ESF Plus PROGRAM DIRECTIVE Equality in Working Life 2021-2027 SMJusDEG
For project area D "Supporting the equal participation of women in decision-making positions in working life " of the ESF Plus Directive Equality in Working Life of the Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality, the next deadline for applications is August 1, 2024.
For project area E "Counteracting gender stereotypes in career and study choices: Measures to expand young people's individual career choice spectra " and project area C: "Projects to promote the participation of women in the labor market" of the ESF Plus Directive Equality in Working Life of the Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality, the next deadline for submitting an application is September 9, 2024.
The aim of the funding is to support the equal participation of women in the workforce, paying particular attention to target groups with difficult framework conditions, typical breaks and delays in women's employment biographies and the reconciliation of work and family or care.
Funding is provided in particular for
1. contact points for women and careers
a) The contact points for women and careers offer life-phase-oriented support and advice for women who are aiming for or want to expand their participation in the workforce, as well as for women who are aiming for career development or reorientation or who have to cope with this, for example due to structural change. They provide support in the development of career goals, decision-making bases, problem-solving strategies, options for action and action steps with special consideration of female target groups with more difficult framework conditions for labor force participation, such as single parents, typical breaks in women's employment biographies and the compatibility of family and career. Gainful employment is understood here in its multiple meanings, in particular as the basis for women's independent livelihood and poverty-proof old-age security, as well as an opportunity for personal and professional development.
b) The contact points for women and work supplement the services offered by the employment services and municipal integration services outside of existing legal entitlements. They work together with the employment services, in particular the equal opportunities officers, careers advice in working life and other stakeholders in the labor market in order to support access to and the initiation and coordination of tailor-made measures with regard to the equal participation of women in the labor market.
c) In addition to various forms of advice such as situational advice, orientation advice and biography-oriented advice, group measures such as workshops or networking offers can be designed according to the specific needs of the users and taking into account existing offers and structures and implemented mainly as closed measures.
2. projects to increase migrant women's proximity to the labor market
a) The projects are aimed at increasing migrant women's proximity to the labor market and improving the conditions for taking up further measures or for integration into the primary labor market. The target group of the projects are women with migration experience whose access to gainful employment can only be realized in the medium to long term after the gradual removal of access barriers due to migration-related or migration-related problems such as language barriers, uncertain residence status, lack of or unrecognized training qualifications, lack of knowledge on employment issues or lack of childcare.
b) The projects provide migrant women with low-threshold access and strengthen the action-taking capacity of users according to their individual needs, in particular through mentoring, support with questions of integration into the community, dealing with authorities, clarifying childcare or initial professional orientation. The projects act as guides on issues such as acquiring qualifications, recognition of qualifications or literacy.
c) The projects include both group and individual offers. In addition to offers at a fixed location, mobile and digital offers are to be provided, particularly in rural areas. Within the framework of the projects, the focus is on open offers and, in addition, closed measures are implemented according to the specific needs of users.
Target group:
Persons with the gender entry female; also men in comparable life situations, e.g. as single fathers in the funding object "Contact points for women and work".
The projects include both group and individual offers. In the case of group offers, a minimum number of at least 8 people is generally required at the start of the offer
Funding rate: The funding rate is 90 percent.
Expenses and costs for university-financed staff and staff working on the project can be counted as own contribution. Co-financing is also possible in "cash" from free funds (own funds). In addition to private funds, municipal and federal funds can also be used. Double funding from ESF funds is excluded.
Amount of funding:
- Project contact points for women and work:
Grants for projects are generally only approved if the eligible expenditure amounts to at least EUR 50,000 per year. As a rule, grants should not exceed EUR 125,000.00 per year.
In exceptional cases that must be justified, projects with a supra-regional scope, in particular for the provision of supplementary services in the Leipzig region from a project location in the Chemnitz or Dresden regions, can be supported with a higher grant amount (maximum doubling). The additional expenditure must be presented in the project description. - Projects to increase migrant women's access to the labor market:
Grants for projects are generally only approved if the eligible expenditure amounts to at least EUR 50,000 per year. As a rule, grants should not exceed the amount of EUR 190,000.00 per year.
