UNI Inclusive - Your individual visiting day
The Dresden University of Technology offers prospective students with disabilities or chronic illnesses a variety of support options for successful studies.
On your individually organized visiting day, possibilities of digital and structural accessibility can be tested on site and advice will be given on the choice of study and support possibilities in everyday life.
To arrange your individual visiting day, please contact Mrs. Mandy Weickert by phone or mail:
NameMs Mandy Weickert
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Nöthnitzer Straße 46, APB 1102
01187 Dresden
Ausgewählte Informationsvideos zum Studieren an der TU Dresden
In these videos, individual departments of the TU Dresden present themselves briefly:
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
In these videos, individual faculties/programs of the TU Dresden briefly introduce themselves:
Architecture | Landscape Architecture (UNI Day 2020 Video)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Materials Technology
Institute of Materials Science
Faculty of Business and Economics
Mechatronics (introductory project)
Medicine (model course)
Medical students introduce themselves