Hartmut Fricke

Hartmut Fricke
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Fricke ist seit 2001 Inhaber der Professur für Technologie und Logistik des Luftverkehrs und Institutsdirektor des Instituts für Luftfahrt und Logistik, das seit 2018 auch die Professur für Hubschraubertechnologie mittels als gemeinsamer Berufung mit dem DLR in Braunschweig, Institut für Systemtechnik umfasst. Intention dieser durch Fricke getriebenen Expansion ist die Erweiterung seiner Forschungsinteressen auf Urban Air Mobility (UAM), die maßgeblich auch durch Betrieb von Drehflügler-Drohnen gekennzeichnet sein wird. Das Portfolio des Lehrstuhls deckt damit alle gängigen Flugzeugkonfigurationen und Einsatzspektren ab. Hartmut Fricke und sein Team publizieren regelmäßig auf den führenden internationalen Tagungen im Bereich Air Traffic Management, Digital Avionics sowie Operations Research und den einschlägigen wissenschaftlichen Journalen. Er ist Mitglied im Programm Komitee des Europa / USA ATM Seminars sowie Europäischer Programmverantwortliche der International Conference for Research in Air Transportation ICRAT. Weiterhin ist er Field Editor für das Council of European Aerospace Societies - CEAS Aeronautical Journal.
Hartmut Fricke trat 2006 dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirats des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur BMVI bei, dessen Vorsitz er von 2018 – 2020 inne hatte. In dieser Zeit wurden auch maßgebliche Beiträge zur Standardisierung von Drohnen Flugbetrieb als auch zur Flughafeninfrastruktur in Deutschland erarbeitet. In 2019 wurde Fricke in den Drohnenbeirat des Bundes und in die Innovationskommission des Bundes gewählt.
Von 2014 bis 2018 war Fricke gewählter DFG Fachkollegiat für das Fachkollegium 407 „Systemtechnik“, im Besonderen für den Bereich 407-04 „Verkehrs- und Transportsysteme, Logistik, Intelligenter und automatisierter Verkehr“. Seit dem 01.01.2020 ist DFG Vertrauensdozent der TU Dresden.
- Unterstützung von Bodenprozessen an Flughäfen Airport Operations:
Analyse des Turnaround Verhalten von Luftfahrzeugen unter spezifischen Randbedingungen (Hub / Non-Hub). Statistische Modellierung der Prozessketten, Konzeption von A-CDM Decision Support Systemen, Steuerung und Regelung von Systemstörungen mittels stochastischer Optimierung und Kovolution - Bewertungsverfahren zur Effizienz von Luftraumstrukturen Airspace Management:
Ökonomisches und anthropotechnisches Benchmark von Luftraumstrukturen, speziell im Rahmen der Single European Sky (SES) getriebenen überstaatlichen Functional Airspace Block (FAB) Kontext. Globale Performanceanalysen zwischen Asien (CHina) und Europa mittels Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens (NL) und Explainable Artificial Intelligence (EAI). - Sicherheitsbewertung von Flugverfahren und Rollbewegungen Safety:
Komplexe Agentensimulationen (ABMS) dienen der Bewertung innovativer An-/Abflugverfahren in Bezug auf Konflikt-/Kollisionswahrscheinlichkeit. Im Anflug stehen eng angeordnete Mehrbahnsysteme von großen Flughäfen, alternative Sequenzierungsmodelle für den Approach Sektor, neue Staffelungslogiken zwischen Luftfahrzeugen mit Methoden des Maschinellen Lernens (ML). Fokussierung auf LiDAR Sensorik als Sicherheitsbeitrag für Vorfeldbetrieb auf kleinen Flugplätzen mit Technologien der Computer Vision und des Maschinellen Lernens (ML). - Optimierte Planung und Exekution von Flugtrajektorien Trajectory Management:
Flugleistungsanalysen und -modellierung im Kontext variabler Zielfunktionen wie Kraftstoffminimierung, Lärmminderung, Umweltschutz, Pünktlichkeit, Geschwindigkeit. Entwicklung des komplexen Simulationswerkzeugs TOMATO zur multikriteriellen Trajektorienoptimierung unter besonderer Beachtung des Wetters. Verkehrsflussanalysen. Optimierte Steig- und Sinkverfahren (CCO/CDO) mittels Verfahren des Optimal Control und linearer Optimierung. - Zertifizierung von Drohnen Flugbetrieb über Stadt und Land Urban Air Mobility:
Design von Start-/Landplätzen für elektrische VTOL unter Optimalitätskriterien. Transfer und Migration der Verfahrensplanung von An-/Abflugverfahren des konventionellen kommerziellen Luftverkehrs (ICAO PANS-OPS) auf UAM. UAM inkludierendes Verkehrsmanagement im Kontext von U-Space. - Validierungs- und Human-in-the-Loop Simulationstechnik Simulatoren:
Der Lehrstuhl erweitert kontinuierlich seine Erprobungs- und Testumgebungen, speziell des ATM Echtzeit-Simulationslabors, bestehend aus Fluglotsen-, Pseudopilotenarbeitsplätzen, Airbus A320 FMS Flugsimulator. Weiterentwicklung von Spezial Software im Verbund mit EUROCONTROL Experimental Center (EEC). Einsatz von kommerzieller Software zur Flughafenfachplanung (AviPlan) und Verfahrensplanung (AirTop) in Kooperation mit Transoft Solutions Aviation auch in der Lehre.
- Aerodynamik und Flugeigenschaften
- Airline Management
- Betriebsverhalten von Flugzeugtriebwerken
- Communication - Surveillance
- Cockpittechnologien
- Flugleistungen
- Flugmeteorologie
- Flugplanung
- Flugplatzbetrieb
- Flugsicherung
- Luftverkehrsanlagen, -betrieb und Flugsicherung
- Luftverkehrsrecht und Luftverkehrspolitik
- Navigation
- Safety
- Security
- Terminalprozesse
- Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMDV , H. Fricke et al (2025): Gestaltung eines attraktiven kundenorientierten Schienenpersonenverkehrs, BMDV, 2025
- Schlosser, M., Braßel, H., Fricke, H. (2025): Enhancing Aircraft Ground Trajectories through Map-Matching and Stochastic Pavement Roughness Modeling, Journal of Open Aviation Science (JOAS), Special Issue, The 12th OpenSky Symposium, Vol. 2, No.2, DOI: https://doi.org/10.59490/joas.2024.7898
- Töpler, J., Bregulla, T., Stephan, A., Fricke, H., Boettcher, E., Winkler, A. and Spitzer, S. (2025), Fuels – Introduction | Hydrogen as a Fuel. In: Garche, J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd Edition. vol. 6, pp. 140-160. UK: Elsevier.
