Table of contents
The YouProf program of the TU Dresden is a multi-layered offer for demand-oriented career development for the qualification phase R3, in which scientists qualify for a professorship. On the one hand, it serves as an orientation, and on the other hand, as qualification and networking. In concrete terms, this includes:
- personal support,
- counseling and qualification interviews,
- training in the form of workshops,
- individual and team coaching,
- TU-internal and supra-regional networking events.
Target Group
- tenure tracks
- junior professors
- holder of temporary program or endowed professorships
- initial interviews for orientation regarding appointment, evaluation and further education at the TU Dresden as well as individual support for career development (contact person: Alena Fröde)
- needs-oriented continuing education counseling, individual and team coaching (contact person: Lydia Barth)
- Center for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL): advice on all aspects of teaching and curriculum development (among others) – overview of ZiLL services
Department 5 - Research: advice on funding opportunities, project applications and research contracts (among others) – overview of services for researchers
Courses and short lectures
These are organized by the Centre for Continuing Education (ZfW), the Centre for Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching (ZiLL), the Network for Leadership and Careers in Science (a cross-university initiative of universities in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia) and the Graduate Academy of TU Dresden (GA).
Research data management in teams - A talk about solutions for collaborative and sustainable work with research data Lecture: March 26, 2025
How to lead ONE team: managing diversity in the workplace online training (two parts): April 10+24, 2025
Enhancing Leadership Skills in Academia on-campus training: June 17-18, 2025
For more continuing education opportunities and information on the certificate program, please see the website “Successful Leadership at TU Dresden”, which is aimed at all managerial staff at TU Dresden.
Just write. Time to write for professors writing retreat: March 17-21, 2025
How to develop my tenure-track professorship online training: January 16+17, 2025
At the moment there no trainings on this topic in English.
Ensuring good scientific practice - for professors online course in German: May 9, 2025
Ensuring good scientific practice - for professors on-campus course in German: November 24, 2025
The Graduate Academy provides continuing education and advice on ensuring good scientific practice for doctoral students and postdocs.
For more on the topic of good scientific practice, please visit TU Dresden’s Office for Good Scientific Practice.
free courses offered by ZiLL (Center for interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching) at TU Dresden and other Saxon universities
information on the Saxon University Didactics Certificate
University Didactics Certificate Salon (discuss and share ideas with your peers, 2-3 times per year)
Lunch Lecture (Experts share their ideas on pertinent topics, followed by a discussion. Virtual event, held once per semester)
University Didactics Certificate Symposium on teaching and university development (held on site in Meissen over two days)
Your point of contact:
NameMichael Sommer
Higher Education Didactics
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Zentrum für interdisziplinäres Lernen und Lehren (ZiLL)
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, K 37 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden

