DNS Name Management (Nameserver)
ZIH manages the domain tu-dresden.de and other Domains. For this ZIH operators several authoritative name servers. Entitled persons are allowed to request addition, changes or deletion of DNS records (Resource Records).
Scope of Services
- Creation / editing / deletion of DNS records
- Operation of the authoritative name servers
- All common record types
- Separate zones per request
- Informal application to the Service Desk
- All administators and service owners are entitled to this service
- Only requests from senders with "tu-dresden.de" e-mail address and signed e-mail will be processed.
- If a service / server is no longer used / has been decomissioned, the deletion of the associated DNS records must be requested soon thereafter.
- This service is free of charge.
Provisioning times
When all necessary approvals are available, provisions are usually made within one working day.
Support times
The opening hours of the Service Desk apply.
Support times
- Service is available 24/7.

Visiting address:
Andreas-Pfitzmann-Bau, Room E036 Nöthnitzer Straße 46
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Support Center Digitalisierung
Service Desk
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
- Monday to Friday:
- 08:00 - 19:00
Structure of the namespace
The DNS namespace has a hierarchical structure and its components are separated via dots. The namespace below the domain tu-dresden.de is also structured hierarchically and consists mainly of subdomains of organizational units (e.g. faculties or central units) of TU Dresden.
Process for new names below tu-dresden.de
New names directly below tu-dresden.de need prior approval by the university management via Sachgebiet 7.5: Web und Video :
01. The request is to be sent by a ticket (email) to Web Support. The ticket must contain the following information:
- Desired name of the subdomain(s) under "tu-dresden.de"
- Reason and description
- Desired DNS entries (e.g. IP address)
02. Examination and consultation by SG 7.5 Web and Video
- Prüfung der Vorrausetzungen (§ 18 IT-Ordnung)
- Consulting on hosting possibilities (VM at ZIH, webspace, WebCMS, external)
- Examination of design (Corporate Design rules) and if necessary support with agency assignment
- Advice on data protection and imprint (templates or involvement of Sachgebiet 3.5: Informationssicherheit if necessary)
- Advice on and review of accessibility
- Advice on other services for a domain (TLS certificates and mail)
03. Submission of resolution by SG 7.5 to the CDIO
04. Signed resolution for applicant (for submission to D1) and documentation
05. Registration of the subdomain by ZIH
Expiration time
DNS records have an expiration time (time to live/TTL), so that they need not be queried permanently anew and can be cached by querying systems (Caching). This expiration time must be considered when changes are planned. The default expiration time of DNS records in the ZIH name service is a day (86400 seconds).
If this expiration time is too long, it must be reduced before a change. If you need this, state this clearly in your change request.