DOI: dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-96022-9.00242-5 - Zeh, T., Rosenow, J., Lindner, M., Foerster, S., Fricke, H. (2024): Trajectory and Airspace Optimization Depending on Controller Task Load, 11th edition of the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2024), Singapore, Trajectory and Airspace Optimization Depending on Controller Task Load (researchgate.net)
Schlosser, M., Braßel, H., Fricke, H. (2024): Analysis of Aircraft Ground Trajectories: Map-Matching with Open Source Data for Modeling Safety-Driven Applications, 11th edition of the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2024), Singapore, Analysis of Aircraft Ground Trajectories: Map-Matching with Open Source Data for Modeling Safety-Driven Applications (researchgate.net)
Foerster, S., Fricke, H. (2024): A Systematic Literature Review on Complexity--Safety Correlation Models Towards Safety-Conscious Arrival Management, 11th edition of the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2024), Singapore, A Systematic Literature Review on Complexity-Safety Correlation Models Towards Safety-Conscious Arrival Management (researchgate.net)
Foerster, S., Fricke, H. (2024): Probabilistic Prediction of Estimated Time of Arrival - Identifying Sources of Variance and Out-of-Sample Issues, 11th edition of the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2024), Singapore, Probabilistic Prediction of Estimated Time of Arrival - Identifying Sources of Variance and Out-of-Sample Issues (researchgate.net)
Rosenow, J., Fricke, H., Vogel, M. (2024): Integrated CO2 Emission and Contrail Formation Climate Effect Benchmarking, 11th edition of the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2024), Singapore
Lindner, M., Brühl, R., Berger, M., Fricke, H. (2024): Optimal Size of a Heterogeneous Air Taxi Fleet in Advanced Air Mobility: A Traffic Demand and Flight Scheduling Approach, Future Transportation 4(1),174-214, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/futuretransp4010010.
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMDV , H. Fricke et al (2024): Klimawirksamkeit des Luftverkehrs - Berücksichtigung des Einflusses von Kondensstreifen, BMDV, 2024
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMDV , H. Fricke et al (2024): Deutschlandticket - Weichenstellung für einen dauerhaften Erfolg, BMDV, 2024
Riza, L., Brühl, R., Fricke, H., Planing, P. (2023): Will air taxis extend public transportation? A scenario-based approach on user acceptance in different urban settings, Tranportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Vol. 23, 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trip.2023.101001
Rosenow, J., Lubig, D., Fricke, H. (2023) Arrival Time Management in real weather conditions, SESAR Innovation Days 2023, 11/2023, Accepted for Presentation, Sevilla, Spain
Standfuss, T., Hirte, G., Schultz, M., Fricke, H. (2023): Efficiency in European Air Traffic Management - A Fundamental Analysis of Data, Models, and Methods, Journal of Air Traffic Management, accepted for publication, JATM-D-23-00026R1, DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2302.07525
Gong, C., Fricke, H., Okhrin, O., Rosenow, J. (2023): Flight Delay Propagation Inference in Chinese and European Air Transport Networks using Multilayer Perceptron, Journal of Air Traffic Management, Volume 114, January 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2023.102510
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al (2023): Kompensation zukünftiger Einnahmeausfälle des Staates aufgrund der Antriebswende im Straßenverkehr, Internationales Verkehrswesen, 2/2023, Kompenium: Internationales-Verkehrswesen Full Text: BMVI
Kamo, S., Rosenow, J., Fricke, H. and Soler, M. (2023): Robust optimization integrating aircraft trajectory and sequence under weather forecast uncertainty, Transportation Research Part C, Volume 152 ttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.2023.104187
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al (2023): Mobilitätswende in Stadt und Land, Internationales Verkehrswesen, 2/2023, Kompenium: Internationales-Verkehrswesen Full Text: BMVI
Standfuß, T., Fichert, F., Hirte, G., Fricke, H. (2023) ANSPs in Turbulent Times - Uncovering the Impact of Demand Shocks on Efficiency Using the Malmquist Index, Journal of Air Transport Research Society, Vol.1, Issue 1, 2023, Full Text: JATRS
- Rosenow, J., Lán, S., Hospodka, J., Fricke, H. (2023) Validation of a Contrail Life Cycle Model in Central Europe, MDPI Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.3390/su15118669
- Standfuß, T., Fichert, F., Hirte, G., Fricke, H. (2023) How External Shocks Affect Efficiency in Air Traffic Management - A Panel Analysis, submitted to Journal of Air Transport Research Society, 04/2023
- Braßel, H., Zeh, T., Fricke, H., Eltner, A. (2023) Optimal UAV Hangar Locations for Emergency Services Considering Restricted Areas, MDPI Drones 2023, 7(3), 203; https://doi.org/10.3390/drones7030203
- Lubig, D., Fricke, H., Desart, B. (2023) Airspace Implications of Network Propagation Effects from Local Performance Improvements in Europe's Air Transport System, accepted for EUROSIM2023
- Standfuß, T., Fricke, H., Hirte, G., Fichert, F. (2023) Determinants of Performance in European ATM - How to Analyze a Diverse Industry, ATM Seminar 2023, 06/2023, Savannah, GE, USA
- Rosenow, J., Fricke, H., Sherry, L. (2023) Time of the Day-dependent impact of Contrail Avoidance Strategies on Airline Delay Costs, ATM Seminar 2023, 06/2023, Savannah, GE, USA
- Standfuß, T., Fichert, F., Whittome, M., Fricke, H. (2023) Environmental Indicators for Efficiency Assessment - From the Frying Pan into the Fire?, submitted to Journal of Air Traffic Management
- Rosenow, J., Zeh, T., Lindner, M., Förster, S., Fricke, H. (2023) Multiple Aircraft in a multi-criteria Trajectory Optimization, ATM Seminar 2023, 06/2023, Savannah, GE, USA
- Standfuß, T., Hirte, G., Schultz, M., Fricke, H. (2023) Efficiency in European Air Traffic Management -- A Fundamental Analysis, submitted to Journal of Air Traffic Management, pre-print: http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.07525
- Luo, M., Fricke, H., Schultz, M., Desart, B., Zapata, S.R. (2022) Agent-based modeling to suport collaborative decision making in predictable airport ground operations, SESAR Innovation Days 2022, Budapest
- Rothe, H., Jiménez, E., Moxon, R., Ellis, D., Fricke, H. (2022) Integrated Multimodal Airport Operations for Efficient Passenger Flow Management – Two Case studies, SESAR Innovation Days 2022, Budapest, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29537.74081
- Rosenow, J., Fricke, H. (2022) When do contrails cool the atmosphere?, SESAR Innovation Days 2022, Budapest
- Asadi, E., Schultz, M., Fricke, H. (2022) Stochastic control of turnaround at HUB airports, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrt Kongress (DLRK) 2022, Dresden
- Lindner, M., Fricke, H. (2022) Performance Degradation based Aircraft Tail Assignment and Routing in Daily Airline Operations, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrt Kongress (DLRK) 2022, Dresden, Performance Degradation based Aircraft Tail Assignment and Routing in Daily Airline Operations
- Braßel, H., Zeh, T., Fricke, H. (2022) Fast and Robust Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Locations considering Restricted Areas, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrt Kongress (DLRK) 2022, Dresden, DOI: 10.25967/570387 Fast and Robust Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Locations considering Restricted Areas
- Brühl, R., Lindner, M., Fricke, H. (2022) Locating air taxi infrastucture in regional areas the saxony use case, Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrt Kongress (DLRK) 2022, Dresden, Locating Air Taxi Infrastructure in regional Areas - The Saxony Use Case
- Chen, G., Fricke, H., Okhrin, O., Rosenow, J. (2022): Importance of Weather Conditions in a Flight Corridor, MDPI, Stats, 2022, Vol. 5 (1), pp. 312 - 338 https://doi.org/10.3390/stats5010018
- Asadi, E., Brühl, R., Fricke, H. (2022) A robust Regional Air Mobility (RAM) network design, Transfer Manager, accepted for review.
