Members of TU Dresden regularly have the opportunity to take part in various empowerment, awareness-raising and exchange formats.
Current offer
Argumentation training against regulars' table slogans // 04.04.2025 9 am to 1 pm
Regular offer
The following content is regularly offered as part of the complaints office's anti-discrimination work:
Workshop: Small action training against discrimination (for students)
Workshop: Prevention of violence and anti-discrimination at the university (for employees)
Workshop: Just individual cases? Dealing with sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence at TU Dresden (for students)
Workshop: UniSAFE - Dealing with sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence at TU Dresden (for employees)
Events as part of the International Weeks against Racism (March/April)
Events as part of the International Day against Homo-, Bi-, Inter- and Transphobia and Hostility (May 17)
Events as part of the International Day against Violence against Women/gender-specific violence (November 25)
Argumentation training against regulars' table slogans
April 4, 2025, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., digital
The workshop offers exercises that playfully test both situational action and useful communication techniques in order to counter dull slogans, flat slogans and prejudices - often spoken casually and uninhibitedly - in an argumentative, confident and appropriate manner. The exercises are supported by a wealth of information and materials. This gives you the opportunity to deal intensively with slogans and to practice ways of speaking and behaving that lead out of powerless silence. In addition, this workshop concept, originally developed by Klaus-Peter Hufer, increases individual discourse skills and encourages more tolerance in order to stand up for a civil political culture.
Trainer: Jürgen Schlicher (Jürgen Schlicher has been working in the field of diversity management, non-discrimination and interculturalization training for 30 years)
The digital workshop will be held in German spoken language.
Registration at: or via Opal
Workshop: Small action training against discrimination (for students)
We encounter discriminatory behavior everywhere - it is part of everyday life and does not stop at the lecture halls, the cafeteria, SLUB and the office and laboratory doors of TU Dresden. The spectrum of forms is diverse and ranges from suggestive looks, gestures, slogans and text messages to physical assaults - sometimes more, sometimes less subtle. Despite or precisely because of the large presence of transgressive situations in our everyday study and work life, such assaults often leave us speechless, they make us feel powerless and small. To change this, we will learn different strategies in this workshop on how we can set clear, especially verbal, boundaries against discriminatory behavior - both as those directly affected and as those present. We will try out their practical application in role-playing games and thus create a basis for ensuring that there is no room for crossing boundaries even one step further in the future.
About the trainer
Maja Steinhaus is a political education officer and trainer for constructive conflict management. Her work focuses on the empowerment of those affected by discrimination and on short and long-term process support in the development of discrimination-sensitive organizational structures. As she knows how difficult it is to actively oppose discrimination, she provides plenty of time and space in her workshops for exchange and - very importantly - practise, practise, practise!
The workshop takes place in German spoken language in a low-barrier room.
Dates 2025
19.05.2025// 3-6 p.m.
27.10.2025 // 3-6 p.m.
Workshop: Violence prevention and anti-discrimination at the university (for employees)
In this interactive digital short workshop for TUD employees, you will gain a practical insight into the many facets of harassment, discrimination and violence in everyday university life. Together, we will create a safe space in which you can share and reflect on your experiences - not only to identify challenges, but also to develop sustainable, resource-oriented intervention strategies.
Learn about the definitions and statistical background to harassment, discrimination and violence and understand how these phenomena occur at universities. You will also gain a comprehensive overview of anti-discrimination work at TUD, including the relevant guidelines and the TU Dresden's counseling and complaint channels. Through participant-centered exercises, case work and self-reflective tools, you will develop your own intervention strategies for everyday university life and reflect on how tolerance, criticism and conflict skills can be strengthened at universities.
The location of the workshop is barrier-free accessible.
About the trainer
Anja Wiede is the contact person at TU Dresden's complaints office for incidents of harassment, discrimination and violence. She is a certified mediator, trainer for feminist self-assertion and a specialist against sexualized violence in the workplace (Inmedio).
