09.11.2023; Ausstellung
10. Diversity Tage: Sozial und nachhaltig – Vielfalt ist der erste SchrittRundgang am historischen Ort: Wege eines Häftlings (60min)

Station Gedenkhof, Foto: Schneider/Schwalbe
The night of 9 to 10 November 1938, Jewish synagogues burned all over Germany, including in Dresden. Many Jewish shops were set on fire and looted, and Jewish citizens were arrested. On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Night of Broken Glass, four moving and informative guided tours will take place in cooperation with the Münchner Platz Memorial.
Among Saxony's memorials, Münchner Platz Dresden, is one of the sites with a double history. The memorial examines politicised criminal justice and its victims in the building complex on Münchner Platz during the National Socialist dictatorship, the Soviet occupation and the early years of the German Democratic Republic.
9 November, 01:00 PM
The historical place: Paths of a Prisoner (60min, in German)
The tour leads along the paths of a prisoner through the former justice buildings - remand prison, courthouse and place of execution. The biography of Herbert Blochwitz (1904-1944) and his various stations at Münchner Platz are used to illustrate how Nazi criminal justice functioned.
If you are interested in attending the lecture, please register via the Centre for Continuing Education (to the registration). Once you have registered, we will contact you in good time before the date of the lecture.
Be excited! Visit our event page for all the latest information on planned formats.
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- The measures are "Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder".

Koordinatorin Diversity Management
NameVivian Weidner M.A.
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