Clonality of hematopoietic reconstitution: old versus young grafts in elderly recipients (lessons from mouse)
We are intrigued by the question how individual stem cells and their progeny contribute to the sustained function of the hematopoietic system while at the same time maintaining their own population. Clonal marking strategies, such as the use of genetic barcodes, developed into a powerful method for tracking single clones in marked population cells over time. On the one hand we have a strong interest in the bioinformatical analysis of the resulting next generation sequencing data, while on the other hand we are applying a range of techniques to statistically describe and model these clonal behaviors.
Involved scientists
Note: The following content is from
Jackstädt Stiftung
als Vorarbeiten:
- DKH "Quantitative Analysen und Modellierung zur Klonalität der Entstehung und des Rezidivs akuter und chronischer Leukämien im Maussystem durch Einzelzell-Barcoding" (FKZ: 110620)