Research project: Global Survey of Business Ethics (GSBE)
In the past decades, business ethics around the world has developed into an academic
institution of its own with chairs, societies, study programs and journals. In the context of these developments, however, it is unclear what specific content discussed in teaching and training as well as in academic discourse under the rubric of business ethics and what changes have occurred in recent years. In order to investigate this problem, an international research initiative was already established at the end of the 1990s with the objective to examine the teaching and research discourse of business ethics from a global comparative perspective, titled Global Survey Business Ethics (GSBE). Results of this survey have already been published in leading international media of the research discourse (especially in the Journal of Business Ethics). In 2023/24, the third survey wave of the GSBE will now take place. Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Michael Aßländer and PD Dr. Eckhard Burkatzki and in cooperation with research partners from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the Chair of Business Management, esp. Responsible Management is leading the DACH region part of this survey. The findings of the study are to be published in national and international journals and discussed with companies and business leaders in the context of science-practice dialogues - organized, for example, by the German Network (DNWE e.V.) or the Schmalenbach Society. |