Podcasts at TU Dresden
Table of contents
Podcasts are a popular medium at TU Dresden. They cover a variety of topics and are a fantastic way to delve into the research and expertise at TU Dresden. Some podcasts are made especially for students and provide useful tips and hints for studying, preparing for exams, and career planning. Other podcasts concentrate on current societal issues and offer a platform for discussion and debate.
The podcasts are produced by various faculties, institutes, and student initiatives, and are usually in German. Most of them are free and can be found on various platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts und SoundCloud.
Podcasts at TU Dresden
“Does assisted dying hurt?” “What do I do if my child is addicted to crystal meth?” “What does sex feel like when you’re old?” “As a pensioner living in the country, how do I ask my doctor about STIs?” These are all questions people think about, but to which there are rarely any answers. But why is this the case? The “You ask we explain” podcast has stepped in to change this: scientific debates and information, presented in an understandable way.
In this podcast, the team at the John Dewey Research Center for the Didactics of Democracy (JoDDiD) put on their political-didactical hats and question experts. They present studies and concepts as well as fascinating reports from the field and case studies. Above all, the podcast aims to explores findings, tasks and questions in the area of civic education for young people and adults in Saxony.
Are true love and true friendships actually the same phenomena?? Why is religion so often hostile towards sex, the body and women? Should we make a distinction between pederasty in the ancient world and pedophilia today? What distinguishes true love from desire? Is monogamy an illusion?
Markus Tiedemann, Professor of Practical Philosophy and Didactics of Philosophy at the Institute of Philosophy of TU Dresden, and journalist Katrin Tominski answer questions on emotions and intimacy in their podcast, “Love, sex and friendship – Questions and answers from philosophy”.
In our science podcast Food Facts, food chemist Prof. Thomas Henle from TU Dresden talks to presenter Peer Kittel and student Jule about current scientific issues relating to food and nutrition. From A for apple to Z for zymology - we clarify the facts about chemistry in food, dispel myths and fake news and give a few personal tips.
Kleine und große Geschichten aus dem Herzen der Medizin: Die Realität als Ärzt:in bringt oft mehr Fragen als Antworten mit sich, auch das Gesundheitssystem steht immer mehr unter Druck. Mit ihrem Podcast „AbendVisite“ wollen Chiara und Hannah jungen Kolleg:innen inspirierende Vorbilder an die Hand geben, die mit ihrer Erfahrung nicht nur motivieren, sondern auch auf die Fragen eingehen, die uns alle bewegen. Ihre Gespräche schaffen Raum für Austausch, Perspektiven und echte Antworten – und tragen hoffentlich dazu bei, ein gegenseitiges Verständnis zwischen den Generationen der Medizin zu schaffen.
The earth consists of 71% water, but only 3% of it is available to us as fresh water. The podcast from the Institute of Urban and Industrial Water Management explores the challenges with regard to this increasingly scarce resource.
Finally, clarity instead of data confusion! In the "Data in conversation" podcast (German: datenSPRECHstunde), Anne Röhle, a medical doctor, and Ingo Röder, a mathematician and Chair of Medical Informatics and Biometry, address questions relating to statistics and data. Both work at the Faculty of Medicine at TU Dresden. The aim of this podcast is to help students (of medicine, but also of other subjects) to consolidate and expand their knowledge. In addition, doctors and other scientists, should be supported in reactivating knowledge or learning new things. The podcast is of interest to anyone who would like to get a taste of data analytics.
To the podcast "Datensprechstunde"
The podcast is available on popular podcast platforms such as Spotify, Audible and Apple Podcasts.
The podcast "On.Line.Dates. Das GSW DigitalJournal" is all about the opportunities and challenges of digitalization in the university context: What is digitalization and (how) can I integrate digital media into teaching? What can artificial intelligence do in everyday teaching and what not? What needs to be considered when designing an online lecture? TUD members from different status groups discuss these and other questions and thus open up a variety of perspectives on the topic of digital teaching.
To the podcast: https: //tu-dresden.de/gsw/der-bereich/team-digitale-lehre/ueber-uns/podcast
The ZLSB podcast gives prospective students, students and staff of TU Dresden a glimpse into into the tasks of the Center for Teacher Education and Educational Research as well as an overview of the people involved.
IN*GE calls" highlights projects, people and ideas that are dedicated to inclusion-sensitive education. The stakeholders briefly report on what they do, why it is important for participation and inspire you to take part.
