended to demonstrate the high relevance of diversity-sensitive aspects in excellent teaching.
Award Winner 2023:
Fundamentals of Asylum and Residence Law
by Elena Bogdanzaliew (Center for International Studies)
The Refugee Law Clinic Dresden (RLCD) offers free and independent legal advice for refugees. For this purpose, mainly students at the TU Dresden are trained as volunteer legal advisors. The training is especially designed for non-lawyers and is open to all courses of study. The training is carried out by a lawyer and a research assistant. Regular guest lectures ensure that the content taught is up to date. For example, the training included lectures on topics such as the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act and trauma among refugees. This practice-oriented training prepares training participants for counseling situations.
The RLCD operates up to six counseling centers; since the pandemic, also in online format. The counseling is accompanied by regular supervision. Last year, more than 300 people received counseling in this way.
The Big Bang Theory syndrome: Why should we care about stereotypes?
by Prof. Dr. Elena Hassinger (Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat – Complexity and Topology in Quantum Materials) )
What gender stereotypes are there – and how do they affect scientific careers? What are the consequences of gender biases – and how do they influence our behavior? In the English-language seminar “The Big Bang Theory Syndrome: Why should we care about stereotypes?” offered within the studium generale, Elena Hassinger aims to raise awareness of the gender stereotypes that scientists encounter throughout their careers. Through the lens of scientific literature, the seminar delves into specific scenarios where gender-specific role models play a significant role. In weekly sessions, students discuss a range of topics, including the representation of scientists in the media, employee evaluations, leadership quality, and career aspirations.
Hybrid Workshop Work - An Open Teaching-Learning Concept for Prospective Teachers at Elementary Schools
by Peggy Germer + Team Berufsbegleitende Qualifizierung von Lehrkräften an Grundschulen in Sachsen (ZLSB)
The course concept for the hybrid workshop pursues an interdisciplinary and diversity-sensitive approach across different didactics in elementary school. The goal of the workshop work is the exploratory, problem-solving and creative engagement of the learners with people and materials. The teaching-learning activities such as "Overcoming language barriers in a language-sensitive way" and "Planning, implementing, evaluating spatial explorations" are supported by digital and physical learning stimuli (e.g. cross-module learning opportunities, learning boxes and material pool). They have task-differentiated aids. Hybrid exchange rooms and Expert:innentalks offer the opportunity for hybrid exchange of experiences. The presentation of results takes place in presence or by means of task cards. A final evaluation of the workshop offers suggestions for further development.
Team: BQL Grundschule: Dr. Olga Bazileviča, Susann Böttcher, Arica Borszik, Dr. Peggy Germer, Dr. Anja Mede-Schelenz, Lisa Eggerichs, Katharina Weinhold, Dr. Melanie Wohlfahrt; Technischer Support: BQL.Digital: Dagmar Oertel, Malte Krone
In addition, the selection committee decided to commend the following courses:
- Wars I Have Seen"-Armed Conflict in North American Culture by Prof. Dr. Carsten Junker (Faculty SLK)
- Art and Democracy by Dr. Christopher A. Nixon
The Diversity Management Department congratulates the award winners and thanks all applicants as well as the members of the selection committee for their commitment to diversity-sensitive teaching at TU Dresden.
NameGrit Kühlborn M.A.
Coordination Diversity Projects
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