Table of contents
Admission requirements
To be admitted to the degree program, applicants must have completed a general university entrance qualification (Abitur) or a comparable university entrance qualification.
NC (numerus clausus) selection procedure
General information about the selection process for degree programs with restricted admission as well as the threshold values for previous admission cycles can be found here.
A summary in English of the selection process for degree programs with restricted admission can be found here.
German language requirements
International applicants and German applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification are kindly advised to read the requirements for German-language courses.
Information regarding Studienkolleg
Applicants with a foreign university entrance qualification that does not grant them direct access to university education in Germany pursuant to the qualification comparability regulations of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs must attend a Preparatory College (Studienkolleg) prior to studying. You can acquire the subject-specific university entrance qualification here. Further information can be found on the website of the Preparatory College (Studienkolleg).
This degree program relates to the following specialized course at the Studienkolleg:
Notes on the application process
This degree program participates in the Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren (DoSV) – an initiative organized to aid communication between universities and applicants in cases where prospective students apply for multiple degree programs at multiple universities. This means that applicants from Germany and the rest of the EU must have an applicant ID (BID) and an authentication number (BAN) issued to them from Hochschulstart prior to submitting their application to TU Dresden.
General information about the degree program
In the Diplom degree program in Business Information Systems you will focus on how information and communication systems can be used in business and administration and designed to meet the needs of target groups – questions that are highly topical in view of the rapid digital transformation of business models and processes that will become even more significant with the increased use of artificial intelligence.
Learning to shape the digital future at the intersection of business and information technology is at the heart of the program. You will know which tools, systems, platforms, and architectures can and should be used for digital transformation. To this end, you will receive comprehensive foundations in Business Administration and Economics, Business Information Systems, and Computer Science, as well as ample opportunity to focus on areas of interest to you. As a result, you will be able to identify and develop suitable solutions to interdisciplinary problems.
The program leads to the academic degree "Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker/in (Dipl.-Wi.-Inf.)". It is designed for a standard period of study of ten semesters, with the possibility of part-time study. The total workload is 300 credit points acquired through modular, course-related examinations.
Study contents
The Diplom degree program in Business Information Systems is divided into basic studies, catering to content-related and methodological foundations in the various disciplines involved, and the subsequent main course of studies, which includes a huge elective area and the Diplom thesis.
The basic studies (120 credit points) comprise the first four semesters. They equip you with basic knowledge in business information systems, computer science, business administration, economics, and mathematics and statistics, supplemented by law and key qualifications.
The main course of study (140 credit points) begins with the fifth semester. It consists mainly of the elective area with the fields Business Information Systems, Computer Science, Business Administration and Economics, Methods and Procedures, Presentation and Discussion, Research Design and Supplementary Qualifications. You can combine modules very freely within and also across these areas. Moreover, you may specialize to the extent you prefer via numerous profiles in economics, computer science, and Business Information Systems. These profiles cover the entire range of classic and innovative topics, giving you unparalleled freedom of choice. Regular placements at the top of university program rankings (Wirtschaftswoche, CHE) demonstrate its great popularity among students and employers alike.
Visit the website Elective Area Diplom Business Information Systems to learn more about its structure, elective options, and the contents of the profiles!
In the Diplom Thesis (20 credit points), you use scientific methods to tackle a research question in Business Information Systems. It takes 16 weeks to complete and typically marks the end of the degree program.
More specific information about the course of your studies, the modules available and the module content can be found on the degree program website.
Quantitative methods such as mathematics and statistics are prominent in business administration and economics. Therefore, a good previous knowledge of mathematics is a significant advantage for study success. You will also be able to acquire this knowledge during your studies. Still, you should be open to familiarizing yourself with quantitative analysis methods. For computer science, it is also important that you are able to think analytically and have a certain capacity for abstraction. In business information system as the connecting subject in between, it is important to be able to work in a networked and interdisciplinary manner. But you will also learn this during your studies.
Much of the scientific literature you will deal with during your studies is written in English. Reading and understanding this is an essential prerequisite for success during your studies and later on. You should therefore have a good command of English, which you can of course improve further during your studies.
For an optimal start to your studies, TU Dresden offers you the essential mathematics and computer science contents in compact and interactive formats as online preparation courses. So you can prepare anytime and anywhere at your own pace.
You can check whether you have understood everything in numerous exercises and tests. Our tutors will answer your questions about the course material by email and in the forum. Aiming at students in the 11th and 12th grades and first-year university students, the course is offered in German language and is free to use.
You can find more information on using the course and the links to the online courses on dein-Studienerfolg.
Stay abroad
Fancy a semester abroad? A semester, internship, or language course abroad - as a student, you will surely benefit from a stay abroad. You can improve your subject and language skills, make contacts, make friends, get to know other cultures, and much more.
The Diplom degree program in Business Information Systems offers many opportunities to acquire and contribute to your studies abroad.
More information is available on the International Office and the Faculty of Business and Economics pages.
Mandatory internship during studies
4 weeks (minimum)
Occupational fields
The strong and ever-increasing interdependence of business with information technology and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as the interdisciplinary orientation of the degree program, open up a large job market with many opportunities for you as a graduate in business information systems.
You will be sought after by all companies and institutions that use information technology or artificial intelligence to manage their business processes, develop IT applications themselves, and deal with large amounts of data in their daily business that they want to use to support decision-making, improve their products and services, or even design solutions based on artificial intelligence. In these areas, you will work as an IT or process manager, data analyst, or AI engineer.
Another important field of activity is project management for software vendors, IT service providers, and all other organizations adopting and using information technology. You may work as an IT or management consultant or as a change manager. You can also help companies develop and implement AI and digitalization strategies. Or you can start your own business as a digital entrepreneur! Of course, a research career is also open to you. As a Business Information Systems graduate, you will be ideally prepared for management and leadership positions thanks to your comprehensive and interdisciplinary studies.
Study documents
The official announcements of TU Dresden include all published regulations . Please use the search bar to find the document you need: Official proclamation
The regulations are also available on each institution’s website.
- Examination Regulation
- Study Regulation
… you will find on the respective site of the responsible unit.
Central Student Information and Counselling Service
Study Counsellor
Ms. Dipl.-Psych. Franziska Klinkewitz
Central Student Information and Counselling Service
Post address:
TU Dresden
Zentrale Studienberatung
01062 Dresden
- Tel.
- +49 351 463-39724
Faculty of Business and Economics
Academic Advisor
(für Grundstudium)
Mr. Richard Rau
- Tel.
- +49 351 463-39935
Office Hours:
Please arrange an appointment or visit us during our office hours.
Academic Advisor
(für Hauptstudium)
Mr. Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Dix Gräubig
Post address:
TU Dresden
Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften
01062 Dresden
- Tel.
- +49 351 463-33514
Office Hours:
Please arrange an appointment or visit us during our office hours.
Admissions Office
Post address:
Technische Universität Dresden
01062 Dresden
- Tel.
- +49 351 463-42000
Office Hours:
International Office
International Office
Office address:
Bürogebäude Strehlener Str. (BSS) 22, 6. Etage, Raum 671
Post address:
TU Dresden
International Office
01062 Dresden
- Tel.
- +49 351 463-39607
Office Hours: