Termination of Enrolment
If you wish to complete or discontinue your studies at TU Dresden, you need to de-register by submitting an application to have your name removed from the university register of students. To do this, you need to access the de-registration application form which you can find under [Oganization of Studies] and [Application Overview] on the Student Portal, fill it out, submit it online and then print it out and send it to the Admissions Office or International Office in paper form. The de-registration certificates as well as the necessary certificate to provide proof that you have studied for the pension insurance will then usually be made available for download online in your document folder in the selma portal. If a degree program is terminated (e.g. parallel studies) without intended de-registration from TU Dresden, please inform the Amissions Office/International Office by sending an email to the SCS.
Students who are de-registered despite incomplete repeat examinations in the current examination period are generally obliged to complete the repeat examinations at TU Dresden. In such cases, it is recommended to seek advice from the responsible Examination Office.
When specifying the date of your de-registration, please note the following:
- It is not possible to apply to de-register retroactively.
- When transfering to a new university, it is advisable to de-register at the end of the semester you are currently in to ensure a smooth transition to the next university as far as insurance law is concerned.
- It is recommended that students who want to de-register at the end of the semester but who still have to complete the last part of their final exams (thesis defense etc.) should re-register for the new semester, as student accident insurance only comes into effect if a student was registered as such at the time of the last exams. The exam regulations may prescribe that registration is a prerequisite for taking the final exam. The Student Council will reimburse the fee for the semester ticket on a pro rata basis if de-registration takes place during the semester. You can obtain the necessary application forms from the Student Council.
Students who must be exmatriculated in accordance with §13 para. 2 and 3 ImmaO receive notification of their removal from the university register of students from the TU Dresden Admissions Office/International Office. This notification is also accompanied by 2 de-registration certificates, all of which can be found in the document folder of your selma account. You will also receive an email notification sent to your TUD email address. Please note the deadline to make an appeal! As a rule, de-registration takes effect at the end of the semester in which it is announced. Retroactive de-registration will not take place, unless you have not properly re-registered, in which case you may be de-registered. Upon de-registration, every student who is removed from the register of students receives a de-registration certificate and a pension insurance certificate.
You may be de-registered ex officio if:
- You have successfully passed your final examination and are not registered in another degree program.
- You have failed a final attempt at passing a final examination or a course which, according to the examination regulations, is required for passing the final examination and you are not registered in another degree program.
- You have brought about de-registration through coercion, deliberate deception or bribery.
- You have not properly re-registered (e.g. by paying your semester fee) in accordance with §11 ImmaO.
- You have not earned any of the credit points for your degree program as stipulated by the Study and Examination Regulations for 4 semesters. This also applies to those enrolled in parallel studies, so if you realize that your parallel studies have a negative impact on your primary degree program, you should de-register proactively with the Admissions Office/International Office.
- You have not immediately started a degree program despite a written request to do so and being warned of an impending exmatriculation.
The reason for de-registration is not listed in de-registration certificates.
Students who
- have successfully completed their studies and would then like to pursue a second degree or postgraduate studies,
- wish to change their degree program or a subject, or
- have lost the right to take examinations in their current degree program due to an irrevocably failed examination and therefore want to change
do not have to exmatriculate.
De-registration from the university is only required if you would like to leave the university altogether.
If you have any questions about your application and the organization of your studies , please contact the ServiceCenterStudies first by phone, email or in person (see contact box below). We will support you with all your concerns or forward you or your request to the Admissions Office, the International Office or the respective branch offices at the Faculty of Medicine.
Students at the IHI Zittau should contact the branch office in Zittau directly.

First contact with the Admissions Office and International Office including their branch offices via the ServiceCenterStudies
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
im Foyer des Fritz-Foerster-Baus
Mommsenstraße 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology ServiceCenterStudies
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday:
- 08:30 - 16:00
- Tuesday:
- 08:30 - 18:00
- Wednesday:
- 08:30 - 16:00
- Thursday:
- 08:30 - 18:00
- Friday:
- 08:30 - 13:00
Office hours by phone:
- Monday:
- 09:00 - 15:00
- Tuesday:
- 09:00 - 18:00
- Wednesday:
- 09:00 - 15:00
- Thursday:
- 09:00 - 18:00
- Friday:
- 09:00 - 13:00