This creates many exciting conversations that not only motivate, but also show how diverse inclusion is. The focus is on the positive effects that the interviewees' commitment has on students.
In this podcast, students training to become teachers at TU Dresden report on the experiences they had when studying abroad. Mandatory or voluntary, self-organized or structured, Japan or Denmark – in this podcast you will learn about the different options and possibilities of going abroad during your studies, and get some first-hand tips for planning your stay abroad.
Going abroad – Teacher training students report on their experiences abroad podcast
Der Linguist Prof. Alexander Lasch streamt seine Vorlesungen zur Linguistik und Sprachgeschichte des Deutschen und zeichnet sie als Podcast auf.
Lessons learned are short stories from students training to become teachers at TU Dresden who share the unique experiences they’ve had during their studies. The program is geared towards prospective students and teacher training students who want to gain insights into the degree program and its topics.
Welcome to the Orientation Platform Research & Practice (OFP) podcast, made for students of the School of Science. OFP Coordinator Christina Schulz interviews people working in various scientific fields as well as members of the Career Service and other advisory services. A new episode is released on the 15th of every month during the lecture period.
Artificial intelligence, Rittersport chocolate, Covid19 vaccines, advertising and hate speech... All of these phenomena are about intellectual property, media and competition law as well as current trends and topics that are of particular interest to students. What or for how (long) is something worthy of protection? Why this is desirable is often unclear and complex. Together with students from Dresden University School, questions relating to copyright, patent, trademark, design, competition and media law were answered in ten episodes.
The project "Be seen being green?" is one of the winning teams of the university competition in the "Science Year 2022 - In Demand". The jury selected the best 15 project ideas from 270 submissions.
To the podcast on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4KmNh5sM8LHLvw7qro77qb
The podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/podcast_a.i.g.b/
Für das Projekt "Moravian Knowledge Network" (MKN) liegt eine große Zahl an Texten vor, die für Forschung und Lehre an der TU Dresden in Kooperation zwischen dem Universitätsarchiv Herrnhut und der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) erschlossen werden. Sie sind in der deutschen Kurrent verfasst. Um diese Handschrift lesen zu lernen, ist dieses Vorleseprojekt ins Leben gerufen worden.
Zum Podcast Alte Schriften
This podcast is geared towards “latebirds” – everyone who studies at TU Dresden and works at the Writing Center, as well as “early bird” students who want to improve their writing.
Students, staff and colleagues of the Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies at TU Dresden read selected novellas from The Decameron – a collection of stories that in many ways is a model for storytelling in times of uncertainty. The stories are told alternately in German and Italian.
Linguistik-Professor Alexander Lasch hostet in diesem Podcast, stellvertretend, Inhalte, die Studierende im Rahmen von Lehrveranstaltungen für ihre Kommiliton:innen produziert haben. Der Podcast widmet sich nicht nur linguistischen Themen, sondern gibt auch Anregungen für die Produktion eigener Podcasts.
Zum Podcast lasch not least
Excellence Explained – cutting-edge research for everyone
57 Clusters of Excellence – one podcast: Excellence Explained reports regularly from one of the research alliances funded by the Excellence Strategy of the German state and federal governments.
Cities of EUTOPIA: Dresden
In this journey through the cities of Eutopia, Alexander Kästner and Kirsten Vincenz from TU Dresden provide a glimpse into the history and research activities of the city.
We would also be happy to add your podcast to this list to promote your program. We would love to hear from you.
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Str. 69, Building C
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Sachgebiet 7.2 Nöthnitzer Str. 69
01069 Dresden
Produce and promote your own podcast
SLUB podcast studio
Are you interested in making your own podcast? For a professional finish and helpful tips, you can use the SLUB’s podcast studio. As a SLUB member, you can gain access to the studio after completing the introductory course and can use the high-quality equipment there.
Presenting your podcast on the internet
Do you already have a podcast and want to promote it on the TU Dresden website? We’ve created a template for podcast pages in the internal area. If you would like to use this template, please contact web support and ask for a copy in your web area.
Visiting address:
Standort Nöthnitzer Straße, 4. OG, Raum 462 Nöthnitzer Straße 69
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Directorate Strategy and Communication,
Unit Web and Video
01062 Dresden
Office hours:
Web support must unfortunately remain closed in January 2025.