Management invasiver Neozoen auf Inseln: Der Fall des Bergmeerschweinchens (Kerodon rupestris) auf Fernando de Noronha, Brasilien
Management of invasive species in insular environments: The case of the rock cavy in Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Project Leader: M.Sc. Tatiane Micheletti
PhD Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mechthild Roth

Tati Micheletti with Rock cavy
Team: Dr. Paulo Rogerio Mangini, Prof. Dr. Ricardo Dias, M.Sc. Vinicius P. O. Gasparotto, M.Sc. Carlos Roberto Abrahão, Prof. Dr. Jean Carlos Ramos Silva
Period: Feb2013-Feb2016
Funding: CNPq, Rufford Foundation, CAPES, Graduate Academy, Friends of TU Dresden.

Working with Rock cavies at night - sampling blood
Short Description: Invasive exotic species are a major concern all over the world, especially when the invasions occur in islands, as endemic species are usually vulnerable not only to its predation, but also to diseases brought to insular habitats by introduced individuals, which can become the cause of a mass extinction of endemic species. The proposed project seeks, therefore, to investigate the (i) structure and the population dynamics of the invasive rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris) in Fernando de Noronha, a protected archipelago in Brazil, (ii) its health status, and (iii) understand the relationship between the local community and tourists and the species, besides (iv) define the threat level this species poses to the islands' fauna and flora conservation. At the end of the project, it is proposed the (v) drafting of long-term management plan for the control or eradication of the species, if needed.

Tagged rock cavy

Paulo Mangini setting traps

Rock cavy with food