Nov 09, 2023; Workshop
10th Diversity Days: Social and sustainable - diversity is the first stepPoetry Workshop - Writing for all
Creative writing, first steps on stage, strong rhetoric and lived creativity - all this comes with a poetry workshop!
The workshop with author, slam poet and teacher Maron Fuchs offers you variety and unforgettable moments. Last but not least, thanks to helpful information blocks and individual feedback, the participants can develop important skills and abilities, from expression and presentation to more self-confidence in their overall appearance.
If you are interested in attending the lecture, please register via the Centre for Continuing Education (to the registration). Once you have registered, we will contact you in good time before the date of the lecture.
Be excited! Visit our event page for all the latest information on planned formats.
We look forward to welcoming you at our events!
- Help us to support you! If you have any accessibility needs, we would be happy to hear from you at .
- You can find the information on data protection in the corresponding information sheet "Privacy policy on the processing of personal data/information obligations according to DSGVO".
- The measures are "Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Free State of Saxony within the framework of the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder".
Coordinator Diversity Management
NameVivian Weidner M.A.
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