Offers for Health and Balance
Table of contents
TU Dresden has established university health management services comprising a variety of programs to promote the health and fitness of its employees and students. This includes training programs in the following areas:
Mindfulness, stress management and self-care
Each day at work, we undertake a variety of tasks which require a high level of dedication, creativity, and self-care. The demands and stresses we face in the workplace have increased in recent years. Our training programs can help you to manage yourself and others without compromising your health, and will provide inspiration on how to tackle a heavy workload with energy and motivation. More on mindfulness, stress management and self-care services
Exercise and nutrition
Exercise and preventative courses
Exercise not only improves your physical fitness, it also promotes mental well-being and has been shown to reduce the risk of a number of common diseases. Regular physical exercise also helps combat stress, supports you in regaining energy, and can help alleviate a variety of ailments. Get moving with us!
A healthy and balanced diet improves physical and mental well-being, can reduce the risks of disease, and can also alleviate a variety of ailments. At the same time, a healthy diet can be tailored to your needs and – also important – brings joy and tastes delicious! Healthy eating website with online presentation
Holistic preventive care
The “In Focus – The University as a Place of Work” (OPAL) lecture series provides an insight into topics that are relevant for employees at TUD – including health at work.
Full medical check-up
With our additional holistic preventive care services, we are paving the way towards a healthier working environment and lifestyle. During Occupational Health Services office hours, you can benefit from holistic preventive care in addition to occupational health screening. You can choose whether you would like the medical officer to perform laboratory tests, determine and evaluate your body mass index, calculate your risk of heart attack and your work ability index, discuss vaccination options, perform an eye test, or perform a more general medical consultation including a physical examination and subsequent discussion. Holistic preventive care website
Ergonomic workplace design helps to prevent and alleviate skeletomuscular discomfort while working at a desk. Come to our Occupational Health Services office hours or get a consultation directly in your place of work. Occupational Health Services also loan products which you can use to undertake tests independently.
First Aid Officers
Everyone is welcome to become a First Aid Officer at TU Dresden. To do so, you must be prepared to refresh and deepen your knowledge of first aid on a regular basis. Find the dates for the next beginner and refresher courses on the Unit 9.4 Occupational Health Services website. First aid at TU Dresden
Mental stress, conflict, addiction and suicide prevention
TU Dresden provides various services to promote mental health. For example, you might take stress management training to learn how to manage challenges and find balance in your daily life. Getting help for mental health problems at an early stage can help prevent the development of more serious problems later. Make the most of the resources available to you and invest in your mental well-being.
Please also take note of our services relating to midfulness, stress management and self-care.
Balancing work and family life
How can I balance work with my family life? We are committed to helping members of staff balance their work and family lives. For us, family not only refers to parenthood, but also to caring for grandparents, parents, and life partners. To this end, you will find numerous consultations and services at TUD for the support of families.
Current courses at TU Dresden
Is there a particular month when you would like to participate in a continuing education course? Visit our courses by month website to see a chronological list of continuing education courses.
Independent learning
Do you want to complete continuing education courses when it works best for you? Our online independent learning programs offer maximum flexibility.
With our popular training videos on exercise breaks, you can complete simple, varied, and effective exercises right at your desk whether at home or in the office.
This service for the prevention of headaches includes informative resources, access to certified apps, webinairs, and supplementary media on the topic of headaches and migraines. These can be alleviated or even stopped altogether by using the right preventative measures.
Does healthy eating need to be expensive, or is it possible to maintain a healthy and balanced diet on a budget? Find the answers in the online presentation on healthy eating on a budget.