Jun 06, 2019
Interdisciplinary Future Lab seeks answers to scientific skepticism
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Have you ever been irritated by statements in the media and politics in which scientific results were doubted or even polemically referred to as "fake science"?
If you would like to share your observations on scientific skepticism and think together about how best to deal with it, then you are cordially invited to the
Future Lab
„FAKE SCIENCE?! Science between Social Responsibility and Scepticism“
Thursday, 11 July 2019
Conference building at the Institute of Wood Technology (Zellescher Weg 24)
The transfer of knowledge to the public domain faces new challenges in these times of fake news, mistrust of experts and conspiracy theories. Be it climate change, migration or food safety: there has always been scepticism about science. What is new, however, is the type of discourse that, thanks to Google and social media, is rapidly gathering momentum and is often dominated by self-appointed experts and “perceived knowledge”.
How can scientific communication succeed in a changing society? And what exactly are the tasks of science in the public sphere?
The Future Lab, which is open to all members of TUD and the DRESDEN-concept partners, will seek answers to these questions.
At the same time, the Future Lab will mark the beginning of a new series of events at TU Dresden. Entitled “TUD in Dialogue“, this series will be testing new dialogue and participation formats for the exchange with civil society, and will start in the 2019/20 winter semester.
Further information and the registration link for the Future Lab can be found at:
The event will be held in German.
The Future Lab "FAKE SCIENCE?!" is funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments.