Der obere Teil eines Rollups auf dem lila, grüne und rote Punkte sich zu einem Schwarm zusammenfügen. Links in der Ecke das TUD Logo, rechts das DRESDEN-concept Logo © Michael Kretzschmar

Excellence: Guiding Principle of University Development

TU Dresden is one of eleven German Universities of Excellence, which have received funding within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal and State Governments since November 1, 2019.

The Excellence title confirms the potential of one of Germany‘s largest technical universities. At the same time, however, this award is a great responsibility and an incentive to stay and become even more “excellent.“

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Bild eines T-Shirts mit Exzellenz-Logo © Robert Lohse
10 years University of Excellence

Excellence has triggered a high dynamic of change and a surge in innovation at TU Dresden. Our university has become more interdisciplinary and international, attracting outstanding scientists from all over the world. To celebrate the anniversary in 2022, a film gives an insight into how passionate researchers at TUD are searching for knowledge for life.

Bright Minds. Excellent Research. © AVANGA Filmproduktion