Information about inclusion at the TU from A to Z
The representatives for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses support you in a variety of matters concerning your studies and everyday life. On this page you will find helpful information, definitions and suggestions on various topics concerning equal participation and inclusion at the TU Dresden.
Table of contents
- General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
- Assistance dogs
- Working Group Services Disabiliy and Studies (AG SBS)
- Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG)
- Representative of the TU Dresden
- Handicapped accessible library
- Counseling centers
- Leave of absence
- Equal opportunities
- Campus Navigator
- Integration assistance
- Equality
- Equality concept of the TU Dresden
- Interest Group for Studies and Disability (IGB)
- Mentoring at the TU Dresden
- Nightline Dresden
- Compensation for disadvantages
- Peer-Counceling
- Rest rooms at the TU Dresden
- Find and enter wheelchair accessible locations
- Social counselling
- Student Council (StuRa)
- Student Union
- Academic counseling
- Disabled Persons' Representative Body
- University with child
- Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) protects the citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany against discrimination in any form. Persons who feel restricted, disadvantaged or discriminated against under the following aspects can make use of the AGG:
- Ethnic origin
- Gender and sexual identity/orientation
- Religion and Worldview
- Disability and illness
- Age
In the case of discrimination with regard to social origin as well as property, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union must also be applied. Further information as well as the complete german text of the AGG can be found on the website "Gesetze im Internet".
Assistance dogs
Assistance dogs are specially trained to offer humans with chronic impairments lifelong support. They are granted access according to §12 BGG.
Further information provides the website
Working Group Services Disabiliy and Studies (AG SBS)
Since 1990, the Working Group Services Disability and Studies (AG SBS) has been offering support for barriers and problems due to disability during studies. As an important pillar in the inclusion concept of the University of Excellence, the AG SBS is one of the first points of contact for students and employees.
You can find more information on the website of the Working Group.
Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG)
Many students often do not know how to finance their studies. BAföG is one way to secure their livelihood and education. Within the standard period of study of college and university education, financial support is regularly granted on application as a half interest-free loan.
Information on BAföG can be obtained from the advice centers of the Studentenwerk and the Student Council.
Representative of the TU Dresden
[Title names in german]
- Anti-Korruptionsbeauftragte: Frau Mario Felicitas Roth
- Ausländerbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. phil. Stefan Horlacher
- Beauftragte für Biologische Sicherheit: Dr. rer.nat Britta Schilling
- Beauftragter für Informationssicherheit der TU Dresden: Matthias Rack
- Beauftragter für Informationssicherheit der Uniklinik Carl Gustav Carus: Mike Zimmermann
- Beauftragte für Studierende mit Behinderung und chronischer Erkrankung: Prof. Dr. Gesine Marquardt / Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Gerhard Weber
- Berufungsbeauftragte: Kathrin Dietzmann
- Betriebsbeauftragte für Abfall und Gewässerschutz / Immissionsschutzbeauftragter / Gefahrgutbeauftragter: Christian Belosa / René Hennig (Mail zum Umweltschutz TU Dresden)
- Brandschutzbeauftragte: Aimee Krause
- Datenschutzbeauftragter der TU Dresden: Jens Syckor
- Datenschutzbeauftragte der Uniklinik Carl Gustav Carus: Katrin Piehler
- Gleichstellungsbeauftragte und Frauenbeauftragte: Dr. Jutta Eckhardt
- Inklusionsbeauftragte des Arbeitgebers: Regina Hartung / Martin Heidemann
- Strahlenschutzbeauftragter: Dr. Steffen Taut
- Tierschutzbeauftragte: Dr. Kerstin Brüchner
- Umweltmanagementbeauftragte: Katrin Brömmer
Handicapped accessible library
For many students, the Dresden State and Regional Library (SLUB) is a central hub of their everyday study life. In order to meet the needs of all visitors, the SLUB offers a lot of information on how to get there as well as on inclusive measures such as barrier-free access or workplaces for the blind. Further information can be found in the area of the SLUB library for the disabled.
Counseling centers
The counseling compass allows you to search for counseling services. One of the selection options is "Disability and chronic illnesses"
Leave of absence
Students can apply for two or more semesters of leave for reasons of disability or illness
Equal opportunities
Article 3 of the German Constitution states that no one shall be disadvantaged or favored on the basis of his or her individual circumstances. The principle of equal opportunities states that there is no place for any discrimination in all areas of economic, social, cultural and family life and that equality between the sexes is striven for. Free development and equal opportunities for education should therefore be available to all people.
Campus Navigator
Orientation is one of the greatest challenges for people with disabilities and diseases. For this reason, the TU Dresden has developed the interactive information system "Campus-Navigator", a tool for everyone to gather information on how to get there, barrier-free access and other necessary details.
Integration assistance
Regarding integration assistance for disabled people, § 75 para. 2 no. 3 and no. 4 SGB IX mention financial support for attending a university as a benefit for participation in education. These benefits are supplemented by benefits for social participation according to §§ 76 ff. SGB IX.
The benefits include:
- technical aids for the execution of the study,
- communication aids,
- communication or study assistance,
- travel costs to the university,
- financing of measures in the living environment, also disability-related, higher housing costs
- benefits for leisure activities,
- disability sports benefits,
- transportation services.
BAGüS recommendation (in German):
The goal of equality is to enable disadvantaged population groups (women or ethnic minorities) to lead an equally self-determined and discrimination-free life. Through targeted measures, the living conditions and opportunities of marginalized groups are to be improved and brought into line with the living conditions of the majority society in terms of social justice. (see also [Women's/Equal Opportunities Officer])
Equality concept of the TU Dresden
Equality plans generally focus on increasing the proportion of women in the workforce, improving their training and continuing education, enforcing equal rights in filling qualified positions, and measures to improve the compatibility of work and family life. The enforcement of equality is the task of equal opportunity commissioners (see [Women's/Equal Opportunity Commissioner]), who exist in companies and in the public sector. Information on the equality concept of the TU Dresden can be found on this website.
