Reports & Projects
The Writing Center of the TU Dresden is suppoerted by the Bund-Länder-Programm Hochschulpakt 2020 in the corresponding framework of the concept of TU Dresden to help students achieve academic success.
Overview of SZD@TUD project reports 2021-2023
History & Milestones of the Writing Center at TU Dresden
- from 01/2024: the organization of the Writing Centre will be firmly anchored at TU Dresden
- 12/2021 to 12/2023: Project "SZD@TUD" (review and short report), funded by the federal-state program Hochschulpakt 2020 as part of the overall concept of the TU Dresden to support students in their academic success.
- 03/2017: 1st Long Night against Procrastination ("Lange Nacht des Schreibens", LNDS for short) at the TUD (digital since 2020, supra-regional cooperation since 2021)
![Auf blauem Hintergrund steht: "Bei uns stehen Schreiben und Schlüsselkompetenzen im Zentrum - auch im Internet."](
The design of the writing center as one of the study success projects 2018.
- 04/2016 to 12/2020: cooperation project of the Career Service and the Center for Continuing Education as a writing center with a focus on "academic writing" and "study and career-relevant key competencies" (review & short report), funded by the Higher Education Pact
Completed projects and offers
- 12/2021 - 12/2023 comprehensive newsletter with tips on scientific work
- Textbuddy-/Writing Fellow Programm
- until 03/2022: Writing marathon for all students
- WritingMotivationWeeks in March and september 2021
- 08/2020 - 03/2022 Methods workshop writing marathon in the supplementary teaching area
- 03/2020 - 2021: virtual Writing Center, including in the TU Matrix with the home office community (insight via a news item on the home office community and a report in the university journal 09/2020, in German)
- Writing Center of TU Dresden et al., Editor. Jump-Start your Writing. Tips and Methods for Planning and Writing Academic Texts. Methods of Writing for Students and Lecturers. 2023. to Yump Start your Writing for downloading (PDF with form function)
- Melching, Nina: Das Schreibzentrum der TU Dresden, Schreib- und Schlüsselkompetenzen fördern – Lehrende unterstützen. In: Schulze-Stocker, Franziska, Christian Schäfer-Hock, and Henriette Greulich. Wege Zum Studienerfolg: Analysen, Maßnahmen Und Perspektiven an Der Technischen Universität Dresden 2016 – 2020. Dresden: TUDpress, 2020, S. 393- 426. Online auf qucosa.