- Lindner, M., Zeh, T., Rosenow, J., Fricke, H. (2022) Traffic Flow Funnels Based on Aircraft Performance for Optimized Departure Procedures, Future Transportation, MDPI
https://www.mdpi.com/2673-7590/2/3/40 - Zeh, T., Lindner, M., Rosenow, J., Fricke, H. (2022) Optimization of Departure Routes Beyond Aircraft Noise Abatement, Best Paper in Track, 10th edition of the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2022), Tampa, FL, USA
- Bruehl, R., Fricke, H. (2022) Assessment of minimum ground time for air taxis based on turnaround critical path modeling, 10th edition of the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2022), Tampa, FL, USA
- Evler, J., Rosenow, J., Fricke, H. (2022) Airline Schedule Recovery at Hub Airports including Dynamic Cost Indexing and Re-Routing, 10th edition of the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2022), Tampa, FL, USA
- Luo, M., Schultz, M., Fricke, H., Desart, B. (2022): Data-driven fusion of turnaround sub-processes to predict aircraft ground time, Accepted for the DASC 2022
- Evler, J., Lindner, M., Fricke, H., Schultz, M. (2022): Integration of turnaround and aircraft recovery to mitigate delay propagation in airline networks, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 138, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2021.105602
Rosenow, J., Sachwitz, T., Kamo, S., Chen, G., Fricke, H. (2022): Aircraft-type-specific Impact of Speed Brakes on Lift and Drag, Air Traffic and Transportation, https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace9050263
- Rosenow, J., Asadi, E., Lubig, D., Schultz, M., Fricke, H. (2022): Long Range Air Traffic Flow Management with Flight-Specific Flight Performance, Future Transp., 2 (2), 310-327, https://doi.org/10.3390/futuretransp2020017
- Vogel, M., Thiel, C., Fricke, H., Lindner, M. (2022): Flugverlaufsdaten als Grundlage für Fluglärmberechnungen, Umweltbundesamt, Texte 22/2022, https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/flugverlaufsdaten-als-grundlage-fuer
- Chen, G., Fricke, H., Okhrin, O., Rosenow, J. (2022): Importance of Weather Conditions in a Flight Corridor, Stats, Volume 5 (1), 312-338, https://doi.org/10.3390/stats5010018
Evler, J., Schultz, M., Fricke, H., Cook A. (2022): Stochastic Delay Cost Functions to Estimate Delay Propagation under Uncertainty, IEEE Xplore, Volume 10, 21424-21442, DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3152570
Rosenow, J., Chen, G., Fricke, H., Wang, Y. (2022): Factors Impacting Chinese and European Vertical Fight Efficiency, MDPI Journal of Aerospace, Volume 9, Issue 2, aerospace-1539662, DOI:10.3390/aerospace9020076
Kamo, S., Rosenow, J., Fricke, H. and Soler, M. (2022): Fundamental Framework to Plan 4D Robust Descent Trajectories for Uncertainties in Weather Prediction, MDPI Journal of Aerospace, Volume 9, Issue 2, Air Traffic and Transportation, Special Issue: Closing the Gap in Aircraft Trajectories: Enhancing Optimization and Prediction Approaches, DOI:10.3390/aerospace9020109
Rosenow, J., Chen, G., Fricke, H., Sun, X., Wang, Y. (2021): Impact of Chinese and European Airspace Constraints on Trajectory Optimization, Aerospace Journal, Vol. 8, Issue 11, Special Issue Air Transportation - Operations and Management, DOI:10.3390/aerospace8110338
Evler, J., Schultz, M., Fricke, H., Cook A. (2021): Stochastic Delay Cost Functions to Estimate Delay Propagation under Uncertainty, IEEE Access, https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3152570
Fricke, H., Vogel, M., Standfuß, T. (2021) : Reducing Europe’s Aviation Impact on Climate Change using enriched Air Traffic Forecasts and improved efficiency benchmarks, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354860738_Reducing_Europe%27s_Aviation_Impact_on_Climate_Change_using_enriched_Air_Traffic_Forecasts_and_improved_efficiency_benchmarks
Asadi, E., Schultz, M., Fricke, H. (2021): Optimal Schedule Recovery for the Aircraft Gate Assignment with Constrained Resources, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 162, December 2021,
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360835221005866 -
Sun, X., Wandelt, S., Fricke, H. and Rosenow, J. (2021): The Impact of COVID-19 on Air Transportation in the United States, Europe, and China, accepted for publication in Sustainability, MDPI, Special Issue "Transportation Planning, Mobility Habits and Sustainable Development in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic", https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/17/9656
Standfuß, T. and Fricke, H. (2021): Forecasting European Air Traffic Demand - How Deviations in Traffic Affect ANS Performance, 10th International Conference on Air Transport (INAIR) 2021, INAIR 2021
Lindner, M., Zeh, T., Braßel, H. and Fricke, H. (2021): Aircraft Performance-optimized Departure Flights Using Traffic Flow Funnels, USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar 2021, ATM Seminar
Kamo, S., Rosenow, J., Fricke, H. and Soler, M. (2021): Robust CDO Trajectory Planning under Uncertainties in Weather Prediction, USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar 2021, ATM Seminar
Brühl, R., Fricke, H. and Schultz, M. (2021): eVTOL flight performance modeling and application, USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar 2021, ATM Seminar
- Asadi, E., Chen, W. and Fricke, H. (2021): Estimating stochastic air transport process times using the Fuzzy Critical Path Method, USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar 2021, ATM Seminar
- Fricke, H., Austen, W. J., Foerster, S., Thiel, C. and Bruehl, R. (2021): Mid-air collisions with drones, USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar 2021, ATM Seminar
- Evler, J., Schultz, M. and Fricke, H. (2021): Flight Prioritization and Turnaround Recovery, Economics, USA/Europe ATM R&D Seminar 2021, ATM Seminar
- Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al (2021)
