With its extensive range of workshops, counselling and support services, TU Dresden can offer a diverse portfolio that is tailored to your specific needs. Offers concentrate on the following key points:
Center for Continuing Education
The Center for Continuing Education has a broad portfolio of workshops and counselling offers with the following main topics:
- "Leading successfully at TU Dresden",
- workshops for teaching and learning in higher education and communication,
- TU-specific offers, such as rights and responsibilities for professors,
- individual and team coachings, accompaniment of collegial case consultations.
These and many more workshops and counselling offers are carried out by external lecturers of the Center for Continuing Education.
Responsible and successful PhD support / good scientific practice
The independent supervision of doctoral candidates is an important task. In order to achieve and maintain the high standards of doctoral supervision, the Graduate Academy ( offers an annual workshop lasting several days on the topic of professional doctoral supervision. In addition, you will receive comprehensive counselling and support for the doctoral candidates entrusted to your care. Workshops on good scientific practice are also offered.
Strategies and techniques in scientific careers
Your scientific work and your results must be shared with a wider audience. It must be clear that you and your institution are behind it! Advanced training on "Strategies and Techniques in Scientific Careers" comprises four modules on the most important core questions on the topic of managing your publications and research data. Further Information...
Research funding at TU Dresden
Applying for funding to carry out research projects is part of your everyday life. We provide comprehensive information about strategies and opportunities, offer you in-depth advice and support for each individual project. We can answer questions about which projects can be funded by foundations and ministries, or national third-party funding bodies such as the German Research Foundation (DFG). Further Information...
The European Project Center (EPC) is responsible for EU-funded projects and provides funding advice on European programmes. The centre also provides information about support for research and innovation, education and cooperation with third parties, structural fund support, and administrative project management of complex projects.
Utilisation of research results
Ultimately, you will want to turn your research into capital and ensure that no one else steals your success. The Transfer Office supports you along the entire innovation chain with safeguarding and exploiting research results. The Transfer Office accompanies you from disclosing an invention, to carrying out patent searches in the Patent Information Centre (PIZ), to registering your patent, to marketing and utilising intellectual property rights, to networking with business partners. Further Information...