Interest Group for Studies and Disability (IGB)
The Interest Group for Studies and Disability (IGB) has been representing the interests of people with disabilities and diseases at the TU Dresden for years. The network of different participant fields from the university's cosmos come together in monthly meetings and find solutions for upcoming problems. Further information about the IGB can be found on the BfSB overview page.
Mentoring at the TU Dresden
It is not easy to start a career. After usually five years of school-bench or better university-bench-pressing, it is hard to imagine how everyday life should look like without lectures, without learning, without professors and without canteen. In the minds of the graduates, questions like: Can I manage to start my career? How do I get exactly the job I want? Which job actually fills me up? How do I pass such a job interview? What are my strengths and how can I better emphasize them? The mentoring program of TU Dresden provides practical insights, creates company contacts, builds networks between students and companies, and gives the opportunity for individual career planning.
Nightline Dresden
Nightline Dresden (website) a student listening telephone from students for students. It offers students an open ear for any kind of problems that currently concern them: Currently every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 21 to 1 o'clock.
Compensation for disadvantages
In Germany there are regulations on assistance for disabled people to compensate for disadvantages or additional expenses caused by disability (disadvantage compensation). A few selected examples and the relevant advice centers on the subject of compensation for disadvantages are listed on the page "Information on compensation for disadvantages".
Counseling at eye level - For many students and staff:inside this is the only way to get the necessary support for their time at TU Dresden. Since 2018 the TU Dresden offers peer counselling with Dipl.-Päd. Anja Winkler. You can find more information about this counselling on the website of the AG SBS.
Rest rooms at the TU Dresden
At the TU Dresden there are numerous possibilities to escape the stress of work and study for a moment. Students and staff can retreat and relax in these quiet rooms - with or without disabilities or illnesses. A detailed overview of the rest rooms at the TU Dresden can be found on the BfSB overview page.
Find and enter wheelchair accessible locations is a map for wheelchair accessible places. Anyone can easily find, enter and change places - just like Wikipedia. A simple traffic light system marks the wheelchair accessible places according to the following criteria:
Wheelchair accessible: Yes
Entrance: infinitely variable
Rooms: all continuously variable accessible (e.g. all cinema halls)
If toilets are available: Wheelchair toilet also available (considerably wider than a normal WC cabin)
Wheelchair accessible: Partially
Entrance: maximum one step, not higher than 7 cm (about a hand width)
Rooms: the most important ones are infinitely accessible (e.g. selected movie theaters)
Toilets: any
Wheelchair accessible: No
Entrance: higher than 7 cm (about a hand width)
Rooms: the most important ones are not continuously accessible
The status is still unknown and must be assigned.
Social counselling
The social counselling service offers advice, help and important information - be it in financial emergencies, study stress, psychological problems, legal conflicts, etc. Also expectant mothers, students with children, foreign students and students with handicaps find help here. [Studentenwerk] and [Nightline Dresden] offer such social counseling.
Student Council (StuRa)
The Student Council of the TU Dresden (website) is a student body that offers advice on the following topics:
- BAföG
- Teaching & Study
- Second home tax
- Legal advice
- Counseling for foreigners
- Job & Study
- Advice on applications and funding opportunities
- Counseling for handicapped/chronically ill students
- Military service advice
- Sects advice
- Equality policy
For more information, please visit
Student Union
The services offered by the Studentenwerk (website) range from financing studies, providing meals in the refectories and cafeterias, as well as housing in the dormitories, to cultural sponsorship, from day care for student children to social, legal and psychotherapeutic counseling. Contact persons for individual refectories can be found in the section Facilities at the TU Dresden, subheading Refectories.
Academic counseling
The student counselling service (website) covers the counselling of students during the entire course of study. The advisors give advice on specialization possibilities, study techniques, selection and allocation of goal-oriented courses, participation in projects, study success controls, changes of study subject and study location, preparation for exams, degree variants, possible supplementary studies at the faculties, possibilities of anticipating exams, etc.
Disabled Persons' Representative Body
The Severely Disabled Persons Representative (website) of the TU Dresden has the following tasks:
- to promote the employment of disabled persons (see also SGB IX § 81 (1) sentence 6)
- to advise and help the handicapped people
- to supervise the observance of the laws (especially regarding SGB IX § 71, § 72, § 81 - § 84)
- to apply for preventive measures (see also SGB IX § 84)
- to clarify problems of disabled people with the employer
- to prevent dismissals of disabled employees (see also SGB IX § 85-§ 92)
- to support the handicapped persons in the organization of the job (see also SGB IX § 81 (4) sentence 4 and 5).
University with child
The main goals of the initiative "Uni mit Kind" (website ) are
- Establishment of a campus office "Uni mit Kind" of the Studentenwerk and the TU Dresden for advice, seminars and help around this topic,
- the expansion and flexible scheduling of childcare services at the TU Dresden locations,
- Additional changing and nursing rooms in the buildings of the TU Dresden,
- Active support for female students and doctoral candidates as well as for undergraduate and postgraduate students when starting a career with child(ren),
- Detailed as-is analysis and target agreement on the topic of family-friendly TU Dresden and
- Scientific monitoring and evaluation of the initiative.
Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)
The Central Academic Advisory Service (website ) of the TU Dresden offers information and advice on all questions regarding studying: study requirements, study opportunities, degrees, application and admission procedures and more.