Schaffung zukunftsfähiger Grundlagen für einen effizienten Schienegüterverkehr, Internationales Verkehrswesen, 2/2021, Kompenium: Internationales-Verkehrswesen Full Text: BMVI - Evler, J., Lindner, M., Fricke, H., Schultz, M. (2021): Integration of Turnaround and Aircraft Recovery to Mitigate Delay Propagation in Airline Networks, Computers and Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2021.105602
Evler, J., Asadi, E., Preis, H., Fricke, H. (2021): Airline Ground Operations: Schedule Recovery Optimization Approach with Constrained Resources, Transportation Research Part C, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2021.102021
- Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al (2021)
Folgerungen für die zukünftige Verkehrspolitik nach den Erfahrungen und dem Umgang mit der COVID‐19‐Pandemie, Internationales Verkehrswesen, 1/2021, Kompenium: iv_2021_1 (internationales-verkehrswesen.de) Full Text: BMVI - S.Förster, M. Schultz, H. Fricke, (2021), Probabilistic Prediction of Separation Buffer to Compensate for the Closing Effect on Final Approach, Aerospace 2021, 8, 29. https:// doi.org/10.3390/aerospace8020029
- J. Evler, E. Asadi, H. Preis, H. Fricke, (2021), Airline Ground Operations: Optimal Schedule Recovery with Uncertain Arrival Times, JATM - Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 9, May 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2021.102021
- M. Schultz, X. Olive, J. Rosenow, S. Alam, H. Fricke, (2020), Analysis of airport ground operations based on ADS-B data, Conference: 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Air Transportation (AIDA-AT) https://dor.org/10.1109/AIDA-AT48540.2020.9049212
- H. Braßel, A. Zouhar, H. Fricke, (2020), Adaptive point sampling for LiDAR-based detection and tracking of fast-moving vehicles using a virtual airport environment, SESAR Innovation Days (SID) 2020. (PDF) Adaptive Point Sampling for LiDAR-based Detection and Tracking of Fast-moving Vehicles using a Virtual Airport Environment (researchgate.net)
- J. Evler, E. Asadi, H. Fricke, (2020), Development of Stochastic Delay Cost Functions, SESAR Innovation Days (SID) 2020. SID2020_Stochastic_Delay_Cost_Functions
Evler, J., Asadi, E., Preis, H. & Fricke, H. (2020): Airline Ground Operations: Optimal Schedule Recovery with Uncertain Arrival Time, Journal of Air Transport Management 92:102021, initially accepted at International Conference for Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2020), Best Paper Award, DOI: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2021.102021
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al (2020)
Fahrermangel im deutschen Straßengüterverkehr - Strukturelle Treiber und verkehrspolitischer Handlungsbedarf, Internationales Verkehrswesen, September 2020, online hier https://www.bmvi.de/SharedDocs/DE/Anlage/G/fahrermangel-deutscher-strassengueterverkehr.pdf
Preis, H.; Fricke, H. (2020): Optimizing Winter Maintenance Service at Airports, Operations Research Proceedings 2019.
Springer, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48439-2 -
Lindner, M.; Fricke, H. (2020): Examination and Application of Aircraft Reliability in Flight Scheduling and Tail Assignment, Operations Research Proceedings 2019.
Springer, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48439-2 -
Asadi, E.; Evler, J.; Preis, H.; Fricke, H. (2020): Airline Ground Operations: Schedule Recovery Optimization Approach with Constrained Resources, Operations Research Proceedings 2019.
Springer, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48439-2 - H. Fricke, D. Schäfer (2020), Editorial for the CEAS Aeronautical Journal special issue on research in air transportation, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, May 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13272-020-00455-w https://rdcu.be/b4r7H
- S. Kamo, J. Rosenow, H. Fricke, (2020), CDO Sensitivity Analysis for Robust Trajectory Planning under Uncertain Weather Prediction, 39th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 10/2020, San Antonio, Texas, USA, IEEE,
- T. Zeh, J. Rosenow, R.Alligier, H. Fricke, (2020), Prediction of the Propagation of Trajectory Uncertainty for Climbing Aircraft, 39th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 10/2020, San Antonio, Texas, USA, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1109/DASC50938.2020.9256711
- K. Ahnert, H.Fricke, M. Schultz, Aircraft performance-based redesign of airport obstacle limitation surfaces, 9th International Conference for Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), 06/2020, Tampa, Florida, USA, ICRAT2020_Performance_based_OLS.pdf
- S. Förster, M. Schutz, H. Fricke, (2020), Probabilistic Prediction of Time To Fly using Quantile Regression Forest, 9th International Conference for Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), 06/2020, Tampa, Florida, USA, ICRAT2020_Probabilistic_Prediction_Time_to_fly.pdf
- M. Lindner, J. Rosenow, T. Zeh, H. Fricke, (2020), In-flight aircraft trajectory optimization within corridors defined by ensemble weather forecasts, Journal of Aerospace, Special Issue Air Transportation—Operations and Management
https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace7100144 - H. Braßel, A. Zouhar, H. Fricke, (2020), 3D Image Modelling for Fast and Accurate Lidar Semantic Segmentation of Apron Operations, 39th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 10/2020, San Antonio, Texas, USA, DOI:10.1109/DASC50938.2020.9256495
E. Asadi, J. Evler, H. Preis, H. Fricke, (2019) Coping with uncertainties in predicting the aircraft turnaround time at airports, published in Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Dresden, Operations Research Proceedings 2019, ISSN 0721-5924, Springer Verlag, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48439-2_94
M. Lindner, J. Rosenow, H. Fricke, (2019) Aircraft trajectory optimization with dynamic input variables, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13272-019-00430-0
J. Rosenow, H. Fricke, [2019] Individual Condensation Trails in Aircraft Trajectory Optimization, MDPI, Sustainability, 2019, 11(21), 6082; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11216082
