Reading by James Noël and Hector Ruiz

Plakat zur Lesung "La Migration des murs. Die Wanderung der Mauern" von James Noël und Hector Ruiz am 20. Juni 2018.
James Noël and Hector Ruiz are currently among the most important voices in French-language poetry. What they have in common is their understanding of poetry as a medium that reflects a world in motion. Both of their writing is characterized by observations of loss and the search for new certainties in the present. Poetry proves to be a mode of thinking and writing that does justice to the authors' mobility between worlds and cultures. Their texts are poetically and politically highly topical.
James Noël, born in Haiti in 1978, sees himself as a globetrotting poet. He has published numerous volumes of poetry and contributions to anthologies and is the editor of the magazine IntranQu'îllités. He has been awarded a number of prizes for his work, including the prestigious Villa Médicis scholarship.
Hector Ruiz, born in 1976 in Guatemala, lives and works in Québec. The author of three volumes of poetry and a volume on the theory of lyrical writing, he teaches French literature at the Collège Montmorency. He is president of the Maison de la poésie de Montréal and a member of La Traversée - Atelier québécois de géopoétique.
The event was a cooperation between the Centrum Frankreich | Frankophonie of the TUD Dresden University of Technology, the Literaturhaus Villa Augustin Dresden, the Institut Français de Saxe and the AIEQ.
Reading and discussion (French / German)
Time : Wednesday, June 20, 2018, 7 p.m.
Place : Literaturhaus Villa Augustin, Antonstr. 1, 01097 Dresden
Admission free