15.05.2025 // 9am - 11am (German) To registration
23.05.2025 // 9am - 11am (English) To registration
07.11.2025 // 9am - 11am (German)
07.11.2025 // 1 pm - 3 pm (English)
(further dates for your own workshop group can be requested)
Workshop: Just individual cases? Dealing with sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence at TU Dresden (for students)
Imagine you are sitting in a lecture hall and notice how someone is confronted with derogatory and offensive comments because of their gender. What do you think? What do you do?
Sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence are prohibited at TU Dresden. This workshop is therefore aimed at everyone, as it shows how to intervene actively and safely in such situations.
We start with a clear introduction to key terms and background information - based on current studies and statistical data - which help to understand sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence in their various forms.
Using examples from everyday university life, you will learn which contact points, counseling services and guidelines are available at your university and how they can help you in an emergency.
In interactive exercises, role plays and case analyses, you will develop specific intervention strategies. You will learn to recognize warning signs early on and to intervene effectively as a courageous witness (bystander) - regardless of traditional role attributions.
Through discussions in small groups, you will reflect on your own attitude, existing prejudices and insecurities. In this way, you will raise awareness of how each individual can take responsibility to counteract sexualized violence.
About the trainer
Anja Wiede is the contact person at TU Dresden's complaints office for incidents of harassment, discrimination and violence. She is a certified mediator, trainer for feminist self-assertion and a specialist against sexualized violence in the workplace (Inmedio).
23.05.25 // 1-4 p.m. h (German)
26.05.25 // 4 - 7 p.m. (English)
24.11.25 // 4 - 7 p.m. (German)
01.12.25 // 4 - 7 pm (English)
(further dates for your own workshop group can be requested)
Workshop: UniSAFE - Dealing with sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence at TU Dresden (for employees)
With its active participation in the Unisafe research project, TU Dresden is addressing the phenomenon of sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence at universities. The workshop begins with an in-depth overview of key terms, statistical figures and the most important results of the UniSAFE study.
Participants will reflect on their own attitudes and possible prejudices. The focus is on the wide range of support options available: Even if not all those affected are directly affected by sexualized harassment, discrimination and violence, many find themselves in the role of "bystander".
In the sense of a joint assumption of responsibility, the participants develop concrete, personalized intervention strategies to actively and safely intervene in everyday university life.
About the trainer
Anja Wiede is the contact person at TU Dresden's complaints office for incidents of harassment, discrimination and violence. She is a certified mediator, trainer for feminist self-assertion and a specialist against sexualized violence in the workplace (Inmedio).
13.06.2025 // 9 am -12 pm (German) To registration
13.06.2025 // 1 pm - 4 pm (English) To registration
27.11.2025 // 9 am - 12 pm (German)
27.11.2025 // 1 pm - 4 pm (English)
(further dates for your own workshop group can be requested)
Events as part of the International Weeks against Racism
TU Dresden is firmly opposed to racism and is committed to mutual respect and social cohesion. That is why the university is participating in the International Weeks against Racism with various racism- and self-critical events.
Program 2025
Program 2024
Program 2023
Program 2022
Events as part of the International Day against Homo-, Bi-, Inter- and Transphobia and Hostility
The International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Inter- and Transphobia and Hostility is celebrated worldwide on May 17. The day was established in 2004 to draw attention to the violence and discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people with different sexual orientations, gender identities or expressions and gender characteristics. After the Progressive Pride Flag was raised at TU Dresden for the first time on 17 May 2022, TU Dresden is now also participating with various awareness-raising and empowerment formats.
Program 2025
Program 2024
Program 2023
Program 2022
Events as part of the International Day against Violence against Women/gender-specific violence

Das Rektorat leuchtet in orange
November 25 was declared by the United Nations as the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women". TU Dresden also uses this day of action to draw attention to gender-specific violence.