J. Rosenow, D. Strunck, H. Fricke, (2019), Trajectory Optimization in Daily Operations, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13272-019-00429-7
H. Fricke, M. Schlosser, M. Garcia, M. Kaliske (2019) Embedding Aircraft System Modeling to ATM Safety Assessment Techniques - The runway excursion safety case for runway strips with reduced strength, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary
Perspectives, July 2019
S. Foerster, H. Fricke, B. Rabillier, B. Hickling, B. Favennec, K. Zeghal (2019) Analysis of safety performances for parallel approach operations with performance based navigation, thirteens USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2019), Vienna, (PDF) Analysis of safety performances for parallel approach operations with performance based navigation (researchgate.net)
J. Rosenow, H. Fricke (2019) Condensation Trails in Trajectory Optimization, thirteens USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2019), Vienna, published in Sustainability 11(21):6082, DOI: 10.3390/su11216082
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al (2019) Drohnen im deutschen Luftraum: Chancen, Herausforderungen, Regulierungsbedarf, Internationales Verkehrswesen, April 2019, online hier https://www.trialog-publishers.de/media-online/2019/dok44-1904.pdf), English Version here Operation of drones in German airspace: transport policy challenges and the conflicting demands of innovation, safety, security and privacy
T. Zeh, J. Rosenow, H. Fricke, (2019), "Interdependent Uncertainty Handling in Trajectory Prediction", Aerospace Journal, Special Issue Air Transportation—Operations and Management, https://doi.org/10.3390/aerospace6020015
J. Rosenow, M. Lindner und H. Fricke (2019), Multicriteria-Optimized Trajectories Impacting Today’s Air Traffic Density, Efficiency, and Environmental Compatibility, Journal of Air Transportation, 2019, Vol. 27, No.1, pp. 8-15, DOI: 10.2514/1.D0086, online hier (https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/10.2514/1.D0086)
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Haasis, H. Fricke et al (2019), Chancen der Digitalisierung für die deutschen Seehäfen nutzen und Investitionen in die Infrastrukturen optimieren, Internationales Verkehrswesen, 01/2019, online hier (https://www.trialog-publishers.de/media-online/2019/dok44-1901.pdf), Online-Reader Version hier https://www.trialog-publishers.de/epaper/44190213m8T&k8tRl%7c1N84iv7a/#14
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al. (2018), Papier zu Chancen der Digitalisierung für die deutschen Seehäfen nutzen und Investitionen in die Infrastrukturen optimieren
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al. (2018), Papier zur Luftreinhaltung in Städten
J. Rosenow, D. Strunck, H. Fricke, (2018), Trajectory Optimization in Daily Operations, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Casteldefels, Spain, 2018, online: http://www.icrat.org/icrat/8th-international-conference/papers/
M. Lindner, J. Rosenow, H. Fricke, (2018), Dynamically Optimized Aircraft Trajectories Affecting the Air Traffic Management, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Castelldefels, Spain, 2018, online: http://www.icrat.org/icrat/8th-international-conference/papers/
J. Mund, A. Zouhar, H. Fricke, (2018), Performance Analysis of a LiDAR System for Comprehensive Airport Ground Surveillance under Varying Weather and Lighting Conditions, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Casteldefels, Spain, 2018, online: http://www.icrat.org/icrat/8th-international-conference/papers/
M. Lindner, J. Rosenow, S. Förster, H. Fricke, (2018), Potential of integrated flight scheduling and rotation planning considering aerodynamic-, engine- and mass-related aircraft deterioration, CEAS Aeronautical Journal 10 (3):pp. 755-770, https://doi.org/10.1007/s13272-018-0344-x
J. Evler, E. Asadi, H. Preis, H. Fricke, (2018), Stochastic Control of Turnarounds at HUB-Airports, A Microscopic Optimization Modell Supporting Recovery Decisions in Day-to-Day Airline Ground Operations, 8th SESAR Innovation Days (SID), Salzburg, Austria, November 2018, online https://sesarju.eu/sesarinnovationdays
J. Rosenow, D. Strunck, H. Fricke, (2018), Free Route Airspaces in Functional Air Space Blocks, 8th SESAR Innovation Days (SID), Salzburg, Austria, November 2018, online https://sesarju.eu/sesarinnovationdays
H. Fricke, S. Förster, M. Vogel (2018), Using agent-based modeling to determine collision risk in complex TMA environments: the turn-onto-ILS-final safety case, Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal (AAOAJ), Vol. 2 Issue 3, 2018, Online hier: https://medcraveonline.com/AAOAJ/AAOAJ-02-00046.pdf
- J. Rosenow, H. Fricke, T. Luchkova, M. Schultz (2018), Minimizing contrail formation by rerouting around dynamic ice-supersaturated regions, Aeronautics and Aerospace Open Access Journal (AAOAJ), Vol. 2 Issue 3, pp. 105‒111, 2018, https://doi.org/10.15406/aaoaj.2018.02.00039
- S. Wandelt, X. Sun, H. Fricke (2018), ADS-BI: Compressed Indexing of ADS-B Data Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, PP(99):1-12, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2017.2784371
- J. Rosenow, H. Fricke, M. Schultz (2017), Air Traffic Simulation with 4D Multi-Criteria Optimized Trajectories, accepted for 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, November 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al. (2017), Automatisiertes Fahren im Straßenverkehr, Straßenverkehrstechnik 9.2017, Kirschbaum Verlag, 2017; http://www.strassenverkehrstechnik-online.de/
- Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al. (2017), Die Chancen der Digitalisierung im Taximarkt nutzen: Liberalisieren und Verbraucherschutz stärken, List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik, Springer Verlag, 2017; LFWF-D-17-00020
