Professional Training
Table of contents
TU Dresden offers staff and early-career researchers a broad range of continuing education and consultation services. Get inspired by our continuing education courses, practical ideas, and discussions with colleagues.
In their newsletter, the team from the Center for Continuing Education provides information about current trends and developments and offers inspiration for your everyday work.
Subscribe to the newsletter (Internal Area)
Communication and collaboration
Communication and conflict management
Our range of continuing education workshops on communication can help you strengthen your own communication skills, promote competency in conflict management and leadership, and improve collaboration within your team. Communication workshops
At TU Dresden, you can acquire the knowledge, methodological competence and soft skills necessary to offer qualified advice in a university setting. Learn to act with professionalism with a focus on trust, empathy and respect for all colleagues and clients.
Language and intercultural competence
TU Dresden has taken numerous measures to promote internationalism. Language courses, intercultural workshops and professional stays abroad are all possible. The SprInt program features a diverse range of opportunities to learn a foreign language and complete intercultural training. Language and intercultural training courses
Diversity and anti-discrimination
As our working and research environments become increasingly complex, TU Dresden would like to offer all staff a range of opportunities and ensure that everyone profits from the potential available here. Improving participation at TU Dresden requires a proactive approach that guarantees beneficial conditions for everyone. Diversity and anti-discrimination courses
At TU Dresden, sustainable action is understood to consist of three aspects: ecology, social issues, and economics. Within the context of an education for sustainable development (ESD), TUD provides programs to strengthen, motivate and inspire lecturers and staff. Sustainability courses
Leadership programs
TU Dresden supports those in leadership positions with special workshops, networking opportunities and individualized advice. The YouProf program supports junior and tenure-track professors with scientifically sound, practical workshops for professionalizing their leadership, communication, management and university-level teaching skills. The “Women Leading in Academia” program offers women who are professors a tailored qualification program to strengthen their leadership skills and broaden their networks.
Coaching, team coaching, mediation
The Center for Continuing Education (ZfW) supports staff in leadership positions – in particular newly appointed professors as well as junior and tenure-track professors – in professional matters and matters beyond their field of expertise with individualized coaching from external trainers. Doctoral students and postdocs can receive coaching from the Graduate Academy (GA). As part of conflict management at TU Dresden, a pool of mediators is available in cooperation with the Health Service and ZfW, who can be commissioned if required. For people with disabilities and chronic illnesses, we also offer individual coaching in 2024 with a focus on work organization as well as task and stress management.
Project Work
A project requires effective collaboration between the project leaders, the team and the stakeholders. A number of continuing education courses and workshops are available to help you familiarize yourself with the various tasks, challenges and support processes surrounding (third-party) projects and to successfully master them. Project work courses
For support in applying for publicly funded projects, see third-party funding.
Digital literacy
Artificial Intelligence
Work with artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly shaping research, teaching and administration - and opening up new opportunities in all disciplines. AI can be used to optimize processes, drive innovative projects and actively shape the digital transformation.
To the AI training course
Software training courses
Digitalization is increasingly shaping our working lives. That is why it is essential to be able to use the latest software with confidence. TUD’s own software training courses offer you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills. The comprehensive training courses offered at the center for continuing education of the Free State of Saxony at the HSF Meißen round off the programs and services on offer. Software training courses
Administrative processes
Lecture series: The University as a place of work
The “In Focus – The University as a place of work” lecture series provides insight into various topics which are relevant to work at TUD. The topics covered range from human resources to external funding management to health, just to name a few. The University as a place of work lecture series (OPAL)
Legal basis
At TU Dresden, there are various further education and advisory services on the subject of conducting examinations with legal certainty. Continuing education in examination law
TU Dresden understands compliance as the responsible adherence to all legal provisions and TU-internal regulations. Compliance should be a key component of daily practice for all students and staff at TU Dresden. With its measures and structures, the Compliance Management System aims to ensure trust in teaching, research, transfer and administration and to provide reliable and trustworthy contacts for those affected. The compliance management system and its areas of action are presented as part of the “University as a workplace” lecture series. The areas of action also include export control.