NameTobias Weber
Higher Education Didactics
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Zentrum für interdisziplinäres Lernen und Lehren (ZiLL)
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, K 37 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
Dr. Thomas Gloy (Hochschuldidaktik Sachsen)
Telefon: +49 341 97 30015
Supervising doctoral candidates successfully online workshop: June 5, 2025
Coaching und Mediation
All coaching offers, with the exception of the coaching for lecturers, are provided by the Center for Continuing Education. Detailed information on mediation can be found below.
Individual coaching is an service tailored specifically to your personal goals and needs as a leader, which are discussed in a confidential environment and solutions are developed together with the coach. Please find detailed information on our coaching website.
You also have the opportunity to participate in team coaching together with your team. An external coach will support you and your team as you reflect on potential and opportunities as well as challenges, and plan next steps. A comprehensive needs assessment is conducted in advance so that we can match you with the right coach. Please find detailed information and contacts on our coaching website.
In mediation, specially trained, independent third-party mediators help you resolve conflicts constructively. They are neutral and support both sides, creating a space where each perspective is given equal consideration. The objective of mediation is to reach a mutual agreement that meets the needs and interests of all parties and thus allows them to constructively move forward. The process itself is confidential. Occupational Health Services and the Center for Continuing Education have teamed up in an effort to advance conflict management at TU Dresden, creating a pool of mediators who can be who can be booked as needed in addition to existing services.
Coherent appearance and presentation – effective rhetoric for university lecturers
In individual coaching, you will receive professional feedback and tips in your voice and effective speaking, tailored specifically to your needs. 5 individual appointments. Please note: At the moment, this coaching is offered in German only.
Let's talk about it... - Coaching for scientific authors In individual coaching, you will receive professional support for your writing project(s). Three appointments by arrangement.
The coaching for lecturers ("LehrCoaching") of the HDS (Center for Higher Education Didactics Saxony) offers newly appointed professors, habilitated professors, junior professors, holders of tenure track positions as well as working group and laboratory leaders an opportunity tailored to individual needs to realize challenging teaching development projects and to work on complex requirements and dynamics in processes of teaching and curriculum development in a solution-oriented manner.
The free teaching coaching sessions are offered by external coaches provided by the HDS. The coaching can take place both in German and English. Please find further information here: website of the HDS (in German). Contact person: Kathrin Franke
Independent learning - leadership and administration
These are e-learnings and other digital learning materials that are available to all members of TU Dresden.
- Toolbox Unconscious Bias
The toolbox offers helpful and interesting information as well as impulses in the form of link collections to videos and further (learning) offers. - E-learning courses on science communication (offered by NaWik, subject to a fee)
E-Learnings in German:
E-Learnings in German:
- E-Learning: Laterale Führung – Erfolgreich führen ohne Vorgesetztenfunktion
- E-Learning: Die Führungskraft als Coach und Personalentwicklerin
- E-Learning: Change Management - Veränderungsprozesse erfolgreich gestalten:
Online-Schulung zur präventiven und repressiven Korruptionsbekämpfung
Die Online-Schulung zur präventiven und repressiven Korruptionsbekämpfung wurde für alle Bediensteten des Freistaates Sachsen konzipiert und gehört seit 2015 zu den Selbstlern-Modulen aus dem Weiterbildungsprogramm des Fortbildungszentrums der Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Rechtspflege Meißen (FH).
Es gibt ein Modul mit Grundwissen und eine Vertiefung. Bei Teilnahmewunsch senden Sie bitte eine formlose E-Mail an den Antikorruptionsbeauftragten, der Ihnen dann den Link zum Modul zusendet.
Export Control in Science and Academia
E-learning on terms, definitions, structure of export control as well as practical examples and sanctions in the event of misconduct.
Duration: 3 modules, each lasting approx. 20-30 minutes
Completion: Certificate of attendance
Copyright law in university teaching and classes (GER)
Educational resources on copyright in higher education from a teacher's perspective. This course focuses on sharing short videos and on the provision of and handling of Open Educational Resources (OER).
Compensation for disadvantages in exams – what teachers need to know (GER)
Presentation by Dr. Maike Gattermann-Kasper (Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses – Universität Hamburg)
E-Learning: Fit for Equal Treatment (GER)
Offered by the Meissen Training Center (FoBiZ)
- Basic module (for all employees) 60 minutes; with certificate of participation
- Advanced module (for managers) 30 minutes; with certificate of participation
E-Learning: Classic project management – planning projects successfully (GER)
required learning time: 90 minutes (plus time needed to complete the transfer tasks); with certificate of attendance
E-Learning: Classic project management – managing projects successfully (GER)
Required learning time: 80 minutes (plus time needed to complete the transfer tasks); with certificate of attendance
E-Learning: Agile project management – the basics
Required learning time: 70 minutes, with certificate of participation
E-Learning: Didactic foundations for the effective transfer of knowledge
Required learning time: 60 minutes (plus time needed to complete the transfer tasks); with certificate of attendance
- SAP 0 introductory course – E-Learning for staff of TU Dresden
(Additional courses are held on site)
Required learning time: 60 – 90 minutes; with certificate - Self-learning Academy IT security for staff of TU Dresden
Independent learning - university and media didactics
Independent learning course on inclusive university teaching
This independent study course teaches the fundamentals of inclusive higher education in a way that is both easy to follow and practical. After completing the course, you will be able to incorporate accessible teaching materials and tools for inclusive teaching into your day-to-day teaching.
Required learning time: 5 modules, each lasting 90 minutes
E-Learning:Introduction and design
The first steps of how to creating a course in OPAL.
The fundamentals of e-teaching
In this independent study module, participants learn about media didactic basics and can select two of the following topics to work on independently: Teaching and learning organization, using media to relay information and using computers to communicate
Supervision of seminar papers and final theses online course
Required learning time: up to 60 work units (1 work unit = 45 minutes), participation can be recognized as AKTive Lehre as part of the Saxon Higher Education Didactics Certificate
You will also find the initial video recordings (each lasts 90 minutes) on “Portfolio in Higher Education” and “Holistically Integrating Writing as a Learning Tool” in the Writing Center’s new OPAL area for teaching staff.
“E-Learning at TU Dresden” info area on OPAL
Various video recordings of online workshops and independent learning modules on (media) didactic topics as well as instructions on how to use the e-learning tools at TU Dresden.
Info area on OPAL for the introduction to e-learning scenarios and for the demonstration of course components
First steps and insight into the OPAL's features as well as a presentation of usage scenarios, tips and potential ways of configuring individual OPAL course modules.
Copyright law in university teaching and classes
Educational resources on copyright in higher education from a teacher's perspective. This course focuses on sharing short videos and on the provision of and handling of Open Educational Resources (OER).
Compensation for disadvantages in exams – what teachers need to know
Presentation by Dr. Maike Gattermann-Kasper (Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses – Universität Hamburg)
Online course on data protection for staff of TU Dresden:
This online course on data protection explains the basics of the data protection regulations in force at TU Dresden as well as issues of data protection using practical examples.
Required learning time: 30–40 minutes
- YouProf regulars' tables
- Participation in the "Network Leadership and Career in Science" (supraregional, for tenure tracks from Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia). The jointly designed Workshop program complements the offerings of the participating universities and serves to provide interdisciplinary qualification. Getting to know colleagues from their own location as well as from neighboring universities also offers participants the opportunity to expand their own network and to establish and expand cooperations in the region.
- events for new professors
About the program
The background to the development and thus also the funding of the YouProf program is The Joint Federal Government-Länder Tenure-Track Program adopted by the BMBF in 2016. The aim of the program is the sustainable implementation of so-called tenure-track professorships. These positions are initially limited to a maximum of six years, and after a probationary phase (so-called tenure track) with successful evaluation, the transition to a lifetime professorship is to follow immediately. More information can be found on the website of the BMBF and the website of the appointment officers of the TU Dresden. At TU Dresden, there are currently almost 30 tenure-track position holders.
Point of contact

Lydia Barth
Continuing Education for Executives and Professors
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Center for Continuing Education
Center for Continuing Education
Visiting address:
Fritz-Foerster-Bau, room 141 Mommsenstr. 6
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Zentrum für Weiterbildung
01062 Dresden

YOU PROF Young Professors Program
NameAlena Fröde
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Günther-Landgraf-Bau (GLB), room 7-116 Mommsenstr. 15
01069 Dresden