- J. Rosenow, M. Lindner und H. Fricke (2017), Impact of climate costs on airline network and trajectory optimization: a parametric study, CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 2017, 1-14, DOI:10.1007/s13272-017-0239-2, online hier
- Gabriele Enea, Jesper Bronsvoort, Hartmut Fricke , Christian Seiß, Judith Rosenow, Almira Ramadani, and Mike Paglione (2017): Fuel Burn Estimation Modeling for ATM Benchmark Applications Perspectives from an International Collaboration, Twelfth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2017), Seattle
- J. Rosenow, S. Foerster, M. Lindner und H. Fricke (2017), Impact of Multi-criteria Optimized Trajectories on European Air Traffic Density, Efficiency and the Environment, accepted for the ATM Seminar 2017, June 2017, Seattle, WA, USA https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/1.D0086
- Wissenschaftlicher Beirat beim BMVI , H. Fricke et al. (2017), Infrastrukturgesellschaft Verkehr – Gestaltungs- und Privatisierungsoptionen (Designing an Infrastructure Company for Federal Highways: Configuration and Privatisation Options), ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, 2017; Heft 4, pp 261-265, DOI: 10.1007/s10273-017-2127-0 online hier
- A. Zouhar, J. Mund und H. Fricke (2017), Systematic Performance Quantification of a LiDAR System for comprehensive Airport Apron Surveillance under varying Weather and Lighting Conditions, submitted to DLRK 2017, September 2017
- J. Mund, A. Zouhar und H. Fricke (2016), Can LiDAR Point Clouds effectively contribute to Safer Apron Operations?, accepted for 6th SESAR Innovation Days, November 2016, Delft, The Netherlands
J. Mund, F. Michel, F. Dieke-Meier, H. Fricke, L. Meyer und C. Rother, Introducing LiDAR Point Cloudbased Object Classification towards Safer Apron Operations in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Enhanced Solutions for Aircraft and Vehicle Surveillance Applications, Berlin, 2016
J. Rosenow und H. Fricke (2016), Continuous Climb Operations with minimum fuel burn, accepted for 6th SESAR Innovation Days, November 2016, Delft, The Netherlands
- L. Meyer und H. Fricke (2016), Investigating the Safety-Relevance of Limited Distinctive Features on a Multi Remote Tower-Working Position, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Philadelphia; USA - Pennsylvania
- J. Blank and H. Fricke (2016), Impacts of flawed flight test data and its repercussions on helicopter flight performance, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Philadelphia, USA - Pennsylvania
- S. Groth, J. Rosenow and H. Fricke (2016), Aviation-induced nitrogen oxide emissions and their effect on the energy budget of the Earth-atmosphere system, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Philadelphia, USA - Pennsylvania; Best Paper Award in Conference
- M. Lindner, S. Foerster, J. Rosenow and H. Fricke (2016), Aircraft fleet mix optimization in airline networks under ecological and soft time window constraints, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Philadelphia, USA - Pennsylvania
- N. Bontikous, F. Dieke-Meier and H. Fricke (2016), The potential of modern mobile technologies to improve airport operations - A concept for controlling passengers flows, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Philadelphia;,USA - Pennsylvania; Best Paper Award in Conference
- M. Schlosser, H. Fricke, EASA-Zertifizierung von Flugplätzen – ein Safety Case, Flugbetriebliche Risiken durch unzureichend befestigte Start- und Landebahnstreifen, Ingenieurspiegel 1/2016, S. 73 ff.
- BMVI: H. Fricke et al., Streiks und die Zuverlässigkeit der Verkehrsbedienung, Internationales Verkehrswesen, 2016; Heft 1, 68. Jahrgang [online hier]
- J. Rosenow, H. Fricke (2016), Solar radiative forcing of individual condensation trails, Meteorologische Zeitschrift
- J. Rosenow, H. Fricke, Angular dependence of individual condensation trails on the extinction of solar radiation, 4th International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate, June 2015, Bad Kohlgrub, Germany
- M. Vogel, C. Thiel, H. Fricke, , Experimental Quantification of Times Needed to Comply With Air Traffic Control Advisories (FCU & MCDU Interaction) – submitted to 5th SESAR Innovation Days, December 2015, Bologna, Italy
- J. Mund, A. Zouhar, L. Meyer, H. Fricke, C. Rother, Performance Evaluation of LiDAR Point Clouds towards Automated FOD Detection on Airport Aprons, 5th International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (ATACCS'2015), (accepted/angenommen), University Paul Sabatier (IRIT), Toulouse, France, October 2015
- O. Lücke, H. Fricke et al. (2015). Information Centric Operation of Future Connected Cabin, SAE technical paper, SAE 2015 AeroTech Congress & Exhibition, (accepted/angenommen), September 22-24, WA, USA
- M. Vogel, H. Fricke (2015). Identifying operator response times in the implementation of air traffic control instructions , Dresdner Transferbrief - Das E-Journal - 1.15, S.17
- H. Fricke C. Seiß, R. Herrmann (2015). A Fuel and Energy Benchmark Analysis of Continuous Descent Operations, ATM-Seminar 2015, June 2015, Lisbon, Portugal , Kevin Corker Award Best Paper in Seminar, ATC Quarterly Special Issue, Volume 23, Number 1, https://doi.org/10.2514/atcq.23.1.83, 2015, Washington D.C.
- H. Fricke, C. Thiel (2015). A Methodology to Assess the Safety of Aircraft Operations When Aerodrome Obstacle Standards Cannot Be Met, Open Journal of Applied Science (OJAppS), Vol.5 No.2 2015 [OJAppS]
- H. Fricke, J. Mund (2014). Zulassungsprozesse für Fahrzeuge in Deutschland. Straße, Luft und Schiene im Vergleich – Teil 2: Luft, Internationales Verkehrswesen, Heft 4, 66. Jahrgang
- L. Meyer, K. Gaunitz, H. Fricke, Accelerated Risk Analysis in ATM: An Experimental Validation Using Time Pressure as a Stressor, 4th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2014), to be held in Madrid, Spain, 25.-27. November 2014
- F. Dieke-Meier, H. Fricke (2014), Sicherheit, Ökologie, Kosteneffizienz - das Spannungsfeld der Flugoptimierung, Internationales Verkehrswesen (66) 2, S.12 ff.