In exceptional cases that must be justified, projects with a supra-regional scope, in particular in the provision of supplementary services in the Leipzig region from a project location in the Chemnitz or Dresden regions, can be supported with a higher grant amount (maximum doubling). The additional expenditure must be shown in the project description.
Type of grant/financing: Project funding in the form of proportional financing
Duration of project: maximum of two years
Eligible expenditure:
The following expenditure/costs are eligible for funding in accordance with the current rules of the administrative authority on eligible expenditure and costs (so-called FFAK).
Personnel expenses:
Personnel expenses for own staff and external staff (e.g. for supervision of participants' children or fees) are eligible as a person-related lump sum based on an individually determined hourly rate and the actual hours worked. As the personnel costs are funded by means of a lump sum, there may be a further financial shortfall in addition to the own contribution.
Other expenses:
Expenses for project-related travel costs, instruments and equipment, for consumables and working materials, publications, administration and other operating expenses are funded as a lump sum by applying a percentage in relation to the eligible personnel expenses (so-called "residual cost lump sum") amounting to 35% (project to increase the proximity of migrant women to the labor market) or 40% (project contact points for women and work). Vice-Rector Research 2/2023 applies accordingly.
Other conditions:
Gender competence on the part of the applicant - proof must be provided on the basis of at least two of the following criteria
- relevant gender-specific or gender-reflective previous projects have been successfully completed
- Proof of qualification and further training of the project staff demonstrates knowledge of gender relations and their changeability
- Relevant specialist publications are available
- differentiated, non-stereotypical presentation of gender aspects as part of the description of the current status of the respective areas of activity in the project design
- gender-reflective project design that takes into account gender-typical life situations is presented in the project design
The funding is demography-oriented. The following ESF principles must be fulfilled:
- Principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination as well as gender equality
- Respect for the Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Principle of sustainable development
Corresponding explanations of the principles are required in the project outline.
Further information on the ESF principles can be found on the SAB website
The aim of the funding is to support the equal participation of women in decision-making positions in working life by providing assistance for the utilization of individual potential and career opportunities as well as overcoming obstacles to professional advancement with regard to specialist and management careers.
utilization of individual potential and career opportunities as well as overcoming obstacles to career advancement in terms of specialist and management careers.
Funding is provided for the establishment of new or the expansion of existing projects that support female specialists and female prospective managers in planning and pursuing their individual career paths in a targeted manner with the following focal points:
- Support with the in a targeted manner preparation and implementation of career steps in relation to specialist and management careers in business, non-profit organizations, science, research, teaching or changing professional fields of activity, in particular preparation for taking on management tasks
- Support in gender-conscious reflection and overcoming obstacles and barriers to career advancement, such as the more frequent gender-specific interruptions in professional careers
- Support in taking on larger areas of responsibility and managerial positions
Target group:
The projects are aimed at women with professional and academic qualifications who belong to the target group, who are aiming for professional or academic career steps or who have taken on responsible positions, particularly with personnel or budget responsibility.
Funding rate:
The funding rate is 85 percent.
Expenditure and costs for university-financed staff and staff working on the project can be counted as own contribution. Co-financing is also possible in "cash" from free funds (own funds) or via contributions in kind. In addition to private funds, municipal and federal funds can also be used. Double funding from ESF funds is excluded. Participants' contributions to costs can be taken into account as own contributions
Grants for projects are only approved if the eligible expenditure in individual cases amounts to at least EUR 50,000.00 per year.
As a rule, grants should not exceed the amount of EUR 180,000 per year.
(In exceptional cases, which must be justified, projects with a supra-regional scope, in particular the provision of supplementary services for the Leipzig region from a project location in the Chemnitz or Dresden regions, may be supported with a higher grant amount. If the funding amount is increased due to a supra-regional area of activity, the maximum funding amount can be doubled at most. The actual additional expenditure will be assessed by the approval body in accordance with the project concept).
