May 31, 2018
New Visiting DRESDEN Fellows
TUD would like to welcome seven new visiting scientists: under the DRESDEN Fellowship Programme, they have started their stays of up to six months at TUD in recent weeks in order to further develop scientific collaborations and joint research projects:
- Prof. Alexander Markov, Saint Petersburg State University (Russia), visiting the University Vascular Centre at the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital
- Prof. Leon O. Chua, University of California (USA) in Berkeley, visiting the Chair of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
- Prof. Carlos Ruta, National University of General San Martin (Argentina), visiting the Research Centre for the Comparative Research of Religious Orders (FOVOG)
- Prof. David Trobisch, „Museum of the Bible" in Washington, DC (USA), visiting the Institute of Protestant Theology
- Prof. Massimo Zaggia, University of Bergamo (Italy), visiting the Institute of Romance Studies
- Dr. Virginia Fabrizi, University of Pavia (Italy), visiting the Institute of Classical Philology
- Dr. Vladimiro Mujica, Arizona State University (USA), visiting the Chair of Materials Science and Nanotechnology