- H. Fricke, F. Dieke-Meier, M. Kaiser, T. Günther, J. Rosenow , Hochpräzise Vorhersage und Bewertung von Flugtrajektorien, Ingenieurspiegel, 03/2014
- BMVBS: H. Fricke et al. (2013) Weißbuch der Europäischen Kommission KOM (2011) 144 - Stimmt der Fahrplan zu einem einheitlichen europäischen Verkehrsraum sowie einem wettbewerbsorientierten und ressourcenschonenden Verkehrssystem?, Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft, 84. Jahrgang 2013, Heft 1
- B. Oreschko, T. Kunze, T. Gerbothe, und H. Fricke (2014), Turnaround Prediction and Controlling with Microscopic Process Modelling, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Istanbul (Türkei) Best Paper Award
- T. Guenther, H. Fricke (2014), Impact of trajectory restrictions onto fuel and time-related cost efficiency, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Istanbul (Türkei)
- J. Mund, L. Meyer und H. Fricke (2014). LiDAR Performance Requirements and Optimized Sensor Positioning for Point Cloud-based Risk Mitigation at Airport Aprons, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Istanbul (Türkei)
- K. Ahnert, H. Fricke (2014) Neugestaltung des Bauschutzbereichs unter Berücksichtigung von Navigationsgenauigkeiten im Luftverkehr, 24. Verkehrswissenschaftliche Tage 2014, TU Dresden
- F. Dieke-Meier, H. Fricke (2014) Aktuelle und künftige Relevanz ökologischer Aspekte in der Optimierung von Flugtrajektorien, 24. Verkehrswissenschaftliche Tage, TU Dresden
- L. Meyer, K. Gaunitz H. Fricke (2014) Investigating time pressure for the empirical risk analysis of sociotechnical systems in ATM, 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2014) and its affiliated conferences to be held in Kraków, Poland, July 19-23
- H. Fricke, J. Mund (2014). Zulassungsprozesse für Fahrzeuge in Deutschland. Straße, Luft und Schiene im Vergleich – Teil 2: Luft, Internationales Verkehrswesen, Heft 4, 66. Jahrgang
- L. Meyer, K. Gaunitz, H. Fricke (2014), Accelerated Risk Analysis in ATM: An Experimental Validation Using Time Pressure as a Stressor, 4th SESAR Innovation Days (SID 2014), to be held in Madrid, Spain, 25.-27. November 2014
- M. Schultz, H. Fricke, T. Kunze, T. Gerbothe C. Grabow, J. De Prins, M. Wimmer und P. Kappertz (2013), Modelling and Evaluation of Automated Arrival Management Considering Air Traffic Demands, SESAR Innovation Days (2013), Stockholm
L. Meyer, M. Schultz, S. Schmidt-Roßleben and H. Fricke, „Understanding the safety-relevance of visual cue perception at a Surface Manager HMI,“ in Proceedings 3rd SESAR Innovation Days, Stockholm, 2013
L. Meyer, J. Mund, B. Marek und H. Fricke, „Performance test of LiDAR point cloud data for the support of apron control services,“ in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Enhanced Solutions for Aircraft and Vehicle Surveillance Applications(ESAVS), Berlin, Germany, 2013
- C. Thiel, C. Seiß, H. Fricke, Actual Navigation Performance of Helicopters in the Final Approach Phase of RNAV (GPS) Approaches, International Symposium on Precision Approach and Performance Based Navigation (ISPA 2013), Berlin, Deutschland
- K. Ahnert, H. Fricke, Redesigning Runway Obstacle Limitation Surfaces in consideration of Performance Based Navigation, International Symposium on Precision Approach and Performance Based Navigation (ISPA 2013), Berlin, Deutschland
- T. Kunze, M. Schultz, H. Fricke, An approach for Aircraft Turnaround decision making to minimize outbound delay, 4th International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (ATACCS 2013), Neapel, Italien
- H. Fricke, M. Schultz, F. Dieke-Meier, T. Kunze and B. Oreschko, Efficient ground process management considering stochastic planning deviations (in German), Ingenieurspiegel, 01/2013
- F. Dieke-Meier, T. Kalms, H. Fricke, M. Schultz, Modeling aircraft pushback trajectories for safe operations, 4th International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (ATACCS 2013), Neapel, Italien
- T. Pabst, T. Kunze, M. Schultz, H. Fricke, Modeling external disturbances for aircraft in flight to build reliable 4D trajectories, 4th International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (ATACCS 2013), Neapel, Italien Best PhD Paper Award
- H. Fricke, C. Thiel, A Methodology to Assess the Safety of Aircraft Operations when Aerodrome Obstacle Standards cannot be met, Tenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2013), Chicago, IL, USA Best Paper Award
- M. Vogel, K. Tristan, K. Schelbert, H. Fricke, Analysis of Airspace Complexity Factors' Capability to Predict Work-load and Safety Levels in the TMA, Tenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2013), Chicago, IL, USA
- M. Schultz, T. Kunze, H. Fricke, Boarding on the Critical Path of the Turnaround, Tenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2013), Chicago, IL, USA
- M. Schultz, T. Kunze, B. Oreschko, H. Fricke (2013), Microscopic Process Modelling for Efficient Aircraft Turnaround Management, ATOS Konferenz, Toulouse, Frankreich
- Bienert, N., H.Fricke, Real-time Wind Uplinks for Prediction of the Arrival Time and Optimization of the Descent Profile, ENRI Int. Workshop on ATM/CNS. Tokyo, Japan. (EIWAC 2013)
- M. Kaiser, J. Rosenow, H. Fricke und M. Schultz, Tradeoff between optimum altitude and contrail layer to ensure maximum ecological en-route performance using the Enhanced Trajectory Prediction Model (ETPM), 2nd International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (ATACCS), London, Best Theoretical Research Paper Award
- BMVBS: H. Fricke et al., Govermental intervention in the pricing on the gas/petrol market? (in German), Internationales Verkehrswesen (64) 5 | 2012, S.12-13, 2012
- BMVBS: H. Fricke et al., New strategic orientation of the national railway policy (in German), DIW-Vierteljahresheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Band 81(1), S.131-147, Januar 2012
- BMVBS: H. Fricke et al., Challenges of the development of electric mobility in Germany (in German), Staßenverkehrstechnik, 56. Jahrgang, Kirschbaum Verlag, Januar 2012
- Schultz, M., T. Kunze, B. Oreschko and H. Fricke (2012), Dynamic Turnaround Management in a Highly Automated Airport Environment, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), Brisbane, angenommen
- Schultz, M., L. Rößger, H. Fricke and B. Schlag (2012), Individual assessment of conflict prediction and group dynamic behavior as main driver for pedestrian dynamics, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (PED), Zürich
- B. Oreschko, T. Kunze, Schultz, M.,H. Fricke, V. Kumar and L. Sherry (2012), Turnaround Prediction with Stochastic Process Times and Airport specific Delay Pattern, International Conference on Research in Airport Transportation (ICRAT), Berkeley
- M. Kaiser, Schultz, M. and H. Fricke (2012), Automated 4D Descent Path Optimization using the Enhanced Trajectory Prediction Model (ETPM), International Conference on Research in Airport Transportation (ICRAT), Berkeley
- Schultz, M., H. Fricke, M. Kaiser, T. Kunze, J. L. Leonés, M. Wimmer und P. Kappertz (2011). Universal Trajectory Synchronization for Highly Predictable Arrivals Enabled by Full Automation, Eurocontrol SESAR Innovation Days (SID), Toulouse, Frankreich
- Meyer, L., M. Schultz und H. Fricke (2011). Validation of an innovative experimental safety assessment for virtual control tower HMI designs, Eurocontrol SESAR Innovation Days (SID), Toulouse, Frankreich