Type of grant/financing:
Project funding in the form of proportional financing
Duration of the project:
Maximum of two years
Eligible expenditure:
The following expenditure/costs are eligible in accordance with the current rules of the managing authority on eligible expenditure and costs (so-called FFAK).
Personnel expenses:
Personnel expenses for own staff and external staff (e.g. freelance staff) are eligible as a person-related lump sum per hour or month of deployment. As the personnel costs are funded by means of a lump sum, there may be a further financial shortfall in addition to the own contribution.
Other expenses:
Expenses for project-related travel costs, instruments and equipment, for consumables and working materials, publications, administration and other operating expenses are funded as a lump sum by applying a percentage based on the eligible personnel expenses (so-called "residual cost lump sum") amounting to 30 percent. Vice-Rector Research 2/2023 applies accordingly.
Other conditions:
Gender competence on the part of the applicant - to be demonstrated with the application on the basis of the existence of at least two of the following criteria:
- Project sponsor has successfully carried out relevant gender-specific or gender-reflective preliminary projects
- Proof of qualification and further training of project staff demonstrates knowledge of gender relations and their changeability
- Relevant specialist publications by the organization are available, for example as part of the association's statutes, publications in specialist journals or other media
- differentiated, non-stereotypical presentation of gender aspects in the project concept as part of the description of the current status of the respective areas of activity
- a gender-reflective project design that takes gender-typical life situations into account is presented in the project concept
The projects include both group and individual offers. In the case of group offers, a minimum number of at least 8 people should be ensured at the start of the offer. Offline and online offers must be provided.
As part of the projects, the participants are supported using a combination of different methods in building professional networks, getting to know role models, developing professional strategies and acquiring interdisciplinary skills, in particular social and personal skills.
skills, in particular social and personal skills. All projects include offers for mentoring or coaching for the transfer of knowledge and experience as well as for the development of resources and potential for the participants. For people who carry out mentoring, offers are also to be provided to introduce them to the field and to support the process.
The funding is demography-oriented. The following ESF principles must be fulfilled:
- Principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination as well as gender equality
- Respect for the Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Principle of sustainable development
Corresponding explanations of the principles are required in the project outline.
Further information on the ESF principles can be found on the SAB website:
Funding is provided for measures that counteract gender stereotypes in career choice processes and enable young people in the career orientation phase to expand their knowledge, get to know role models, gain practical experience and experience strengths in previously gender-atypical fields of activity or occupations.
Funding is provided for extracurricular projects that design and implement additional, voluntary offers for young people. The offers for exploration and testing should be carried out in fields of activity and occupations with a clear overrepresentation of one gender in the training or employment system for young people of the other gender. This applies in particular to industrial-technical professions, mathematical and scientific professions, information technologies, business start-ups, engineering, social work, health, teaching and education.
Funding is also provided for conceptual activities relating to vocational orientation that take into account knowledge of gender roles as well as the creation or adaptation of aids and materials in preparation and support of participant-related projects.
Target group:
- Pupils from grade 7 at the earliest and people in the career orientation phase, but no later than three years after leaving school
- Persons already in vocational training and students are generally not included in the target group of the projects
- in justified exceptional cases, for example, students who are still enrolled and in doubt about their studies could participate
- Pupils can attend general education schools, pre-vocational measures in vocational schools, technical colleges or vocational grammar schools
- Offers must be carried out predominantly in the Free State of Saxony.
- Offers may only take place outside of lessons or in addition to lessons.
- Measures that replace lessons are excluded from funding
- a maximum of 130 hours of active time with the participants can be planned per offer and per year as part of the project
- For group offers, a minimum number of at least 10 participants must be ensured at the start of the offer; the SAB must be notified if the number of participants falls below 8.
Funding rate:
The funding rate is 90 percent.
Expenditure and costs for university-financed staff and staff working on the project can be counted as own contribution. Co-financing is also possible in "cash" from free funds (own funds). In addition to private funds, municipal and federal funds can also be used. Double funding from ESF funds is excluded.
