Facility human iPSC lines
The facility generated hiPSC lines from consented healthy donors that can be used by all TU Dresden scientists as wildtype control lines or as parental lines for Genome Engineering projects:
- original name: CRTD1
- hPSCreg link: CRTDi004-A
- donor sex: male
- donor tissue: skin fibroblasts
- reprogrammed in collaboration with the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Min Ae Lee-Kirsch
- characterization: Pluripotency Flow Cytometry, 96 Gene qRT-PCR Array, 3 Germ Layer Differentiation, Karyotyping (g banding), Mycoplasma Test, STR
- culture conditions: hESC-qualified Matrigel®, mTeSR1™, ReLeSR™ clump passaging
- also available as single cell passaging (TrypLE Express, 10 µM Rock inhibitor) adapted line: CRTD1-sc
- Publication: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33848-y
CRTDi003-A and CRTDi003-B
- original names: CRTD2 and CRTD3
- hPSCreg links: CRTDi003-A, CRTDi003-B
- donor sex: female
- donor tissue: CD34 positive peripheral blood cells
- reprogrammed in collaboration with the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Frank Buchholz
- characterization: Pluripotency Flow Cytometry, 96 Gene qRT-PCR Array, 3 Germ Layer Differentiation, Karyotyping (g banding), Mycoplasma Test, STR
- culture conditions: hESC-qualified Matrigel®, mTeSR1™, ReLeSR™ clump passaging
- Publication: https://doi.org/10.3390/genes11050511
CRTDi005-A and CRTDi005-B
- original names: CRTD4 and CRTD5
- hPSCreg links: CRTDi005-A, CRTDi005-B
- donor sex: male
- donor tissue: BJ fibroblasts obtained from ATCC
- reprogrammed in collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Jörg Mansfeld
- characterization: Pluripotency Flow Cytometry, 3 Germ Layer Differentiation, Karyotyping (g banding), Mycoplasma Test, STR
- culture conditions: hESC-qualified Matrigel®, mTeSR1™, ReLeSR™ clump passaging
- also available as single cell passaging (TrypLE Express, 10 µM Rock inhibitor) adapted lines: CRTD4-sc and CRTD5-sc
- Publication (CRTDi005-B): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cels.2018.08.011
CRTDi011-A, CRTDi011-B, CRTDi011-C and CRTDi011-D
- original names: IDP52555 #9, IDP52555 #13, IDP52555 #36, IDP52555 #44
- hPSCreg links: CRTDi011-A, CRTDi011-B, CRTDi011-C, CRTDi011-D
- donor sex: female
- donor tissue: CRTDi011-A and CRTDi011-B, were derived from skin fibroblasts and CRTDi011-C and CRTDi011-D from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) of the same healthy donor
- reprogrammed in collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Nataliya Di Donato
- characterization: Pluripotency Flow Cytometry, 3 Germ Layer Differentiation, 96-Gene qRT-PCR Array, Karyotyping (G banding and SNP array), Mycoplasma Test, STR
- culture conditions: hESC-qualified Matrigel®, mTeSR1™, ReLeSR™ clump passaging