- Schultz, M. und H. Fricke (2011). Managing Passenger Handling at Airport Terminal Individual-based Model for Stochastic Passenger Behavior, USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM), Berlin, [pdf]
- Meyer, L., M. Schultz und H. Fricke (2011). Model-based Safety Requirements Engineering for complex ATM Systems - Application in a Virtual ATC Tower Environment, USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM), Berlin
- Kaiser, M., M. Schultz und H. Fricke (2011). Enhanced Jet Performance Model for High Precision 4D Flight Path Prediction, International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (ATACCS), Barcelona
- Kunze, T., M. Schultz und H. Fricke (2011). Aircraft Turnaround management in a highly automated 4 D flight operations environment, International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (ATACCS), Barcelona
- Schultz, M., L. Meyer, B. Langer und H. Fricke (2011). Model-based Safety Assessment as Integrated Part of System Development, International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies (AST), Hamburg [pdf]
- B. Oreschko, M. Schultz, und H. Fricke (2011). Skill Analysis of Ground Handling Staff and Delay Impacts for Turnaround Modeling, Air Transport and Operations Symposium, Delft
- Schultz, M., B. Langer, L. Meyer und H. Fricke (2010). Model-Based Safety Analysis Considering ATM Domain Requirements, submitted [pdf]
- Schultz, M., T. Kretz und H. Fricke (2010). Solving the Direction Field for Discrete Agent Motion, International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (ACRI)
- Schultz, M. und H. Fricke (2010) Stochastic transition model for discrete agent movements, International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry (ACRI)
- L. Meyer, M. Vogel und H. Fricke (2010). Functional Hazard Analysis of Virtual Control Towers, Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Valenciennes
- Fritzsche, M., T. Günther und H. Fricke (2010). Potential of Dynamic Aircraft to Runway Allocation for Parallel Runways, 4th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, Budapest
- Rumler, W., T. Günther, U. Weißhaar und H. Fricke (2010). Flight Profile Variations due to the Spreading Practice of Cost Index Based Flight Planning, 4th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, Budapest
- Thiel C. und H. Fricke (2010). Collision risk on final approach – a radar data based evaluation method to assess safety, 4th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, Budapest
- Vogel, M., C. Thiel und H. Fricke (2010). A quantitative Safety Assessment Tool based on Aircraft Actual Navigation Performance, 4th International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, Budapest
- Günther, T., M. Hildebrandt, H. Fricke und M. Strasser. Contributions of Advanced Taxi Time Calculation to Airport Operations Efficiency, Air Transport and Operations Symposium 2010, Delft
- Oreschko, B., M. Schultz, J. Elflein und H. Fricke. Significant Turnaround Process Variations due to Airport Characteristics, Air Transport and Operations Symposium 2010, Delft, Best Student Paper Award for ATOS 2010
- Schultz, M. und H. Fricke. Abfertigungsprozesse im Verkehrsknotenpunkt Flughafen, Ingenieurspiegel, Feb. 2010
- Djokic, J., H. Fricke, M. Schultz und C. Thiel. Air Traffic Complexity as a Safety Performance Indicator, Science & Military, 2/2009, Kosice, Slovak Republic
- Fricke, H. und M. Schultz (2009). Delay Impacts onto Turnaround Performance, Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, Napa Valley
- Fricke, H. und M. Schultz (2009). Turnaround Performance Evaluation for Optimal Time Buffering, International Review of Aerospace Engineering, inprint
- H. Fricke im Wissenschaftlichen Beirat beim BMVBS (2009). Krise als Chance: Neue Prioritaeten in der Verkehrspolitik, Weltverkehrsforum Leipzig, Leipzig/Halle
- Schultz, M., Oreschko, B., Schulz, C. und Fricke, H. (2008). Tracking Passengers at Airports for User Driven Terminal Design, Eurocontrol Innovative ATM Research Workshop, Bretigny sur Orge
- Schultz, M. und Fricke, H. (2008). Improving Aircraft Turnaround Reliability, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Fairfax
- Schultz, M., Schulz, C. und Fricke, H. (2008). Effciency of Aircraft Boarding Procedures, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Fairfax
- Schulz, C., Schultz, M. und Fricke, H. (2008). A Real-Time Pedestrian Animation System, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Wuppertal
- Djokic, J., Lorenz, B. und Fricke, H. (2008). Air Traffic Complexity as Workload and Safety Driver, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Fairfax,
- Schultz, M., Schulz, C. und Fricke, H. (2008). Passenger Dynamics at Airport Terminal Environment, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Wuppertal
- H. Fricke im Wissenschaftlichen Beirat beim BMVBS (2008). Verkehrspolitische Handlungsfelder fuer eine effiziente Logistik, Zeitschrift fuer Verkehrswissenschaft, Koeln
- H. Fricke im Wissenschaftlichen Beirat beim BMVBS (2008). Strategien zur Minderung der CO2-Emissionen im Verkehrssektor, Zeitschrift fuer Verkehrswissenschaft, Koeln
- Schultz, M., C. Schulz, und H. Fricke (2007). Enhanced Information Flow and Guidance in Airport Terminals using best Passenger`s Visual Perception, Eurocontrol Innovative Research Workshop, Bretigny sur Orge
- Schultz, M., A. Wachtel und H. Fricke (2007). Standardized Concept for Passenger Guidance Systems at Aerodromes, Council of European Aerospace Conference (CEAS), Berlin
- Schultz, M., A. Wachtel und H. Fricke (2007). Multi-Purpose Passenger Guidance Systems for Terminals, Aachen Aviation Convention (AAC), Aachen
- H. Fricke (2006). Risiko - Modellierung von und wirtschaftliche Konsequenzen aus öffentlichen Sicherheitszonen um Verkehrsflughäfen,Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, Dresden
- Schultz, M., S. Lehmann und H. Fricke (2006). Pedestrian dynamics in airport terminals considering emergency cases, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), Hamburg
- Schultz, M., S. Lehmann und H. Fricke (2006). A discrete microscopic model for pedestrian dynamics to manage emergency situations in airport terminals, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics (PED), (Springer, Berlin)
- Rudolph, M., H. Fricke, M. Kietzmann, M. Schultz und C. Lougear (2005). Gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte bei der Einführung von öffentlichen Sicherheitsflächen um Verkehrsflughäfen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Verkehrswissenschaftliche Tage (VWT), Dresden
- Lehmann, S., M. Schultz und H. Fricke (2005). Sicherheitsstrategien in Flughafenterminals, Verkehrswissenschaftliche Tage (VWT), Dresden
- Schultz, M., S. Lehmann und H. Fricke (2004). Development of a computer-aided model for reliable terminal evacuation simulation - a statistical approach to handle unpredictable passenger behaviour, International Conference on Research in Airport Transportation (ICRAT), Zilina
- Lehmann, S., M. Schultz und H. Fricke (2004). Bewertung von Sicherheit und Notfallmanagement an Verkehrsflughäfen, Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DGLR)
- Schultz, M., S. Lehmann und H. Fricke (2004). Modellbildung und Parametrisierung eines zellulären Automaten zur Simulation von Notfall-/ Evakuierungsszenarien in einem Flughafenterminal, Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DGLR)