Grants for projects are generally only approved if the eligible expenditure amounts to at least EUR 50,000 per year.
As a rule, grants should not exceed EUR 90,000 per year.
(in justified exceptional cases, projects with a supra-regional impact in particular can be supported with a higher maximum grant amount of EUR 180,000)
Type of grant/financing:
Project funding in the form of proportional financing
Duration of project:
maximum of two years
Eligible expenditure:
The following expenses/costs are eligible in accordance with the current rules of the administrative authority on eligible expenses and costs (so-called FFAK).
Personnel expenses:
Personnel expenses for in-house staff and external staff (e.g. freelance staff) are eligible as a person-related lump sum based on an individually determined hourly rate and the actual hours worked. As the personnel costs are funded by means of a lump sum, there may be a further financial shortfall in addition to the own contribution.
Other expenses:
Expenses for project-related travel costs, instruments and equipment, for consumables and working materials, publications, administration and other operating expenses are funded as a lump sum by applying a percentage based on the eligible personnel expenses (so-called "residual cost lump sum") amounting to 40 percent. Vice-Rector Research 2/2023 applies accordingly.
Other conditions:
Gender competence on the part of the applicant - proof is provided on the basis of at least two of the following criteria:
- relevant gender-specific or gender-reflective previous projects have been successfully completed
- Proof of qualification and further training of the project staff demonstrates knowledge of gender relations and their changeability
- Relevant specialist publications are available
- differentiated, non-stereotypical presentation of gender aspects as part of the description of the current status of the respective areas of activity in the project concept
- gender-reflective project design that takes into account gender-typical life situations is presented in the project design
The funding is demography-oriented. The following ESF principles must be fulfilled:
- Principle of equal opportunities and non-discrimination as well as gender equality
- Respect for the Charter of Fundamental Rights
- Principle of sustainable development
Corresponding explanations of the principles are required in the project outline.
Further information on the ESF principles can be found on the SAB website
Recipients of funding are non-school sponsors (natural persons with entrepreneurial status or legal entities or associations of persons) and the Saxony Equal Opportunities Coordination Office
Projects in this funding area can be carried out jointly by several institutions/companies (cooperation projects/cooperation networks).
The EPC supports TU Dresden projects in accordance with the Vice-Rector Research 2/2023 and must be involved in the application process. The EPC advises on the funding conditions and the application process, has powers of attorney for the legally binding signature vis-à-vis the SAB and has central access to the SAB funding portal for the submission of project proposals.
Applicants must submit the following documents by email to for project area D by July 26, 2024 and for project area C and E by August 30, 2024
- Project proposal according to SAB structure with signature of coordinating Chair(project proposal structure)
- Brief description (max. 1,500 characters) for publication in the list of funded ESF projects 2021-2027 in the Free State of Saxony
- Sample certificate of participation (with logos in accordance with ESF Plus publicity requirements)
- Notification of third-party funding
- Calculation of project costs (personnel costs: we will be happy to calculate the personnel costs if you contact us before July 26, 2024 for "project area D" or August 30, 2024 for "project area C and E", also in order to calculate the possible amount of the shortfall for you, which may arise due to the payment of a personal lump sum instead of job funding)
- For project area C: additional, technically sound concept for the design of the project that is likely to be successfully implemented
- Legally binding signature of the project proposals by SG 5.2 (EPC)
- Upload to the SAB funding portal by SG 5.2 (EPC) by August 1, 2024 at the latest for project area D or September 9, 2024 for project area C and E
- Review of the full application by a committee (Ministry/SAB)
- Notification of grant or rejection
Contact at the EPC

Deputy Head of Unit / Project Manager
NameMs Susan Kasten
ESF Plus, Federal ESF Plus, ERDF/JTF
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden

Project Manager
NameMs Ina Sedelies
ESF Plus, Federal ESF Plus, ERDF/JTF
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
FAL Falkenbrunnen BT-A Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden