Bio-image analysis, biostatistics, programming and machine learning for computational biology: Dr. rer. medic. Robert Haase (#RH1)
Brief Description
In this lecture series, we introduce life-scientists to common concepts in microscopy image data analysis and in particular to Python programming, bio-image analysis, biostatistics and research data management. Towards the end of the semester we introduce students to state-of-the-art concepts of artificial intelligence. This year, we introduced a lecture about using chatGPT for Bio-image Analysis.
- Data Science, Machine Learning
- Bio-image Analysis
- chatGPT
Was macht das Schmuckstück besonders?
Our lecture series and the accompanying practicals are characterised by highly-interactive sessions and open-access teaching materials.
Students learn the foundations in lectures where everyone gets involved to a large degree. For example, we use colored sticky notes to do quizzes and surveys during the lecture. The lecturer does not go ahead without this visual feedback by the audience. After every lecture the students can try out what they just learned on their own laptops allowing them to take functional data analysis scripts home and reusing them later, e.g. when they became PhD students.
The training materials are available open-access introducing students to the open science culture and also explaining them why openly available materials can become game-changes in modern science. The slides and exercise materials are licensed CC-BY 4.0 and contain a lesson about open-access licensing, introducing the students to this important concept of data management. The students can come back to the online repository of teaching materials any time, also in the future when they became PhD students in other places and refresh their knowledge about bio-image analysis.
As the topic is highly relevent for science culture nowadays, the lecture about how to use chatGPT for Bio-image Analysis, which was first part of our lecture series at CMCB, was shared on YouTube.
The lecture was a collaboration between Dr. Anna Poetsch and Dr. Melissa Sanabria (both Biotec / CMCB TU Dresden) and Dr. Allyson Ryan and Dr. Robert Haase (both PoL/CMCB TU Dresden).
Related links
Organizational unit
DFG Cluster of Excellence "Physics of Life", Bio-image Analysis Technology Development Group
Course size
31 to 100 students
Voting ID