Connection to the central data network
"Dyport" defines the dynamic port assignment to data network ports in the offices of TU Dresden employees. A defined VLAN can be assigned to the data network port depending on the connected device (MAC Authentication Bypass) or the user credentials/user certificate entered on a device (802.1X - primarily used by administrators).
Normally, the IT administrator of the organizational unit manages the Dyport accesses for the employees. However, there are also organizational units where employees can register their IT hardware (laptop, PC) in Dyport themselves.
Dyport is available in all parts of the building supplied with VoIP.
The connections (data network ports) are mostly designed as double data sockets. The left-hand connection is always activated. The right-hand connections are only partially usable.
A computer or a VoIP telephone with a computer behind it can be connected to a data network port. A computer may only send with one MAC address. If more than one MAC address is detected on a port, it is automatically deactivated for one hour.
If virtual machines are to be used on the computer, they must be operated with NAT (not bridge). Own switches are not permitted on the ports.