Access to Campus Network
Wireless LAN (WLAN / Wi-Fi) for employees and students
TU Dresden takes part in the DFN roaming project (DFN = Deutsches ForschungsNetz; internet provider for universities in Germany). Thus employees, students and especially guests, whose universities also participate in DFNRoaming, can get access to the Wireless LAN of TU Dresden. Conversely, if you are at one of these locations , you can also use the wireless LAN there. From a technical point of view this is realized with IEEE 802.1x and distributed RADIUS servers.
Network name/SSID is always eduroam.
First, we suggest you set an extra service password for WLAN. Advantage is that you can store this password on your mobile device without compromising the security of the other services.
You can find instructions on how to set up the WLAN in our FAQs on the keyword eduroam.
- Installable software (OpenVPN and Cisco AnyConnect Client)
Guests in WLAN
- Employees of TU Dresden can set up wireless LAN logins for their guests.
- Network name: VPN/WEB