EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND Plus 2021 - 2027 for the Free State of Saxony and the Federal Republic of Germany
The European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus) is one of five European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). Its main objective is to enable a more social Europe. The projects are intended to help strengthen social rights, particularly in employment and social policy.
The Free State of Saxony will receive around EUR 590 million from the ESF Plus from 2021 to 2027. European funds totaling around EUR 2.2 billion will be available for ESF Plus funding from the federal government. The funding is based on the ESF Plus program 2021 - 2027 of the Free State of Saxony and the ESF Plus federal program.
Guidelines and programs:
- Directive "Shaping the transformation of work in a social partnership: further education and promoting equality (ESF Social Partner Directive)"
- "Future of vocational education and training" directive
- "STEM Skilled Workers Program 2021-2027" directive
- "University and research" guideline - doctoral scholarships
- "Sustainable careers - future-oriented training" guideline
- Guideline "University and Research" - Young Researcher Groups Call for Proposals 2025
- Guideline for the funding of projects as part of the "Integration through Education" program
- "Future of value creation" guideline
Further specialist guidelines will be published gradually. We will inform you accordingly on our website.