- University workplace lecture series (OPAL)
- E-Learning: Export Control in Science and Academia (OPAL)
- Online lecture: Export control risks and dual use in international scientific collaborations (GER)
- Antikorruption II – Einladungen und Bewirtung
- Events in the context of anti-discrimination work
- Antikorruption I – Belohnungen, Geschenke und sonstige Vorteile
- Compliance und Compliance Management an der TUD
- Anti-discrimination and prevention of violence at the university
- UniSAFE - Dealing with genderbased harassment, discrimination and violence at the university
Skills for entering the job market outside of academia
The Graduate Academy and Postdoc Center provide tailor-made support for early-career researchers in acquiring relevant interdisciplinary skills for a successful entry into the job market outside academia.
Courses by month
Is there a particular month when you would like to participate in a continuing education course? Visit our courses by month website to see a chronological list of continuing education courses.
Independent learning
Do you want to complete continuing education courses when it works best for you? Our online independent learning programs offer maximum flexibility.
- Toolbox Unconscious Bias
The toolbox offers helpful and interesting information as well as impulses in the form of link collections to videos and further (learning) offers. - E-learning courses on science communication (offered by NaWik, subject to a fee)
E-Learnings in German:
E-Learnings in German:
- E-Learning: Laterale Führung – Erfolgreich führen ohne Vorgesetztenfunktion
- E-Learning: Die Führungskraft als Coach und Personalentwicklerin
- E-Learning: Change Management - Veränderungsprozesse erfolgreich gestalten:
Online-Schulung zur präventiven und repressiven Korruptionsbekämpfung
Die Online-Schulung zur präventiven und repressiven Korruptionsbekämpfung wurde für alle Bediensteten des Freistaates Sachsen konzipiert und gehört seit 2015 zu den Selbstlern-Modulen aus dem Weiterbildungsprogramm des Fortbildungszentrums der Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung und Rechtspflege Meißen (FH). Bei Teilnahmewunsch senden Sie bitte eine formlose E-Mail an den Antikorruptionsbeauftragten, der Ihnen dann den Link zum Modul zusendet.
Export Control in Science and Academia
E-learning on terms, definitions, structure of export control as well as practical examples and sanctions in the event of misconduct.
Duration: 3 modules, each lasting approx. 20-30 minutes
Completion: Certificate of attendance
Copyright law in university teaching and classes (GER)
Educational resources on copyright in higher education from a teacher's perspective. This course focuses on sharing short videos and on the provision of and handling of Open Educational Resources (OER).
Compensation for disadvantages in exams – what teachers need to know (GER)
Presentation by Dr. Maike Gattermann-Kasper (Representative for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses – Universität Hamburg)
E-Learning: Fit for Equal Treatment (GER)
Offered by the Meissen Training Center (FoBiZ)
- Basic module (for all employees) 60 minutes; with certificate of participation
- Advanced module (for managers) 30 minutes; with certificate of participation
E-Learning: Classic project management – planning projects successfully (GER)
required learning time: 90 minutes (plus time needed to complete the transfer tasks); with certificate of attendance
E-Learning: Classic project management – managing projects successfully (GER)
Required learning time: 80 minutes (plus time needed to complete the transfer tasks); with certificate of attendance
E-Learning: Agile project management – the basics
Required learning time: 70 minutes, with certificate of participation
E-Learning: Didactic foundations for the effective transfer of knowledge
Required learning time: 60 minutes (plus time needed to complete the transfer tasks); with certificate of attendance
- SAP 0 introductory course – E-Learning for staff of TU Dresden
(Additional courses are held on site)
Required learning time: 60 – 90 minutes; with certificate - Self-learning Academy IT security for staff of TU Dresden
Additional programs
Directorate 2 – Personnel organizes specialist or workplace-specific measures as needed. Contacts
The center for continuing education of the Free State of Saxony at the HSF Meißen provides comprehensive programs, e.g. on the following topics:
- Management
- Communication
- EU/Internationalization/Languages
- Legal topics
- IT/Economic management
- Interdisciplinarity/Demography/Psychiatry
All important information on how to register for and participate in these continuing education courses can be found on the Directorate 2 website on continuing education (ZIH login)